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Teaching Methods for the Instruction of Listening and Speaking Katie Bain English Language Fellow. Participants will learn research-based methods for teaching listening and speaking skills and will design lessons that they can use in the classroom . . Objective.
TeachingMethodsfortheInstruction of Listening and Speaking KatieBain English LanguageFellow
Participantswilllearnresearch-basedmethodsforteachinglistening and speakingskills and willdesignlessonsthatthey can use in theclassroom. Objective
meaning-focusedinput • meaning-focusedoutput • language-focusedlearning • fluencydevelopment TheFourStrands of a GoodLanguageCourse Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.
How can youlearnto do somethingifyou do notspend time doingit? • How can you listen wellifyou do notpracticelistening? • How can youspeakwellifyou do notpracticespeaking? The Time-on-TaskPrinciple Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.
ReceptiveSkills • Students’ mainfocusisonmakingmeaning, understanding, and comprehendingthe input they are receiving. • In orderforthisaspecttobehelpfulforstudents, the input students are receivingneedstobesomewhat familiar tothem, withonly a fewwordsorphrasesthat are unknowntothem. Meaning-focused Input: LearningthroughListening and Reading Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.
ProductiveSkills • Thisstrandfocusesonstudents´producingmeaningfulutterancesbyeitherspeakingorwriting. • Fortheseactivitiestobeuseful in theclassroom, studentsneedtobediscussing and writingabouttopicsthat are familiar tothem, whichrequireminimal use of outsidesupportforproduction. Meaning-focused Output: LearningthroughSpeaking and Writing Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.
The deliberatelearning of aspects of language, such as grammar, pronuciation, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, etc. • The ultimategoalforlanguage-focusedlearningisforstudentsto produce and receiveaccuratemessages, buttheinstructionalprocessisfocusedontheform. Language-focusedLearning Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.
Studentsmakethebestpossible use of whattheyalreadyknow. • The students´focusisonconveying and understandingmeaning. • Students can bechallengedbytheteacherto try tospeakor listen at a pace thatmaybedifficultforthem at first. BecomingFluent in Listeningand Speaking Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York.
thelistening “text” isbrief (1 – 3 minutes) • thepurposeforlisteningisidentified and sharedwithlearners • thelistening “text” issupportedbyvisual clues • thelisteningexerciserequiresanappropriateresponse • thelistening “text” isrepeatedseveraltimes • theactivityprovidesimmediatefeedback • theactivity has elementsthatcontributetomotivation Characteristicsof AnEffectiveListeningActivity Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
Helplearnersfocustheirattention • Set up theactivity • Letthelearners do theactivity (wholeclass, pairs, groups) • Evaluatetheactivity • Providefollow up FacilitatingListening/SpeakingActivities Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
Picture Descriptions • Real-worldpurpose: Tounderstand English questionwords and respondappropriately. • Finda large magazine photo. Show thepicturetotheentireclassand ask a series of questionsrelatedtothepicture. Elicit responses fromlearners. • Foradditionalpractice, putlearners in pairs. Activity 1: Picture Description Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
As a class, orfromonelearner, elicitanaccount of a real experiencefromwork, community, familyorfriends. • Writetheaccountontheboard as thelearnerspeaks. • Whenfinished, orallyaskcomprehensionquestionsabouttheaccountwrittenontheboard. Utilize a variety of WH-informationquestions, yes/no questions. • LanguageExperienceApproach Video Activity 2:LanguageExperienceApproach Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
Activity 3: Interviews Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
Activity 4: MinimalPairs Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
Activity 5:Dictation Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
PastRightNowFuture ______________________________________________________ EveryDay • Prepare short lists of 10-12 level-appropriate sentences that are pertinent to the life skill topic or subject matter currently being studied. The sentences should utilize verb tenses already studied and practiced by learners. • Learners mark the tense of each sentence based on what they hear and check their answers with partners or as a class. Activity 6:Past, Present, Future Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
Locate a short, level-appropriate newspaper story that is pertinent to the life skill topic or subject matter currently being studied. • Prepare a set of 4-6 comprehension questions based on the article. • Read the story aloud at a natural pace while learners listen to get the gist. • Next, give learners the set of comprehension questions. Activity 7: News Quips and Questions Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
Locate 4-6 objects for which learners know the vocabulary words. • Place each object in a separate brown paper bag. In the manner of a riddle, give learners a series of clues about each object as its bag is displayed, (Examples: what color it is, what it is made of, what it is used for, who uses the object, how much it usually costs, what it weighs, etc. • When learners have heard all the clues, they guesswhattheobjectis. Activity 8:What´s in the bag? Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
Choose a song based on what you are learning or what students need to know. • Give students copies of the lyrics with certain words omitted. • Students try to fill in the missing words. • Singalong! • Hello Goodbye, by the Beatles Activity 9: SongLyrics
Make a list of 5-10 very simple sentences. As a whole class, or in groups of 4-5, ask each learner in turn to add a word, phrase, or clause to the sentence so it gradually expands and becomes more complex. • After a certain period of time, or when groups are unable to expand the sentence further, ask each group to write their final sentence on the board. Activity 10: ExpandingSentences Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy.
Work in pairsorsmallgroups. • Using ideas fromthepresentation, create a lesson plan tohelpstudentsimprovetheirlistening and speakingskills. • Includetheunittitle, themeortopic, importantvocabulary, lessonobjective, classroomactivities, and assessment plan. • Presentyour plan totheclass. • I willcollecttheplans and typethem up in ordertosendthemtoyou. You can then use the ideas createdbyyourcolleagues in yourclassroom! Action Plan!
Unit Plan orTitle • ThemeorTopic of Lesson • ImportantVocabulary • LessonObjective: Studentswill… • Lesson Plan Activities: • Assessment: Lesson Plan
Miller, Jane C. (2010). Listening and Speaking Activities for Adult ESL Learners. Colorado Department of Education, AdultEducation & FamilyLiteracy. • Nation, I.S.P., Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. Routledge, New York. Sources