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Typically British. Places :. Buckingham Palace: It was built in 1761 and then III. George owned it . The construction was finished in 1837 and the Royal family got the palace . The famous St. James’s park stands in front of the Palace. The Royal family owns royal guards.
Places: Buckingham Palace: Itwasbuiltin 1761 and then III. George ownedit. The constructionwasfinishedin 1837 and the Royal familygotthepalace. The famous St. James’s park standsin front of the Palace. The Royal familyownsroyalguards.
Parks : Parksin London arefamousbecausetheyareclean and beautiful. Therearedifferentanimalsintheseparks.Famousparks: Hyde Park; St. James’s Park; Holland Park
The Houses of Parliament: The House of Lords and the House of Commons The Clock Tower withthe Big Ben whichwasbuiltin 1858. Victoria Tower.
Westminster Abbey: III Eduard had itbuilt. Itwasbuiltbetween 1045 and 1065. The Abbeywas a masterpiece of Gothicstyle. One of the most famous and oldestmonuments. Place of crowning and burying. The Tower of the London: Situatedonthenorth bank of theThames ,incentral London. William theConquerorbuiltthe White Tower in 1078, whichbecamethe Tower of London. The castlewasusedas a fortress, aroyalpalace, a prison , and todayit is a museumwhichhousesthecrownjewels. The famous Tower bridgewhichwasbuiltbetween 1886-1894, is nexttothe Tower.
London Eye: ItwasopenedonnewYear’s Eve 1999 tocelebratethe Millennium.-135 metreshigh.-Each „trip” lasts 30 minutes. -speed 15metres/minute.-32 capsules.
Oxford: Famousuniversity city. One of theoldestestablisheduniversities. The city has an independentgoverment. -Totalarea: 45,49km2 -Totalpopulation: 153.700 people. Doubledecker(Red bus): Buseshavebeenusedonthestreets of London since 1829. The redbusremains a symbol of the city.
Stonehenge: The true meaning of this ancient, awe-inspiring creation has been lost in the mists of time. Was Stonehenge a temple for sun worship, a healing centre, a burial site or perhaps a huge calendar? How did our ancestors manage to carry the mighty stones from so far away and then, using only the most primitive of tools, build this amazing structure? Surrounded by mystery, Stonehenge never fails to impress.
Greenwich: The timekeeper of the World The Royal Observatoryis the home of Greenwich Mean Time and the PrimeMeridian of the World, making it the official starting point for each new day and year.
Food and Drinks: Fish and chips: Famous English food, majority of thepubssellfish and chips.Moreand more fish and chips shopsclose. English peoplepreferChinesefood. Pubs: Areplaceswherepeoplecanbuybeer (Guiness) and livetheirsociallives. Famous London pub: The Globe.
Bed and Breakfast: Itoffersovernightacommodation and breakfastbutdoesn’tofferothermeals . British tea: Sincethe 18th centurythe British havebeenthelargest tea consumersintheworld. British peopledrink tea withcoldmilk.
Createdby: • Dávid Ádám • Keczely Dávid • NaddafSharif