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Abstract No: EP-73 Submission Number: 725. The authors declare no conflicts of interest No financial support was taken for this retrospective study. ASNR 2015 Annual Meeting Abstract No: EP-73 Submission Number: 725 Our Clinical and Radiological Experiences
The authors declare no conflicts of interest No financialsupportwastakenforthis retrospectivestudy
ASNR 2015 Annual Meeting Abstract No: EP-73 Submission Number: 725 Our Clinical and Radiological Experiences in Diagnosis of Acute Ischemic Stroke with Intra-arterial Thrombolytic Treatment Omer Fatih Nas1, Aylin Bican Demir2, Mustafa Bakar2, OzlemTaskapılıoglu2 , Bahattin Hakyemez1 1Department of Radiology, Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, Bursa, Turkey 2Department of Neurology, Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, Bursa, Turkey
Purpose • Stroke is the 3rd leading cause of death in our country as well in the world. • Furthermore, it causes labor loss especially within middle-aged patient group because of its morbidity. • We present our experience about 40 patients who had intra-arterial stroke treatment in our clinic.
MaterialsandMethods • WecarriedoutDigitalSubtractionAngiogaphy(DSA) andintraarterialtreatmenttothepatientsadmittedtotheemergencydepartmenthavingstroke, neurologicdeficitsand not havingintracranialhemorrhage on ComputerizedTomography (CT) between 2008 and 2013.
Results • Therewere 27 (67.5%) male and 13 (32.5%) female patients and the average age was63.5 years(23-78). • The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores were 7–29 (20.5) at the first initial neurological examination.
Results • Therewereinfarcts on magneticresonanceimaging (MRI) examinations in middlecerebralartery (MCA) territory of 35, anteriorcerebralartery (ACA) of 2 andbasilarartery of 3 patients. • Infarctswerepresent in MCA territory of 33 (MCA M1: 6, MCA M2: 11, MCA M3: 6 and MCA total infarcts: 10), internalcarotidartery (ICA) of 2, ACA of 2 andbasilarartery of 3 patients on DSA examinations.
Results • Sixpatientshavedied in thefollow-upperiod, 4 because of intracranialhemorrhageand 2 of sepsis. • The tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) dose applied to the patients was 12 mg (6-20 mg).
Results • TheNIHSS scores after 24 hours were between 7– 24 (6-20 on average). • Statisticallysignificant improvement in the NIHSS scores after the intra-arterial treatment was observed (p ≤ 0,05).
Table 1: Patients' demographic, clinical andradiological features
CT T2 Figure 1: 60-year-old femalepatientwithrightarm 1/5 andleftleg 2/5 palsyand motor aphasy. Normal cranial CT ve MRI findings.
Figure 2: Diffusion MRI imagesindicate acute infarction at the area supplied by left MCA.
CBV CBF MTT Figure 3: Perfusion MRI images: diffusion-perfusion mismatch at the area supplied by MCA.
A B Figure 4: DSA images. An abruptinterruptionand total occlusion at thesuperiordivision of M2 segment of theleft MCA (A). Injection of 10 mg tPAintothesuperiordivision of M2 segmentthrough a microcatheter (B).
A B Figure 5: DSA image. An abruptinterruptionand total occlusion at thesuperiordivision of M2 segment of theleft MCA (A). Control DSA: Complete reopening on the superior division of M2 segment after intra-arterial tPA (B).
PreoperativeCT 1st week 1stmonth Figure 6: 60-year-old femalepatient. CT imagesobtainedbeforeandafterintraarterialtPAapplication.
Conclusions • Intraarterialtreatmentforacuteischemicstroke is an approvedandreadilyappliedmethodrecently. Intraarterialtreatment is especiallyvaluable in ICA andproximal MCA occlusions, becausetrombolyticagent can be easilyinjectedintothetargetedthrombosedsegment.
Conclusions • Whilecompleterecanalisationwasachieved in 30% andpartial in 48% of patientswiththrombolytictherapy, theprocedurewasunsuccessful in 22% of them. Clinicalstatus of patientswithcompleteandpartialrecanalisationgotbetter at 3rdmonth.
Conclusions • With this study, we wanted to share our experience in intraarterial thrombolytic therapy and emphasize the needfor larger series of data in literature.
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