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ROMANIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Cross sectoral cooperation on water and public participation, examples from Romania. Anemari CIUREA Head of Office for International Cooperartion for Waters. Romania - key figures. 2007 - accession in EU
ROMANIA MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Cross sectoral cooperation on water and public participation, examples from Romania . Anemari CIUREA Head of Office for International Cooperartion for Waters
Romania - key figures • 2007 - accession in EU • 22 million inhabitants - 15.5 mil. supplied by piped water - 11.5 mil. supplied by sewerage • 238.391 km2 sensitive area in the Danube catchments area • 6% economical growth
Population access to the water supply LONG TERM OBJECTIVES Sewerage and WW treatment
Key Documents (national and international legal framefor public information and consultation) National: - Law 112/2006 and Law 310/2004 amending Water Law 107/1996 – transposing the Water Framework Directive - Ministerial Order 1012/19 October 2005 concerning the Procedure for public information access related to the water management field - Ministerial Order 1044/27 October 2005 concerning the Proceduree for water users, riparians and public consultation in the decision making process related to the water management field International: • The Convention on Co-operation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the River Danube (Danube River Protection Convention), Sofia, 1994 • ICPDR Operational Plan (2005-2010) • Law 92/2003 related to the adhering of Romania to the Convention on the protection and use of trans-boundary watercourses and international lakes (Helsinki Convention), Helsinki, 17 mars 1992 • Government Order 95/2000 to ratify the Water and Health Protocol (adopted in 1999) to the Helsinki Convention (art. 9 and 10 related to public awareness, education, training, information) . • European accession requirements (compulsory): • Article 14 of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC : …to encourage the active involvement of all interested parties …seek comments from public on river basin management plans
Organizational structure Water Management DepartmentResponsibilities Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Water Management Department National Administration “Romanian Waters” National Administration of Meteorology National Institute for Marine Research and Development • Development of the water management policy and strategy • Coordination of the EU integration in the water field Cooperation with other authorities • Development of the water specific regulation • Ensuring international cooperation in the water field
Cross sectoral cooperation with other authorities(1) • At the central level –within the framework of the existing inter-ministerial Committee: -nitrates (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) -dangerous substances (Ministry of Economy and Finances and Companies) - drinking water supply and sanitation ( Ministry of Public Health) - Water Framework Directive (all Ministries) - public participation and education (Ministry for Education, Research and Youth) • At the basin level – Basin Committee • Inter-ministerial Water Council –under development
Cross sectoral cooperation with other authorities(2) Basin committees – “Water Parliaments” Organized at the level of 11 water directorates of the National Administration “Romanian Waters” Each committee has 15 members : • water management responsible, • environment management responsible • representatives of prefectures, • representatives of county councils, • users (industry, agriculture, localities), • Representatives of the County Inspectorate • for Public Health • NGOs. Are involved in the decision making process • to provide advise to national government • to promote PP concerning the RBM process • to inform other key stakeholders about PP possibilities and structures
Strategies/Plans on informing and educating peoples • two communication strategy (for kids and grown-up people ) which have been disseminated at national level, as a framework for local activities (implementation depending on the local financial situation) • 2007 Communication Plan of the MoESD • MoESD website – an important and cost efficient tool/“Kids Corner” – ecologic education for children (based on the idea that children are excellent multipliers of the message) • national TV spots (2 weeks before the events - on 3 channels of the National Romanian Television) for celebrating: • Danube Day / every year starting of 2004 • International Black Sea Day / starting of 2006 – public awareness: the necessity of the protection and the conservation of the marine environment • Two national campaigns in 2007 on rising public awarness and informing peolple(1) and (2) authorities /industries about the provisitions of WFD
Activities performed in pilot projects: • Enhancing Access to Information and Public Participation in Environmental Decision-making UNDP-GEF Danube Regional Project- Component 3.4 • Under this project, in Romania, it were developed two national activities: • Public Access to water management Information/Public Participation in decision making process in water management field – Manual for authorities which has been written for the authorities, especially for those not involved in the water management issues; it was printed under the coordination of the Regional Environment Center and with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development support. • Elaboration of a brochure for the public and NGO’s as target groups, on the same topic printed
Activities performed in pilot projects 2. Support for the future preparation of a harmonised Körös/Crisuri river basin management plan in a participative process (French technical and financial support under the coordination of ICPDR). Results: • Strengthening the Hungarian and Romanian cooperation between transboundary organisations in charge of water management including public participation • Enhance stakeholder consultation and prepare a test joint public consultation based on the timetable and WFD work programme and the main issue in the Körös/Crisuri basin (as a pilot test for the Tisa basin/region consultation) – on going
Activities performed in pilot projects 3.“Clean Crisuri” pilot basin project (based on two education strategies developed by MoESD for children and people over 18 years old) as recommended by the Water and Health Protocol • Results: information and raising people’s involvement in elaborating the water protection and management strategies • Questionnaires • Printed information/education booklets/leaflets • Web site (www.crisuricurate.go.ro) • Public meetings • Education/Awareness campaigns
Activities under ICPDR • Danube Day, June 29 Promoting „Danube Solidarity“ Connecting people Joining forces Facilitating discussions & work sessions • In 29 June 2008 will be launched the Romanian language Danube Box- an education tool - assisting teachers in bringing the Danube closer to the minds and the heard of the future generation
Activities on the 2nd consultation phase for the Water Framework Directive which started in December 2007 (1): Public Debate Sessions at national and regional level • Tools: • presentations made by the central authorities on water management • brochures and leaflets for information on main water management issues on regional and local level • website of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (www.mmediu.ro) and the National Administration “Apele Romane” (www.rowater.ro) to make available the document on „Significant water management issues in Romania” • It is planned to translate in Romanian language the ,,Significant Water Management Issue,, - short document, elaborated at the Danube River Basin level and will be made available on the website of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and on the websites of the National Administration ,,Apele Romane” and its Water Directorates. • Participants: main stakeholders • Results: collecting observations and proposals regarding the significant water management issues
Activities on the 2nd consultation phase which started in December 2007 (2): • Public debates at each of the 11 Water Directorates of the National Administration „Apele Romane” focused on: • public consultation in elaboration of the River Basin Planning of the River Basin; • new EU policy about floods: Flood Risk Management and Assessment Directive; • prevention, protection and diminution of the flood effects at the River Basin level; • synthesis of the water management issues for all 11 River Basins managed by the 11 Water Directorates of the National Administration „Apele Romane”; • stage of development of the River Basin Management Plan; • These public debates sessions have been finished with press communication and articles in local newspapers. • Large meetings of the Basin Committees focused on the presentation and the debate of: • new monitoring system according to the Article 8 of the Water Framework Directive • the stage of the elaboration of the program of measures ( basic measures ) in accordance with EU Directives
Activities on the 2nd consultation phase which started in December 2007 (3): Conference „Environmentally Friendly Business in the Danube”, organized under the 2007 ICPDR Presidency of Romania and held in Bucharest, Romania, on 15-16 November 2007: Results: • brought participants together from throughout the basin • Identified trends, strategies and profitable areas for business involvement in the water sector, drawing on recent successful models of cooperation and initiatives in the Danube countries. • Allowed companies to enhance their understanding of Danube problems and the best strategies to pursue in meeting the environmental obligations. • Provided an opportunity for companies, government officials, investment advisors and consultancies to expand their business networks and to increase the cooperation and efforts for protection of the marine waters and marine environment of the Black Sea.
Different results achieved through pilot projects: • Elaboration of the questionnaires for the consultation of the stakeholders in the different stages of elaboration of River Basin Management Plan. • workshops to present the : • requirements of WFD • information on methods, tools for development of public participation in process of consultation and decisions making • strengthening ability and capacity of the NAAR’s specialists to perform public consultation process related to the Program of measures • dissemination of the results achieved through the pilot projects to the relevant stakeholders. • Informing and educating peoples – recommendation of the Water and Health Protocol
NEXT STEPS IN 2008 • public consultation process will continue and will be intensified at basin and national level , regarding development of the program of measures, involving stakeholders groups in accordance with type of measures which must be established in the near consultations and negotiations meetings (ex: measures to reduce pollution from urban sources, measures to reduce pollution from industrial and agricultural activities, navigation, energy, etc.). • Organizing debates of the Basin Committees on: • development of the program of measures for elaboration of the River Basin Management Plan, • the implementation of the new monitoring system in accordance with Article 8 of the Water Framework Directive, • Organizing meetings for public information when celebrating events like: the World Water Day, the Danube Day, etc. • In the frame of these meetings, will be disseminated and collected the questionnaires for public consultation and will be prepared the interviews with local authorities and the main stakeholders which will implement the program of measures. These meetings will be followed by press conferences, articles, brochures and leaflets.
CONCLUSIONS: • Education, information and active involvement of people in water management issues are still under development • Awareness raising on water and health is a must: • Several national events and activities • Danube Day, Danube Box, several publications • Questions to be solved: • Funding for the process (because public information/consultation is a continues process, a financing system is required) • No specialised services for implementing public participation issues in the structure of the central and local authorities (time consuming for the experts working in water management) • To make effective the consultation process (to receive back the fulfilled questionnaires)
Thank you for your kind attention! anemari.ciurea@mmediu.ro