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SQL Injection & Soul Injection attacks. Mano ‘dash4rk’ Paul CISSP, CSSLP, AMBCI, MCAD, MCSD, CompTIA Network+, ECSA. ABC’s about me --. Author The 7 Qualities of Highly Secure Software The Official (ISC) 2 Guide to the CSSLP Advisor Software Assurance Advisor Biologist
SQL Injection & Soul Injection attacks Mano ‘dash4rk’ PaulCISSP, CSSLP, AMBCI, MCAD, MCSD, CompTIA Network+, ECSA
ABC’s about me -- • Author • The 7 Qualities of Highly Secure Software • The Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CSSLP • Advisor • Software Assurance Advisor • Biologist • Shark Researcher – Bimini Islands, Bahamas • Christian • CEO • SecuRisk Solutions / Express Certifications
Agenda Teach Security (SQL Injection) Teach Christ (Soul Injection) Teach Security In Christ (Discussion)
Teach Security SQL Injection
Problem on the rise • OWASP Top 10 rankings • 6th (2004) • 2nd (2007) • 1st (2010)
So what is SQL Injection? • SQL Command + • User Input(s) • SQL Command(s) An attack where the attacker supplies input which gets concatenated with internal SQL commands and gets executed.
The Hacker Attempts to exploit vulnerabilities and execute their own commands within your application Seeks control upon compromise
Tell me, and I’ll forget Show me, and I may remember Involve me, and I’ll understand DEMO
Root Cause Analysis External: Input not handled properly Internal: Dynamic Query Construction string _sQry= "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE uname= '" + txtUserName.Text+ "' AND pwd= '"+ txtPassword.Text+ "'”; Attacker supplies ' OR 1=1 -- string _sQry = "SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE uname= '' OR 1=1 –- ' AND pwd = '" + txtPassword.Text + "'";
Impact • Theft / Disclosure (Confidentiality) • ' UNION SELECT min(uname) '','' FROM USERS, WHERE uname> 'a’ -- • Alteration (Integrity) • '; UPDATE USERS SET pwd= 'h@x0r' WHERE uname= 'administrator’ -- • Destruction / DoS (Availability) • '; DROP TABLE USERS --
Mitigation Controls • Handle Input • Replace Quotes • Validate (Format, Length, Range, Type) • Filter (Blacklist / Whitelist) • Error/Exception Handling • Laconic messages • Catch all exceptions • Don’t show the Error
Mitigation Controls (Continued) • Implement Least privilege • Reader/writer accounts instead of database owner (dbo) • Remove unneeded functions/procedures • Harden the database server • Re-architect the Application • Change the way the application processes input
Re-architect the Application This is the BEST defense against SQL Injection Disallow dynamic query construction Use parameterized procedures/statements Use Language Integrated Query (LINQ) (if supported) Parameterization renders ineffective all input data that are concatenated with SQL commands
Teach Christ Soul Injection
What is Soul Injection? An attack where the devil supplies temptations which gets concatenated with our internal commands and gets executed.
The attacker • Devil a.k.a. Satan, attempts to exploit human weaknesses and execute his own commands within your life • Seeks control upon compromise Satan, the attacker, is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8)
Since the beginning of time In the Garden of Eden through time till Today and still rising … Satan, the attacker has blinded the minds of many, lest they see the glorious light of the Gospel in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:4)
No one is safe Irrespective of race, color, sex, age, nationality, or even religion. All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)
Root Cause Analysis • External: Not handling temptations properly • Sin is crouching at your door, don’t let it master you (Genesis 4:7) • Internal: Conceived in sin (the way we are architected) • Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his owndesire (Psalm 51:5, James 1:14-15; ESV)
Impact • Theft / Disclosure (Confidentiality) • The thief (devil) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I (Jesus) have come so that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly(John 10:10) • Alteration (Integrity) • The devil is the father of lies (John 8:44) who alters the truth • Destruction / DoS (Availability) • Then desire when it (desire) has conceived (concatenated with temptation) gives birth to sin (action), and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death (destruction) (James 1:15) • No man can serve 2 masters (Matthew 6:24); DoS to God
Mitigating Controls • Handle Temptation • Replace / Validate / Filter • Be laconic • Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No’; all else beyond this is from the evil one (Matthew 5:37) • Implement least privilege • Be humble, putting on the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5-8)
The Control • Re-architect your life • Change the way you handle temptation; repent and disallow responses to temptation input • Store inside of you, the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, who is given to all who believe in his Name. The Holy Spirit will help you render ineffective all temptations and he will help you handle them. THE BEST (and only) DEFENSE against SOUL INJECTION is JESUS CHRIST
Teach Security In Christ Points to Ponder
Discussion Points How are you defending your soul against injection attacks by Satan (the attacker)? All who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved (Joel 2:32)
Closing Thoughts try { if (uLikedThisPresentationAndMtg) { subscribeViaEmail(); followAndTweet(); // @hackformers getLinkedIn(); emailUs(); // mano.paul@hackformers.org } else { giveFeedback(); // mano.paul@hackformers.org } } catch(Temptations t) { applyControl(God JesusChrist); } finally { ThankUandGodBless(); }