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Beth yw ystyr bod yn Ddinesydd Byd-eang ? Global Citizenship – what is it?

Explore the concept of global citizenship and steps individuals can take to promote a fairer world. Reflect on inequality and poverty, and discover ways to contribute to a more just society. Engage with thought-provoking quotes and resources to inspire action.

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Beth yw ystyr bod yn Ddinesydd Byd-eang ? Global Citizenship – what is it?

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  1. Beth ywystyr bod ynDdinesyddByd-eang?Global Citizenship – what is it?

  2. Amcanion Aims • Deallbethywystyr bod ynddinesyddbyd-eang • Deall pa gamau gall unigolyneucymerydermwynhyrwyddotegwchbydeang • Understand what it means to be a global citizen • Understand what steps an individual can take to promote a fairer world

  3. Pa agweddau o fywydydychchi’ngredusyddyncaeleucynnwysyn y term DinesyddByd-eang • What aspects of life do you think are included in the term Global Citizenship?

  4. Beth ywystyr bod ynddinesyddbydeang? • What does it mean to be a global citizen

  5. “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal” Thomas Jefferson (US Declaration of Independence, 1776)

  6. Meddyliwch am enghreifftiau o anhegwchneuanghyfartaleddcyfleynynbyd • Think of examples where you can see unfairness or inequality of opportunity in the world

  7. “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal” Martin Luther King (US Civil Right Rally, 1963)

  8. Mae annhegwch yn bodoli mewn llawer ystyr a llawer man drwy’r byd • OXFAM

  9. International Aid What is it and how much do we pay?

  10. What is poverty? $1.25

  11. What is poverty? • Poverty is not natural. It is man-made” • Nelson Mandela • If you want to do something and have no power to do it, it is talauchi (poverty). • Nigeria - research by Deepa Narayan • The deprivation of basic capabilities rather than merely as lowness of incomes. • Amartya Sen

  12. Promises, promises…

  13. Different types of Aid Charitable Aid Government Aid

  14. How much?

  15. Does Aid Work? Follow this link: http://vimeo.com/34074760

  16. Thanks for listening… … and over to you!

  17. Beth allwch chi eiwneud?What can you do? • Meddyliwch am beth y gallwchwneudigaelbydmwyteg • Think of actions that you could take that might help to achieve a fairer world

  18. Mae annhegwch yn bodoli mewn llawer ystyr a llawer man drwy’rbyd • Ein dyletswydd ni yw ceisio meddwl fel ddinesydd byd-eang er mwyn tegwch i bawb yn y byd

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