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Ministry of Children and Youth Services. MOVING FORWARD WITH BEST START. Review Terms of Reference Best Start Work Plan. FIRST STEPS. GOAL. Children in the Rainy River District will be ready and eager to achieve success in school by the time they begin Grade 1.
Ministry of Children and Youth Services MOVING FORWARD WITH BEST START
Review Terms of Reference Best Start Work Plan FIRST STEPS
GOAL Children in the Rainy River District will be ready and eager to achieve success in school by the time they begin Grade 1.
To plan, implement and monitor Best Start at the local level, in accordance with the Implementation Planning Guidelines for Best Start Networks. Mandate
Scope Best Start will create a comprehensive integrated system of services that supports families with children from birth through the transition into school. The scope of the initiative is intended to be as broad as possible for this age range, covering the spectrum of health, education, social, and children’s services.
The following guiding principles will be followed in the planning for Best Start: • Simplified Access • Integrated Services • Partnership with parents and families • Community-driven • Flexible and responsive • Cross-ministerial • Quality services • Cultural & Linguistic sensitivity Principles
Objectives Best Start is designed to provide all of Ontario’s children with the best possible start in life and the opportunity to achieve success in school. To achieve this objective, the Best Start Plan for the Rainy River District will:
Assist parents in supporting their children Assist children in the District to be ready to learn when they begin Gr. 1 and achieve success in school Allow the transition to Gr. 1 to be as smooth, seamless and successful as possible for children and their families Make high quality ELC available to all families Provide a variety of supports to parents Identify and provide supports to children who need extra help Build on partnerships with communities and the Federal and Municipal levels of Government Objectives
Key Activities of the Network: The Best Start Network will: • Bring together community partners • Provide an overview of • Best Start • Develop Terms of • Reference • Identify mechanisms to build partnerships with Parents • Establish clear accountability guidelines • Provide a description • of the Best Start • Network
Key Activities of the Network: • Provide input to the RRDSSAB regarding development of a three-year Child Care Service Plan and Transition Plan • Develop a Phase 1 Integrated Implementation Plan • Ensure that there is a Communication Plan to engage parents in the planning process • Monitor implementation of the Best Start Plan
Accountabilities The local Best Start Implementation Plan will integrate services funded by a number of different Ministries and provided by a number of different Agencies. This means that all members of the Best Start Network will have shared accountability for integrating services and making sure that they work together to achieve Best Start goals.
AccountabilitiesThe successful implementation of Best Start depends on six important factors: • Coordinated community planning • Clear accountability • Integration of services and supports at community level • Restoration and expansion of services of HBHB, PS&L, IHP, as well as services for children with special needs • Expansion of quality child care in integrated settings and • Availability in funding
Accountabilities • The steps required to integrate planning for BS Services and to develop overall integrated BS Plan • The mechanisms to be adopted to ensure accountability for participating in BS and integrating services • (e.g. Service Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding) • The mechanisms to be used to monitor the implementation of Best Start • The mechanisms for resolution of any conflict between members; accountability to their program funders and their accountability to the BS Network The Best Start Network will also be responsible for providing recommendations to the MCYS with regard to:
Roles and Responsibilities • The Roles and Responsibilities of the Best Start partners are defined in Appendix A to the Terms of Reference.
Membership The local Best Start Network reflects the unique composition of each community and a broad range of community perspectives. All participants are able to make decisions on behalf of the organization and/or sector they represent. There is flexibility with regard to consulting with and obtaining required representation from non-core members in recognition of urban/rural differences.
Membership Core Members of the local Best Start Network are: Signatories: Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board, The Ministry of Children and Youth Services, District School Boards and School Authorities and Public Health Unit.
Membership Subgroups with Standing Members on the Network are:MCYS – Service System Management Table Preschool Speech and Language Infant Hearing Parent Advisory Groups Aboriginal Services Child Care Ontario Early Years/Family Resource Programs The Network will also ensure communication with other relevant stakeholder such as:
Other reference groups for consultation/input to the Best Start Plan are • Health services • Universities and Colleges that offer ECE Education Programs • Family Counseling Centre's • Chambers of Commerce • Recreation/Libraries
Structure of the Committee Role of ChairThe Chair will coordinate meetings, arrange minutes, forward issues to MCYS, and ensure communication is distributed properly. The Chair of the Best Start Network will be the Rainy River DSSAB for the first year transition period. In subsequent years, the Chair will be elected from the Network Membership.
Structure of the Committee Meeting Frequency: The Network will meet monthly, at minimum, with additional meetings as necessary, for a period of one year. Frequency of meetings will be reviewed on an annual basis. Mechanisms to Link Local Network to Regional French-Language Network: The Rainy River District Best Start Network will designate a member of the Canadian Parents for French to the Regional French Language Network.
Communication of Work of the Network to Key Stakeholders • Circulate Minutes to key stakeholders • Media Releases • Email • Include on the RRDSSAB Website as a link • Posting of information throughout the Community • Newsletters • Community Forums • Recruitment of membership to expand network from key Stakeholders
Decision Making Process and Dispute Resolution Preference for decision making is consensus. Issues that require resolution will be forwarded to MCYS Regional office through the DSSAB. Quorum Five signatures of the Core Network will form a quorum for decision-making. Process for Decision-making Decisions will be based upon majority. Process for Dispute Resolution Issues that cannot be resolved by Network members will be referred to MCYS for facilitation.
Signatures of Terms of Reference Signatures to the Best Start Plan The Integrated Best Start Plan must be signed by (at a minimum) RRDSSAB, MCYS Regional Office, relevant School Boards and Public Health Terms of Reference must be signed by representatives of the RRDSSAB, MCYS Regional Office relevant School Boards and Public Health