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Lecture 6 “Assemblies in .NET & Threads”. C# Programming. Lecture 6. Assemblies in .NET Assemblies Threads in .NET How to use Concurrency. Assembly . Windows vs .NET What is the difference between a standard executable unit under Windows and one in a .NET environment Windows
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Lecture 6 “Assemblies in .NET & Threads” C# Programming
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Lecture 6 • Assemblies in .NET • Assemblies • Threads in .NET • How to use • Concurrency
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Assembly • Windows vs .NET • What is the difference between a standard executable unit under Windows and one in a .NET environment • Windows • only one executable unit: *.exe (old: *.com) • .NET • container type unit called assembly (contains: *.exe and/or *.dll) • What is an assembly • primary building block of a .NET Framework application!
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Assemblies • Assemblies are selfdescribing installation units • can contain one ore more files • resource files • metadata • dll’s • exe’s • can be private or shared • private • assembly can only be used in your own application • installed at the same time that your application is • location: same root-map as application source • shared • several applications can use the assembly and have a dependancy on it • contains a special version number and a unique name • location: Global Assembly Cache(GAC)
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Global Assembly Cache (GAC) • Cache for globally available Assemblies • also contains native code generated apps • created with native image generator (Ngen.exe) • Location: • C:\WINDOWS\assembly
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Assemblies • Assemblies are self-describing • no searching in the registry needed • metadata included in the assembly • types exported from the assembly • Assemblies have a manifest • version dependencies are recorded here • Assemblies can be loaded: side-by-side • different versions of the same dll can be used simultaniously • Application isolation ensured in assemblies • using: application domains • number of apps can run inside same process • errors in one app do not affect other apps
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Viewing Assemblies • Use: ildasm.exe
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Creating an EXE (assembly)
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Creating a DLL (assembly)
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Creating a DLL (assembly) cont’d namespace ClassLibrary1 { public class Demo { public void AMethod() { Console.WriteLine("AMethod() called!"); } public void BMethod() { Console.WriteLine("BMethod() called!"); } } }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Calling the DLL in a program • Add assembly to application: • functionality visible throughobject browser:
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Calling the DLL in a program cont’d using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using ClassLibrary1; namespace ConsoleApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Demo demo = new Demo(); demo.AMethod(); demo.BMethod(); } } }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 “Threads” C# Programming
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Lecture 6 • Threads • What are threads • How to use threads • Concurrency
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Threads • What is it? • a thread runs in a program • cannot run on it’s own • a thread has a beginning and an end • just like the program • a thread runs independent of the program • the program can control the thread (start, stop, suspend, etc.) • there can be more than one thread in a program • all run independent of each other • every program has a main-thread • it runs the program • Definition: A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program.
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Thread example suspend thread 1 thread 1 stops thread 2 stops start thread 1 resume thread 1 start thread 2 program starts program ends main thread thread 1 thread 1 thread 2
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 How do threads work? • Multithreading is managed internally by a thread scheduler • CLR delegates this to the operating system • ensures all active threads are allocated appropriate execution time (time-slicing) • not all threads run at the same time • Threads that are waiting or blocked • do not consume CPU time.
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 How do threads work? • Preempted Multithreading • execution is interrupted due to an external factor(time-slicing) • In most situations, a thread has no control over when and where it's preempted • Time-slicing (single-processor computer) • rapidly switching execution between each of the active threads. This results in "choppy" behavior • Time-slicing (multi-processor computer) • Thread execution distributed over available processors (“real concurrency”)
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Creating threads in C# • Decide on the method to be run by the thread (can be static or instance) • Method must have the signature: void SomeMethod(); • Instantiate a thread delegate System.Threading.ThreadStart • Create the thread, represented by System.Threading.Thread • Finally, you start the thread using the method. Thread.Start()
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Example class Program { public Program() { ThreadStart start = new ThreadStart(ListNumbers); Thread t = new Thread(start); t.Start(); for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) Console.Write (“."); } public void ListNumbers() { for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) Console.Write(“o"); } static void Main(string[] args) { new Program(); } }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Thread Priorities • Mechanism to make some threads more important than other threads • therefore run them more often • works both ways • lowering & raising priorities • can have undesired effects • starvation • low-priority thread never runs because other threads have higher priority
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Example class Program { private Thread t1, t2, t3; public Program() { t1 = new Thread(new hreadStart(ListNumbers1)); t2 = new Thread(new hreadStart(ListNumbers2)); t3 = new Thread(new hreadStart(ListNumbers3)); t1.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; t2.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; t3.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest; t1.Start(); t2.Start(); t3.Start(); }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Example public void ListNumbers1() { for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) Console.Write("."); } public void ListNumbers2() { for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) Console.Write("o"); } public void ListNumbers3() { for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) Console.Write("-"); } static void Main(string[] args) { new Program(); } }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Example Thread priority not set . – o mixed up . Thread priority set o -
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 passing parameters to threads • use: • ParameterizedThreadStart • public delegate void ParameterizedThreadStart (object obj); class ThreadTest { static void Main() { ParameterizedThreadStart s = new ParameterizedThreadStart(Go); Thread t = new Thread (s); t.Start(true); Go(false); } static void Go (object upperCase) { bool upper = (bool) upperCase; Console.WriteLine (upper ? "HELLO!" : "hello!"); } }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 passing parameters to threads Implicitly use: ParameterizedThreadStart public delegate void ParameterizedThreadStart (object obj); class ThreadTest { static void Main() { Thread t = new Thread (Go); t.Start (true); Go (false); } static void Go (object upperCase) { bool upper = (bool) upperCase; Console.WriteLine (upper ? "HELLO!" : "hello!"); } }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 passing parameters to threads • use: anonymous method static void Main() { Thread t = new Thread (delegate() { WriteText ("Hello"); }); t.Start(); } static void WriteText (string text) { Console.WriteLine (text); }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Naming threads class ThreadNaming { static void Main() { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "main"; Thread worker = new Thread (Go); worker.Name = "worker"; worker.Start(); Go(); } static void Go() { Console.WriteLine ("Hello from " + Thread.CurrentThread.Name); } } • Naming threads • can be named via its Name property • name can be set at any time • but only once • subsequently change will throw an exception
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 “Concurrency & Synchronisation” C# Programming
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Concurrency & Synchronization • Concurrency • computations that execute overlapped in time, • sharing of resources between those computations • Synchronization • multiple threads share variable(s) (Competition) • is necesssary when the order of execution of the threads is important (Cooperation)
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Synchronisation What happens when 2 threads share a common variable?
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Synchronisation • Solution • make sure that while one thread is in a read/increment/write operation, no other threads can try to do the same thing • We need a guard that enables exclusive acces to that code • Guard object is called: Monitor
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Monitor • Every object in .NET has a (theoretical) monitor associated with it. • A thread can enter (or acquire) a monitor only if no other thread has currently "got" it. • The monitor is only available to other threads once it has been exited. • If a thread tries to acquire a monitor which is owned by another thread, it will block until it is able to acquire it.
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Solution • Use the monitor to enforce exclusive access to certain lines of code: try { Monitor.Enter(this) //code to be protected } finally { Monitor.exit(this) }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Simplification try { Monitor.Enter(this) //code to be protected } finally { Monitor.exit(this) } lock(this){ //code to be protected }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Synchronisation
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Thread lifecycle • What are the states a thread can hold? • When a thread starts • When a thread sleeps • When a thread is scheduled out • When a thread stops • When a thread waits • ….
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Threadstates new Thread Not Started Start() Deprecated threadpool Blocked: resume Suspended WaitSleepJoin pulse/pulseAll/sleep exp. interrupt Ready Δt suspend wait/sleep/join Running Abort() completed/aborted Stopped Aborted
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Normal thread lifecycle new Thread Not Started Start() threadpool Ready Δt Running completed/aborted Stopped
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Problem with concurrency Deadlock: 2 threads competing for the same resource
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 In code class Program { private Thread t0, t1; private Object resourceA, resourceB; public Program() { t0 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadFunc0)); t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadFunc1)); resourceA = new Object(); resourceB = new Object(); t0.Start(); t1.Start(); }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 In code public void ThreadFunc0() { Console.WriteLine("Thread:0 trying to lock resource:A..."); lock (resourceA) { Console.WriteLine("Thread:0 waiting for resource:B..."); lock (resourceB) { Monitor.Wait(resourceB); } Console.WriteLine("Thread:0 locked both: doing work..."); Thread.Sleep(100); } }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 In code public void ThreadFunc1() { Console.WriteLine("Thread:1 trying to lock resource:B..."); lock (resourceB) { Console.WriteLine("Thread:1 waiting for resource:A..."); lock (resourceA) { Monitor.Wait(resourceA); } Console.WriteLine("Thread:1 locked both: doing work..."); Thread.Sleep(100); } }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Thread Safety • Operations that can be performed from multiple threads safely, even if the calls happen simultaneously on multiple threads is said to be “Thread Safe” • All collections except Hashtable are not “thread safe”
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Good Threading models • The lazy worker thread • The thread falls asleep immediately • Wakes up when there's something to do • Solves the problem, and goes back to sleep • The single-shot task thread • Gets job description from the constructor • Performs the task immediately in run() • Emits done() when done, then exits
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Windows Controls and multithreading C# Programming
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Unsafe situation: When a control is accessed in a thread other than the thread it was created on public partial class Form1 : Form { Thread t; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { t = new Thread(Run); t.Start(); } private void Run() { textBox1.Text = “Hello Thread"; } }
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Solution: public delegate void TextCallback(String s); private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { t = new Thread(Run); t.Start(); } private void Run() { if (textBox1.InvokeRequired) textBox1.Invoke(new TextCallback(SetText), new Object[] {"Hello World" }); } private void SetText(String s) { textBox1.Text = s; } Test a control with the property: “InvokeRequired”
PGL01/ISCSH/2010 Lecture 6 • Reading Assignment • Professional C# 2008, • Chapter 17 in: Professional C# • Except: Creating Assemblies • Except: Dynamic Loading and Creating Assemblies • Except: Application Domains • Last: Using the Shared Assembly • Skip the rest • Chapter 19 • Except: Thread Pools • Except: Interlocked • Last: Mutex • Skip the rest