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WEED R I SK ASSESSMENT EXERC I SES I N TURKEY AHMET ULUDAĞ İLHAN ÜREMİŞ ahuludag@yahoo.com. 2007 TOTAL AREA 78 356 000 ha LAND AREA 76 693 000 ha. FAO 2009. Guner et al. 2000. Irano Turanian 1181 Mediterranean 946 Euro Siberian 256. Akman, 1993.
2007 TOTAL AREA 78 356 000 ha LAND AREA 76 693 000 ha FAO 2009
Irano Turanian 1181 Mediterranean 946 Euro Siberian 256 Akman, 1993
CLIMATIC CLASSIFICATION OF TURKEY BY AYDENIZ METHOD http://www.meteor.gov.tr/2006/zirai/zirai-calismalar.aspx?subPg=h
INVASIVE PLANTS IN EPPO LIST DETERMINED IN TURKEY Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Bidens frondasa L. Polygonum perfoliatum L. Sicyos angulatus L. Solidago canadensis L.
Terzioğlu and Anşin, 2001 A chorological study on the taxa naturalized in the Eastern Black Sea Region
Polygonum perfoliatum Sicyos angulata Ambrosia elatior
Scoring for Weed Risk Factors (critical score = 6) 1. Aquatic plant ? Y=3 2. Other members of the genus are weeds ? Y=2 3. Propagules likely to be dispersed intentionally or unintentionally by human activity? Y=2 4. Produces spines, thorns or burrs? Y=1 5. Parasitic? Y=1 6. Unpalatable or toxic to grazing animals? Y=1 7. Host for recognised pests and pathogens? Y=1 8. Causes allergies or otherwise toxic to humans? Y=1 9. Climbing or smothering growth habit? Y=1 10. Produces viable seed? Y=1 11. Seed persists for > 1 year? Y=1 12. Reproduction by vegetative propagation? Y=1 13. Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation, or fire? Y=1 NB Where the status of a risk factor is unknown, it should be scored as a ‘yes’
Unpalatable or toxic to grazing animals? • Host for recognised pests and pathogens? • Causes allergies or otherwise toxic to humans? • 13. Tolerates or benefits from mutilation, cultivation, or fire? 3. Propagules likely to be dispersed intentionally or unintentionally by human activity? Hydrocotyle ramiflora 5 Umbelliferae 5 Artemisia verlotiorum Compositae Erigeron annuus Compositae 5 3 Commelina communis Commolinaceae
Acer negundo Aceraceae 4 3 Poncirus trifoliata Rutaceae 3 Poncirus trifoliata Rutaceae 3 Elsholtzia ciliata Labiatae Aster squamatus Compositae 2 10. Produces viable seed? 11. Seed persists for > 1 year? 12. Reproduction by vegetative propagation?
9 Sicyos angulatus Cucurbitacea 7 Brassica oleracea var acephala Cruciferae 7 Lepidium virginicum Cruciferae Duchesnea indica Rosaceae 8 issg issg Robinia pseudoacacia Leguminosae 10 issg 6 Ulex europaeus Leguminosae 8 issg Ailanthus altissima Simaroubaceae Hydrocotyle ramiflora Umbelliferae 5 8 Ipomea purpurea Convolvulaceae 7 issg Lonicera japonica Caprifoliaceae Artemisia verlotiorum Compositae 5 Conyza bonariensis Compositae 7 7 Conyza canadensis Compositae 5 Erigeron annuus Compositae Eleusine indica Gramineae 5 6 Paspalum dilatatum Gramineae 6 Paspalum paspalodes Gramineae
in issg list 5 Tradescantia fluminensis Commolinaceae Albizia julibrissin Leguminosae 5
aw agricultural weed ca casual allien ce cultivation escape ew environmental weed gt garden thug nat naturalized nox noxious weed sw sleeper weed wd weed Gcw, 2009
Diaspores of taxa with large ecological tolerance can be easily carried between continents and some of these taxa become an important factor, THREATENING THE MAINTENANCE OF PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY, in addition to other factors, such as clear-cutting, overgrazing and dwellings. Chorological study is an important step for conserving plant species diversity, and it provides information about naturalized plant taxa that have migratedfrom one continent to others. Presenting the floristic relationships between the continents is important for plant geography and paleobotany. The chorological features of 32 TAXA OF FLOWERING PLANTS BELONGING TO 14 FAMILIES, naturalized in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey, were examined and discussed. Most of these taxa come from parts of NORTH AMERICA, CHINA AND JAPAN, all of which are areas with climatic conditions similar to those of this region. THESE TAXA HAVE BEEN DISPERSED BY HUMAN ACTIVITY, WIND, ANIMALS AND WATER.BECAUSE OF THE HIGH RAINFALL THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, DIASPORES OF NATURALIZED TAXA CAN GERMINATE EASILY AND BECOME NEW INDIVIDUALS IN THE STUDY AREA. CONSEQUENTLY, THERE HAVE BEEN PLANT MIGRATIONS IN THE TEMPERATE REGION OF THE WORLD, WHERE THE EASTERN BLACKSEAREGION IS A PLANT MIGRATORY ROUTE BETWEEN EUROPE AND CAUCASIA.
Diplachne fusca, Spartina patens and Sporobolus virginicus (Smyrna) seemed to be promising halophytic plants for feeding goats and sheep in desert area by using saline water in irrigation. Ashour et al., 1999
ASSUMPTIONS FOR INTRODUCTION of Diplanchne fusca • Seeds came with rice crop imported from Italy or the USA for consumption but used for propagation • Seeds came via Meriç (Marissa) River from Bulgaria Surek, 2003
http://archives.eppo.org/MEETINGS/2005_meetings/workshop_invasive/workshop.htmhttp://archives.eppo.org/MEETINGS/2005_meetings/workshop_invasive/workshop.htm II International Workshop Invasive Plants in Mediterranean type Regions of the World 2-6 August 2010, Samsun, Turkey