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A health care victory for the HISPANIC community: impacts of the affordable care act by Steve del Castillo, phd. adelante con la salud: latino health care engagement project. Health Disparities Within the Colorado Latino Population: A Life Cycle View.
A health care victory for the HISPANIC community: impacts of the affordable care actby Steve del Castillo, phd adelante con la salud: latino health care engagement project
Health Disparities Within the Colorado Latino Population: A Life Cycle View Compared to other groups, Latinos have the highest health disparities in areas such as: • Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes (e.g., infant mortality, perinatal mortality, low-weight births) • Children’s Health (e.g., obesity & oral health) • Youth ( e.g., suicide; teen fertility rates; gonorrhea age 10-17) • Adults (e.g., life expectancy @ birth; obesity, diabetes mortality, cervical cancer)
Status of Health Care for Latinos: Results of Colorado Health Assessment Survey (CHAS): 2011 Barriers to Accessing Health Care On average, Latinos were 40% more likely than Non-Latinos to • Have problems Trying To Get Health Care • Not Receive Needed Care Due to Costs • Have Problems Paying or Unable to Pay Any Medical Bills
What Hispanics know about Obamacare • In Colorado, 69% of Hispanics find Obamacare confusing and complicated. • 54% of Colorado Hispanics can’t name one policy that is part of Obamacare. • Need for targeted outreach and education
Why the ACA Matters For Hispanics • In April 2013 Latino Decisions conducted a poll with Colorado Hispanics and found that 31% of Hispanics lacked health insurance at some time in the past year • Twenty percent of low-income Hispanic youth have gone a year without a visiting a health care provider. • Half of all Hispanics do not have a regular doctor (US Census 2012) • In 2011, one in three Hispanic women were uninsured (14 million Hispanics in the US) making them the largest group of women in the US without health insurance.
The Research Sponsors: Adelante con la Salud Latino: Latino Health Care Engagement Project Latino Decisions • 401 self-identified Latino adults • No screen on citizenship or voter registration • Conducted April 11-16, 2013 • All respondents selected at random • Landline and cell-phone only households included along with on-line web sample • Nominal margin of error is +/- 4.9% • Interviews in Spanish or English at subject’s discretion
Perceptions of the ACA How much do you know about the Affordable Care Act, sometimes called Obamacare? Source: Adelante con la Salud /Latino Decisions National Health Care Survey, April 11-16 (N=401)
Health Care Costs for Families In the past year has the total amount you pay for your family's health care increased, decreased, or remained the same? Source: Adelante con la Salud /Latino Decisions National Health Care Survey, April 11-16 (N=401)
Undocumented Immigrants & the ACA Regardless of what you’ve heard about the law, do you think undocumented immigrants should be able to access ACA benefits? Source: Adelante con la Salud /Latino Decisions National Health Care Survey, April 11-16 (N=401)
ACA Information Language Preference Which language(s) would you prefer to receive information about the new health care law? Source: Adelante con la Salud /Latino Decisions National Health Care Survey, April 11-16 (N=401)
Preferred ACA Information Format Source: Adelante con la Salud /Latino Decisions National Health Care Survey, April 11-16 (N=401)
Trusted sources of information Source: Adelante con la Salud /Latino Decisions National Health Care Survey, April 11-16 (N=401)
ACA already at work for Hispanics • 8.2 million Hispanics who have private insurance now have access to expanded preventive services without additional cost-sharing
Prevention and Obamacare • Services that are covered with no-cost sharing if you have private health insurance include: • Well-child visits • Blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol screenings • Pap tests and mammograms for women • Flu shots for adults and children • Breast feeding supplies • Alcohol misuse screening and counseling • STD screenings
Expanding Access to CommunityHealth Centers • Colorado was awarded$104,071,213 to help expand services. 175 health centers are providing preventive and primary health care services to 474,241 people. • In 2009, close to 35% of patients served by community health centerswere Hispanic
More Culturally Responsive Care • Increase health care workforce from communities of color through scholarship and loan repayment opportunities for people who commit to work in medically underserved areas
More Culturally Responsive Care Current State Opportunities because of the ACA • People with limited English proficiency are less likely to have a regular source of care and get preventive care • Less satisfied with quality of care Cultural responsive training among health care providers to better address the needs of Hispanics
Expanding Coverage for Hispanics • Hispanics have the most to gain from health care reform • Estimates from RAND suggest that by 2016, 5.4 million Latinas/os will gain healthcare coverage whowould otherwise be uninsured
For More Information steved@multiculturalleadershipcenter.com 303-881-4344 AdelanteconlaSalud @AdelanteSalud /