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不三: I can not bear you. 不四: You can not bear me ,but your

不三: I can not bear you. 不四: You can not bear me ,but your mother can bear you. 唐僧: I can not get down from the tree. 悟空: You can get down from the sheep. 小结:英语单词也有一词多义. Family: father and

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不三: I can not bear you. 不四: You can not bear me ,but your

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  1. 不三: I can not bear you. 不四: You can not bear me ,but your mother can bear you. 唐僧:I can not get down from the tree. 悟空:You can get down from the sheep. 小结:英语单词也有一词多义

  2. Family: father and mother I love you 你跟妈妈关系好还是跟爸爸关系近? 答:跟妈妈。 因为爸爸(father谐音farther) Mother: mind old tears heart eyes right

  3. Wife: washing ironing faithful entertaining Husband: housing understanding sharing buying and never demanding Love: listening oblige value excuse News: north west east south

  4. 我觉得学习英语找到合适的方法很重要,但不管是什么方法只要有用就是好方法,例如:结合汉语拼音.我觉得学习英语找到合适的方法很重要,但不管是什么方法只要有用就是好方法,例如:结合汉语拼音. language= lan + gu + age suicide= sui + ci + de guide= gui + de cinema = ci +ne + ma 增字母、减字母、换字母 例如:ring bring spring able cable table notable portable fable cool fool pool tool wool bound found hound mound pound round sound wound eight right light might night fight sight tight height weight

  5. 联想法: brought thought bought hi + story atmosphere= at most here(只要把t变成p就行了) brought(只要你给b一个耳光它就变成d)结果是 drought(干旱) later (只要把l和a换个位置就变成alter) 以上说的这些仅供大家参考,最主要还要靠大家平时的日积月累。下面就介绍构词法(word-building)的一些知识.

  6. 1:常见的名词后缀 (1)表示“人和物” -an American historian -ian Italian Canadian politician -ant assistant accountant participant -ent student president resident -ee employee trainee -er writer speaker waiter -or actor conductor sailor -ess waitress hostess actress -ist socialist novelist scientist dentist 趣谈词汇记忆

  7. (2)表示“性质、状态、动作、行为”的抽象名词(2)表示“性质、状态、动作、行为”的抽象名词 • -ability suitability probability • -ibility possibility responsibility • -age marriage shortage carriage • -al arrival refusal revival survival • -ance acceptance importance distance ignorance • -ence dependence existence difference conference • -dom freedom wisdom seldom • -ery slavery bravery discovery mastery robbery • -hood childhood adulthood neighborhood • -ion question construction election conduction • -ition composition competition • -ation modernization civilization alteration • -ism pessimism optimism socialism Marxism • -ment movement government encouragement • -ness kindness carelessness • -ship friendship leadership relationship • -ure exposure failure measure leisure pleasure

  8. 2:常见的动词后缀 (1)表示“使(成为)” “使……化” • -ate circulate decorate regulate alternate • -en strengthen weaken broaden widen lighten • -ify classify simplify specify qualify certify • -ize realize organize criticize recognize • -ish astonish cherish establish finish punish polish vanish accomplish abolish

  9. 3:常见形容词后缀 • (1)表示“具有……性质的” • -al national cultural natural • -an American republican • -ian Italian Canadian Christian • -ant pleasant resistant distant constant • -ent different confident excellent • -ary necessary imaginary customary • -ory compulsory contradictory • -ate considerate fortunate • -ese Chinese Taiwanese Cantonese • -ic heroic poetic economic • -some troublesome handsome quarrelsome

  10. (2)表示“充满或缺乏” -free duty-free care-free worry-free -ful hopeful useful wonderful helpful -less hopeless useless needless -(i)ous dangerous various anxious serious -y rainy cloudy dirty hairy trendy fishy (3)表示“类似” • -ish childish stylish greenish • -like childlike businesslike • -ly brotherly friendly deadly deathly

  11. (4)表示“主、被动意义 -able comfortable lovable capable believable portable disable -ible responsible sensible visible -ive active positive negative passive decisive extensive expensive (5)表示“方向” -ward downward backward forward westward eastward upward

  12. 4: 常见的副词后缀 • -ly strongly successfully quickly • angrily slowly • -ward(s) downwards eastwards • -wise clockwise likewise otherwise

  13. 常见的前缀 • 1:表示“否定或逆转” • de- defeat defend define deform • dis- disappear disagree disorder disgust • in- incorrect inactive incapable • inaccurate inconsiderate • il- illegal illogical illiberal • im- impossible immature imperfect impatient • ir- irregular irrelevant irresponsible • mis- misuse mislead misunderstanding • non- non-stop nonsense non-violence • un- unhappy unlucky unpleasant

  14. 2:表示“时间顺序” • ex- ex-president ex-wife ex-husband • fore- foretell forehead foresee forecast • mid- middle midfield midnight midterm • post- post-war postgraduate postpone • pre- prepare prepay premature predict • re- recall repair rebuild rewrite reconstruct

  15. 3:表示“方向或位置” ex- export exclude expel exert in- invade include indicate indoor infect im- import immigrate imitate impact impair impel inter- international interactive interchange sub- subway subsequent substandard subtitle tele- telephone telescope telecommunication trans- transparent transport transplant translate

  16. 4:表示“程度、大小或差别” • macro- macroeconomics • micro- microscope Microsoft micro-oven • mini- minibus miniskirt minimum • over- overwork overuse overhear • super- supermarket superpower superb superstar • under- underdeveloped underestimate underline undermine • vice- vice-president vice-principal

  17. 5:表示“数量” • bi- bicycle bimonthly bilingual bilateral • kilo- kilometer kilogram kilohertz kilowatt • mono- monolingual monologue monopoly • multi- multiple multimedia multifunctional multinational • semi- semifinal semiconductor semiconscious • tri- triangle tricycle triple trilateral • uni- unicycle unique universal uniform unilateral

  18. 6:变换词类的前缀 be- befriend belittle behead en- enable endanger enjoy enlarge endear encourage enrich ensure enforce em- embrace employ embitter embody embezzle

  19. 了解一些常见的词根 1:audi =hear audience auditorium audible audition 2: ced (cess)=go precede proceed process successor successive recede exceed excess 3: cept =take except exception exceptional accept acceptance acceptable intercept reception deception concept conception receptive 4: circ =ring circle encircle semicircle circular circulate circulation circumstance

  20. 5: clud (clus) =close,shut exclude exclusive include inclusive conclude conclusion seclude secluded (decide ,decisive , decision) 6: cord =heart record recorder concord concordant accord accordant discord discordant 7: cred =believe, trust credit credible discredit incredible credulous incredulous 8: cur (curs, cour) =run occur occurrence current currency course concur recurrent recur

  21. 9: dict (dic) =say contradict dictate predict prediction indicate indication dictionary 10: duc (duct) =lead educate introduce introduction conduct product reduce reduction deduce 11: fer =bring, carry conference confer differ different offer prefer preferable transfer defer 12: fus = pour refuse refusal confuse confusion transfuse transfusion 13: ject =throw project inject reject rejection interject subject subjective object objective abject adjective eject

  22. 14: log =speak dialogue dialog apology apologize monologue logic 15: medi = middle immediate immediately medium multimedia intermediate medieval Mediterranean medicine 16: memor = memory memory memorize memo memorable memorial commemorate remember misremember 17: mini =small, little minimum minimize diminish minus minor miniskirt minority 18: miss (mit) =send missile dismiss emit promise compromise commit submit 19: mot =move motion motive motivate promote promotion demote remote 20: pel =push, drive propel expel repel repulsion repulsive dispel compel impel

  23. 21: pend (pens) =hang depend dependent independent suspend suspense suspension append depend dependable 22: port =carry portable porter import export transport transportation report support supportive sport23: pos =put expose compose composition composer propose proposal opposeopposite dispose disposal pose position purpose deposit 24: rupt =break rupture interrupt interruption disrupt bankrupt corrupt erupt eruption25: sent (sens) =feel sense sensation sentimental consent consensus resent sensible sensitive nonsense assent sentence

  24. 26: sist = stand resist resistant consist consistent assist assistant exist existent insist insistent persist persistent 27: spect (spec) =look spectacle prospect inspect expect respect suspect suspicious spectator special specify specific speculate 28: tain (ten, tin) =hold contain obtain sustain maintain continue continual continuous attain mountain fountain Britain curtain certain29: tend (tens, tent) = stretch extend extension extensive (extended family) extent (~ reading) attend attendant attention attentive content contest contestant (participant) tend tent tension tense pretend intend intensive (~ reading)30: tract =draw tractor attract attractive contract abstract ( concrete ) extract subtract distract distraction distracted distracting

  25. 31:ven =come invent invention prevent prevention conventional event eventual 32: vert (vers) = turn advertise anniversary divert diverse diversify diversity revert reverse introvert extrovert convert versatile controversial invert avert 33: vis (vid) =see vision visible visit advise advisable revise supervise visa evident evidence provide video Thank you for being with me !

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