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Italian Coast Guard Headquarters. ECGFA-net III Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Coast Guard Functions. Manuela Costone Closing Seminar Helsinki - 11 July 2019. Main challenges. Adoption of SQFCGF Quality assurance Involvement of stakeholders Development of NQFs.
Italian Coast Guard Headquarters ECGFA-net IIISectoral Qualifications Framework for Coast Guard Functions Manuela Costone Closing Seminar Helsinki - 11 July 2019
Main challenges • Adoption of SQFCGF • Quality assurance • Involvement of stakeholders • Development of NQFs
Adoption of the SQFCGF: methodology • Working paper on the Management of the SQF • Overview on the neededactions • Apex Body and variables: nature, composition, tasks, functioning, equipment, funding • Lessons learned, case studies, state of the art in the implementation of EQF, NQFs and SQFs
Adoption of the SQFCGF: conclusions • Coast Guard sector has many specificities related to its complexity both in content (10 functions divided into sub-sectors and activities) and in the institutional framework (highly regulated institutional framework and mixed civilian/military status). • The adoption, governance and management of the SQFCGFs should take into account the peculiarities of the sector, as well as the resources available in order to guarantee its concrete implementation in the future.
Qualityassurance: methodology • Mapping of national quality assurance systems by a dedicated survey • Guidelines on quality assurance, in order to facilitate the cooperation and exchange of good practices, as well as fix reliable minimum quality standards for the SQFCGF.
Qualityassurance: conclusions • QA is a key tool to increase mutual trust and qualitative appreciable developments of the SQFCGF. The use of the SQFCGF and its future implementation are strictly tied with SQFCGF capability to ensure a continuous consultation and cooperation mechanism. • Considering that the SQFCGF is a meta-framework, the concrete quality assurance of the recognition of sectoral qualifications is rooted in the measures adopted at national level. • There is a relevant attention to quality assurance and assessment amongst the organisations involved in Coast Guard functions. All the Coast Guard authorities involved in the project showed a good attention to the QA in their training systems. • QA is not performed in a consistent approach among different organization and countries. In addition, a more international (European) approach and use is encouraged. • It is necessary to have full transparency on the qualifications released at national level and how they fit in the SQFCGF.
Involvement of stakeholders: methodology • Step 1: generic survey addressed to a large number of organisations that perform Coast Guard Functions throughout Europe, in order to understand the overall perception and awareness about SQF concept • Step 2: in-deep survey on the 10 draft SQF tables related to Coast Guard functions in order to receive feedback on: appropriateness, completeness and clarity of the SQF (i.e. LO –knowledge, skills, autonomy and responsibility) • Dissemination strategy
Involvement of stakeholders: conclusions • Thereisenoughawareness on the SQF for the Coast Guard Functionsbutspecificawareness and training isneeded in order to demostratewhat SQF concretelyis and howitworks • The answersseem to demonstratethat the interestatthis stage is more theoreticallythanoperational, asthereis a greatattention to formalqualificationsratherthan on learningoutcomes–need to changeorganisationalcultures and proceduresas long termprocess • Thereis the need to stimulateparticipation in order to include asmuchstakeholdersaspossible and provideinputs for nextsteps, including concrete awarenessraisingactions
Development of NQFs: methodology • Dissemination strategy to spread the CGFSQF at national and international levels • Basic elements and key recommendations for the developments of the NQFs for CGFs
Development of NQFs: conclusions • The link between the transnational SQF and the NQF is a two-way learning process, where the interplay between them is valuable in both directions as it helps fill in the gaps, clarify level descriptors, increase transparency and mobility, etc. • One of the most important dimensions of the relationship between different qualifications frameworks is referencing, which concretely shows the correlation between the two frameworks in terms of levels, credits and (whenever applicable) qualifications types. • Without the referencing, the risk of the SQF is to remain a theoretical exercise. It is by means of the referencing that the strengths and weaknesses of the frameworks become more obvious and trust between countries and authorities is reinforced.
Manuela Costone m.costone@cimea.it