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holiness. to. CALLING. A. PART 1: 1 Peter 1:13-16. THE TENSION. 1. We are called by the Hol y One ( v.15). v. = verse . call·ing noun ˈ ko ̇- liŋ . a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence.
holiness to CALLING A PART 1: 1 Peter 1:13-16
THE TENSION 1. We are calledby the HolyOne(v.15) v. = verse
call·ingnoun \ˈkȯ-liŋ\ a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence Meriem-Webster, “calling” http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/calling (Accessed January 7, 2013)
THE TENSION 1. We are calledby the HolyOne(v.15) 2. We are called to beholy(vv.15-16) 3. We live in broken vessels v. = verse
THE TENSION RESOLVED 1. Holiness is determined by God’s Grace and not my appearance, my actions, or the vessel I live in. (v.14) 2. We must BE holy before we can DO holy. (v.16)
THE BOTTOM LINE TRUTH God’s grace births holiness, but we determine its fruitfulness E.M. Bounds – “God’s work is to make holy men out of unholy men.”
1. What occupies your mind the most during the day? 2. What is your greatest desire?