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Estudios de Doctorado con Proyectos de Vinculación Industrial (UNAM’s UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY PhD ENGINEERING PROGRAM) Marcelo López-Parra Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM 16 Octubre 2012. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO - UNAM
Estudios de Doctorado con Proyectos de Vinculación Industrial (UNAM’s UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY PhD ENGINEERING PROGRAM) • Marcelo López-Parra Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM • 16 Octubre 2012
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO - UNAM (National and Autonomous University of Mexico)
SOME STATISTICS OF THE UNAM • Academic personnel: 30,731 • Full time lecturers: 5081 • Full time researchers: 2153 • Part time lecturers: 20,543 • Students: 246,744 • Postgraduate: 17,200 • Undergraduate: 134,172 • High School: 95,372 • Undergraduate programs: 71 • Postgraduate areas: 90 (Master and Doctorate levels)
College of Engineering The School of Engineering started with the Mining Engineering programin 1792 The Mining Palace was built in the centre of Mexico City. Nowadays the School owns 26 buildings. Today, 12 engineering programs are taught at the School.
C D M I T how come?
WHY?? 1976: “mechanicalengineeringstudents can gainsomepracticalexperience….. ”
WHY?? 2012: Innovationprocess
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL • …tryingtobuild a virtuouscircleindustry-university-government FIS: FundsforInnovationSchemegrants up to 40% of the total project budget GSS: Graduate Student Scholarships SNI: Researcher monthly-grant scheme
FIS: FundsforInnovationScheme • Design and development of new products, processes or services which incorporate innovative attributes or design features. • Creation of R&D groups or research centers withincorporations or academic institutions. • Establishment of company clusters that share common interests in research and development activities.
UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY PhD ENGINEERING PROGRAM 8 Semester Pathway 3PhD studentsalreadygraduated
Semesters 1 and 2 Teamintegration Initialproblemdefinition Agreeondeliverables Hypotheses
1st. Semester: -Integration of R&D Team. -Review of published literature. -Review of company´s technical documentation. -Company´s technical supervisor reviews initial problem definition with the R&D Team. Deliverables: -1st. Semester progress report. What are the major issues regarding the R&D Team and company´s view of theproblembeing addressed? -1st. Academic evaluation. Has the RS carried out a thorough and in-depth literature and technical review? -RS´s oral presentation. 2nd. Semester: Main activities to be carried out at this stage are as follows: -Gathering of published research work and technical information. -Analysis of published articles and reports. -Conclusions from above-mentioned analysis are drawn. -The problem to be addressed is defined. -Research hypotheses are derived. Deliverables: -2nd. Semester progress report. Has the research problem been defined thoroughly? -2nd. Academic evaluation. Can the RS adequately support his hypotheses? -RS´s oral presentation.
Semesters 3 and 4 Detailed plan of work Researchmethodology Brainstorming, conceptual solutions Function-proofprototype Load Cell
3rd. Semester: -The first draft of the Literature Review Thesis Chapter is written. -Hypotheses are reviewed based on measurable technical data. -A detailed plan of work for the investigation is prepared. Deliverables: -Literature Review Thesis Chapter. -3rd. Semester progress report. How does the plan of work and project metrics compare with the company´s view and expectations? -3rd. Academic evaluation. Has literature review fully been completed and does it help in establishing an adequate framework for theevaluation of research contributions? -RS´s oral presentation. 4th. Semester: -Generation of concept solutions and/or computer models. -Design and manufacture of function-principle prototypes. -Potential areas of research where sound contributions can be produced are presented in writing. Deliverables: -Function-principle prototype or computer model. -Paper is published and presented in one international refereed conference. -4th. Semester progress report. Do concepts generated and function-principle prototypes demonstrate innovative ideas that add up tothe businessexperience and current technology? -4th. Academic evaluation. Do areas for potential contributions represent real research challenges? -RS´s oral presentation.
Semesters 5 and 6 Washing Machine Transmission Functionalprototypes First round of experiments Business plan and draftprojectprotocol DomesticRefrigerator LiquidFiller
5th. Semester: -Embodiment of conceptual alternative solutions. -Generation of prototype solutions of subsystem designs or complete product designs. -Construction and testing of complete functional prototypes. -A list of detailed contributions is written and discussed. Deliverables: -Functional prototypes or computer models. -5th. Semester progress report. Will the outcome of this research work probably end up in the production andcommercialization of an innovative product that incorporates new features? or does the knowledge and know-how createdduring the projectwill only improve company´s current best design and manufacturing practices? -5th. Academic evaluation. Are specific contributions discussed in detail? -RS´s oral presentation. 6th. Semester: -Detail design of components and systems. -Design and realization of experiments with functional prototypes. -Analysis of experimental data. Deliverables: -Paper is published and presented in one international refereed conference. -6th. Semester progress report. How will the results of the prototype testing phase help in deciding the future of thisproject investigation? -6th. Academic evaluation. Does data gathered from experiments help in supporting original hypotheses? -RS´s oral presentation.
Semesters 7 and 8 Thesiswritting up Final testing Protocolsubmission Viva Washing Machine VibrationTesting
7th. Semester: -PhD Thesis writing up. -Technical Report writing up. Deliverables: -7th. Semester progress report. -7th. Academic evaluation. -RS´s oral presentation. 8th. Semester: -PhD Thesis submission. -Technical Report is handed in to the company. Deliverables: -PhD Thesis report. -Technical Report. -Dissertation and Viva.
Example: Suspension system for a washing machine Se describen los diferentes tipos de transductores que pueden ser utilizados para la experimentación en suspensiones El trabajo presenta diferentes tipos de arreglos y montaduras de sensores para la evaluación de las lavadoras
Example: Filling and Sealing Ampoules What´stheminimumsealing pressure and tiptemperature required?
OLDEST UNIVERSITIES: • Western Europe (since 11th/12th century) • Eastern Europe (since 14th/15th century) • Americas (since 16th century) • Australia (since 19th century) • Asia and Africa (since 19th/20th century), except in the Philippines where University of Santo Tomas and San Carlos University were established in 17th and 16th century respectively.