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Distribution of the invited talks 2 Accelerators 3 Data and Distributed Computing 4 Applied Math 3 DOE/DoD joint plenary 3 Astrophysics 4 Fusion energy 3 Biology 1 Geosciences 3 Breakthrough awards 2 Materials 1 Chemistry 2 Nuclear Physics 3 Climate 1 Transportation
Distribution of the invited talks 2 Accelerators 3 Data and Distributed Computing 4 Applied Math 3 DOE/DoD joint plenary 3 Astrophysics 4 Fusion energy 3 Biology 1 Geosciences 3 Breakthrough awards 2 Materials 1 Chemistry 2 Nuclear Physics 3 Climate 1 Transportation 3 Combustion 5 Vendors 8 Computer Science - HPC 3 Visualization Focus observations on: (1) Plans and Policies (2) Kinds and amounts of projected resources https://hpcrd.lbl.gov/scidac09/
LLNL: Ormand & Navratil ORNL: Dean & Nam ISU: Maris & Vary - Michael Strayer
Factor of ~200 increase! - Ray Orbach
What about nuclear physics at SciDAC2009? Tom Luu JPV
Nmax = 8 NN+NNN “in the queue” Jaguar PF -“Early Science” 110,000 cores - 14C 145,000 cores - 14N Preliminary Calculated = 3.7(6)E-02 Assuming isospin purity Measured = 2.16(4)E-05 Iowa State - ORNL - LLNL collaboration
Improvements to MFDn under SciDAC Dimension 38x106 # nonzero matrix elements 56x1010 Input 3b matrix elements 3 Gbytes
Unresolved issue Meetings of apps and hardware folks to work out shared plans for the future
Program overview (1 slide) ~2 Slides from SDSU talk (DARPA Study) Strayer (~5 slides) Orbach (2 slides - INCITE time) Murphy (~5 slides) Scott (~5 slides) Holland (~2 slides) Matsuoko (GPU’s + last slide) Schalf (??) Sarkar (software challenges) Gil Weigand - energy challenge EVO(~3 slides) NB: Luu and Vary are here - see their presentations No: Supinsky Tsigelny (?) Papka