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Assessment & Accountability

Assessment & Accountability. ES Meeting. November 2016. LCFF Evaluation Rubrics Delayed the Academic Indicator Approved Local Indicators LCAP Template Final changes to the LCAP template for SBE adoption. ESSA State Plan (Accountability and Continuous Improvement System)

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Assessment & Accountability

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Assessment & Accountability ES Meeting

  2. November 2016 • LCFF Evaluation Rubrics • Delayed the Academic Indicator • Approved Local Indicators • LCAP Template • Final changes to the LCAP template for SBE adoption. • ESSA State Plan (Accountability and Continuous Improvement System) • CDE presented first draft of ESSA State Plan based on stakeholder input, for SBE review. ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  3. January 2017 • LCFF Evaluation Rubrics • Academic Indicator Revisited • CDE presents preliminary recommendations to the SBE for transition plan to support the use of school conditions and climate measures • ESSA State Plan • 2nd Draft ESSA State Plan for SBE Review. • CDE revises ESSA State Plan based on stakeholder feedback (including CPAG). ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  4. March 2017 • LCFF Evaluation Rubrics • Annual review of evaluation rubrics • ESSA State Plan • 3rd Draft ESSA State Plan for SBE Review. • CDE revises ESSA State Plan based on stakeholder feedback (including CPAG). ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  5. July 2017 • ESSA State Plan • Submit California ESSA Consolidated State Plan to ED • New Accountability System begins July 2017. • The ESSA State Plan takes effect 2017-18 and implements process to identify schools for assistance. ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  6. September 2017 • LCFF Evaluation Rubrics • Possible action to revise the rubrics based on the annual review completed in March 2017, any updated data elements and indicators based on stakeholder input. ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  7. 2018-19 • The new technical assistance, support, and interventions under LCFF and ESSA are implemented. ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  8. Performance Standards for all LCFF Priorities *High School Only **COE Only ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  9. Local Performance Indicators • LEAs are responsible for measuring progress on these priorities using self-assessment tools. Results will be collected and reported locally to enhance local decision making for the relevant LCFF priority. • LEAs will access their progress on these indicators on the following scale • Met • Not Met • Not Met for Two or More Years ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  10. Overview of the CA Model ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  11. Overview of the CA Model ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  12. Overview of the CA Model ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  13. Overview of the CA Model ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  14. Overview of the CA Model ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  15. Overview of the CA Model ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  16. Dashboard Displays ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  17. Dashboard Displays ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  18. Dashboard Displays ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  19. Dashboard Displays ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  20. Dashboard Displays ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  21. Dashboard Displays ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  22. Dashboard Displays ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  23. Dashboard Displays ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  24. Overview of Support System ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  25. Proposed Approach for Identifying LEAs in Need of Assistance or Intervention • An LEA would be eligible for differentiated assistance if any student group met the performance criteria listed below for two or more LCFF priorities. • An LEA would be eligible for intensive intervention if three or more student groups met the performance criteria listed below for two or moreLCFF priorities in three out of four consecutive years ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  26. Proposed Approach for Identifying LEAs in Need of Assistance or Intervention ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  27. LCAP Summary • Greatest Progress • Greatest Needs • Performance Gaps ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  28. LCAP Summary ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  29. Greatest Progress • Based on a review of performance on the state indicators and local performance indicators included in the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, progress toward LCAP goals, local self-assessment tools, stakeholder input, or other information, what progress is the LEA most proud of and how does the LEA plan to maintain or build upon that success? This may include identifying any specific examples of how past increases or improvements in services for low-income students, English learners, and foster youth have led to improved performance for these students. ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  30. Greatest Needs • Referring to the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, identify any state indicator or local performance indicator for which overall performance was in the “Red” or “Orange” performance category or where the LEA received a “Not Met” or “Not Met for Two or More Years” rating. Additionally, identify any areas that the LEA has determined need significant improvement based on review of local performance indicators or other local indicators. What steps is the LEA planning to take to address these areas with the greatest need for improvement? ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  31. Performance Gaps • Referring to the LCFF Evaluation Rubrics, identify any state indicator for which performance for any student group was two or more performance levels below the “all student” performance. What steps is the LEA planning to take to address these performance gaps? ES Meeting 11/14/2016

  32. Thank You!!Mmmmmm ES . ES Meeting 11/14/2016

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