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APPR. A Brief Overview. No Child Left Behind. based on the premise that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes in education required states to develop assessments in basic skills to be given to all students in certain grades

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  1. APPR

    A Brief Overview
  2. No Child Left Behind based on the premise that setting high standards and establishing measurable goals can improve individual outcomes in education required states to develop assessments in basic skills to be given to all students in certain grades Funding for education is based on meeting set standards for all groups of students
  3. Race to The Top Adopting standards and assessments that prepare students to succeed in college and the workplace and to compete in the global economy Building data systems that measure student growth and success, and inform teachers and principals about how they can improve instruction Recruiting, developing, rewarding, and retaining effective teachers and principals, especially where they are needed most Turning around our lowest achieving schools
  4. NYS Section 3012-c of Education Law School districts and BOCES are required to conduct an Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) on each teacher and principal resulting in a single composite effectiveness score and a rating of “highly effective”, “effective”, “developing” or “ineffective”
  5. Chatham Central Schools Each district is required to negotiate the implementation of these APPR requirements. Our current contract includes the appeals procedure if a teacher disagrees with the rating We are currently negotiating with the district to determine how these ratings will be determined in the CCS district
  6. Basic requirements Applies only to teachers and principals, not teaching assistants or aids. Applies to both tenured and non-tenured teachers Implemented in 2011-12 for ELA and/or math teachers in grades 4 – 8 and their principals Implemented in 2012-13 for all teachers and building principals The score given to each teacher is FOIL-able which means it is public information
  7. Composition of the Score 20% - student growth on state assessments or a comparable measure of student growth 20% - other locally selected measures of student achievement 60% - other measures of teacher effectiveness determined locally
  8. Student Growth – 20% For ELA and/or Math Teachers in grades 4 – 8 this will be the student growth percentile score on the NYS ELA and/or Math assessments in grades 4 – 8 For all other teachers this will be based on the Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) which will be determined regionally Will be extended to include student growth on other state assessments (i.e. Regents exams) in future years
  9. Other Measures of Student Achievement - 20% Measures of student achievement which are determined to be rigorous and comparable across classrooms Must be aligned to NYS or researched-based learning standards May be district, regional or national assessments May be determined by the SLOs
  10. Other Measures of Teacher Effectiveness – 60% Districts must use an SED approved rubric Requires classroom observation to comprise at least 40 of the 60 points Must include multiple observations Must be evidence based
  11. The Ratings- Ineffective Results are well below the state average for similar students Does not achieve district adopted expectations for growth or achievement of student learning standards Overall performance and results need improvement in order to meet standards
  12. Ineffective - continued This rating will require that the district implement a Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) for that teacher Expedited discipline process which could lead to dismissal when teacher receives two consecutive annual ineffective ratings.
  13. The Ratings- Developing Results are below the state average for similar students Partially achieves district adopted expectations for growth or achievement of student learning standards Overall performance and results need improvement in order to meet standards
  14. Developing - continued This rating will require that the district implement a Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) for that teacher
  15. The Ratings- Effective Results meet the state average for similar students Achieves district adopted expectations for growth or achievement of student learning standards Overall performance and results meet standards
  16. The Ratings- Highly Effective Results are well above the state average for similar students Exceeds district adopted expectations for growth or achievement of student learning standards Overall performance and results exceed standards
  17. Student Learning Objectives Will be used when there is no state provided measure of student growth on state assessments This includes subjects where there is no state assessment (ex: music, art) Also those subjects where a state provided growth measure has not yet been created based on state assessments (ex: High School Regents exams)
  18. SLOs - continued Must be based on goals Their use must be negotiated with the district Teachers work with other teachers of their subject to create regional criteria Must use an end-of-course assessment as evidence
  19. SLOs – Required Elements Rationale – should represent what is considered the most important learning for the course Population – student population must be defined Learning Content – must be aligned to common core, state or national standards Interval– the instructional period – semester, quarter, or year Baseline – Measures must be identified and students assessed Targets and Scoring – measures used to assess progress must be defined
  20. Summary The New APPR is coming! Your Association is working to determine how it will look in Chatham It’s your rating – Each teacher is responsible for his/her own score! You will receive training in the implementation of this plan from the district You will be provided with strategies, recommendations, and assistance from CCSTA You will be responsible for keeping accurate records
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