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Versioning and Model-View in Eclipse

Versioning and Model-View in Eclipse. Why introduce our own versioning?. To capture changes in more detail To switch back and forth between versions Good for diffing analysis results To jump back to a past version, and to start a new branch from there. Other factors. Pro

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Versioning and Model-View in Eclipse

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  1. Versioning and Model-View in Eclipse

  2. Why introduce our own versioning? • To capture changes in more detail • To switch back and forth between versions • Good for diffing analysis results • To jump back to a past version, and to start a new branch from there

  3. Other factors • Pro • UWM depends on having it • Precursor to persistence • Con • Exceptions thrown if code is not following protocol correctly

  4. The IR • Internal Representation • Used to represent code ASTs, the version space, and other graph-based structures • Based on objects with attribute-value pairs associated with it • object : IRNode • attribute : SlotInfo (possibly named and/or typed) • value : Object • In fluid.ir

  5. Basic use of the IR n.setSlotValue(si, “This is a test”); LOG.debug(n.getSlotValue(si));

  6. Basic use of the IR SlotInfo si = VersionedSlotFactory.newAttribute() IRNode n = new PlainIRNode(); n.setSlotValue(si, “This is a test”); LOG.debug(n.getSlotValue(si));

  7. Basic use of the IR import fluid.ir.*; org.apache.log4j.LoggerLOG = Logger.getLogger(“DEMO"); SlotInfo si = VersionedSlotFactory.newAttribute() IRNode n = new PlainIRNode(); n.setSlotValue(si, “This is a test”); LOG.debug(n.getSlotValue(si));

  8. Higher-level structure in the IR • Digraph • With or without IRNodes representing edges • Trees • Special support for syntax trees • Sequences (IRSequence) • To support the structures above • Either fixed or variable size (IRArray, IRList) • In fluid.tree

  9. A tree, version 1 A

  10. A tree, version 2 A C D

  11. A tree, version 3 A B F C D

  12. A tree, version 4 A B F C D

  13. A tree, version 5 A B F C D

  14. A tree, version 7 A B F C D

  15. A tree, version 6 A B F C D

  16. A tree, version 8 A B F D C

  17. A tree, version 7 A B F C D

  18. A tree, version 9 A B F C D

  19. The version space v0 v7 v8 v9

  20. A tree, version 10 A G B F H C D

  21. Manipulating IR trees tree.setSubtree(A, F); // v4 tree.setSubtree(B, C); // v5 tree.setSubtree(B, D); // v6 tree.setSubtree(A, B); Version v7 = Version.getVersion(); tree.removeSubtree(C); // redundant tree.setSubtree(F, C); Version v8 = Version.getVersion();

  22. Traversing IR trees Enumeration e = tree.bottomUp(A); IRNode b = tree.getSubtree(A, 0); // 0-indexed IRNode c = tree.getSubtree(b, 0); LOG.info(c+” = “+e.nextElement()); IRNode b2 = tree.getParent(c); IRNode d = tree.getChild(b2, 1); LOG.info(d+” = “+e.nextElement()); // If this was a SyntaxTree LOG.info(“d is a “+tree.getOperator(d));

  23. Syntax trees in the IR • Trees with special support for node Operators • Primarily to ensure that subtrees in particular positions have certain Operators • Mostly built using parsers or via methods defined in the specific Operators • Syntax either represented in two ways: • SlotInfos (e.g., names, modifiers) • Subtrees (e.g., fields, statements, parameters) • Syntax accessed via methods defined in each Operator • In fluid.parse, fluid.java, fluid.java.operator

  24. Creating syntax trees // this.a = b IRNode base = ThisExpression.prototype.jjtCreate(); IRNode lval = FieldRef.createNode(base, “a”); IRNode rval = UseExpression.createNode(“b”); IRNode expr = AssignExpression.createNode(lval, rval); LOG.info(DebugUnparser.toString(expr));

  25. Traversing syntax trees // expr is “this.a = b” Operator op = tree.getOperator(expr); if (AssignExpression.includes(expr)) { // instead of getSubtree or getChild IRNode lhs = AssignExpression.getLhs(expr); op = tree.getOperator(lhs); if (FieldRef.includes(op)) { LOG.info(“Accessing field “+FieldRef.getId(lhs)); } }

  26. Details about the IR • IRNodes can participate in multiple IR structures at once • e.g., a SyntaxTree and a CFG • However, the default SyntaxTree used by the Operators is JJNode.tree • Limitations on IRSequences influence the structure of the syntax trees • Nodes either have a fixed or a variable number of subcomponents • e.g., a ClassDeclaration node has exactly three: • A NamedType node that it extends • An Implements node with a variable number of NamedType children • A ClassBody node with a variable number of ClassBodyDeclaration s

  27. Versioning in the IR • Mostly transparent to code that accesses or manipulates IR • getSlotValue() consults the current Version if the structure is versioned • New versions created for every change • A Version is global and includes the state of all versioned IR • Each thread has its own “current” Version • Initialized to the initial version (not inherited) • Manipulated via calls on Version • In fluid.version

  28. Versioning in Eclipse • Multiple threads need to coordinate access to IR, so previously loaded code is preserved • Simplest to simulate a global “current” version • Two components • VersionSpaceModel to keep track of Versions of possible interest (usually after completed operations) • VersionMarkerModel to keep track of the current Version • In fluid.eclipse.Eclipse, cspace.mvc.version

  29. Manipulating syntax trees in Eclipse modManager = Eclipse.getDefault().getModManager(); modManager.executeAtomically(new Runnable() { public void run() { IRNode base = ThisExpression.prototype.jjtCreate(); IRNode lval = FieldRef.createNode(base, “a”); IRNode rval = UseExpression.createNode(“b”); IRNode expr = AssignExpression.createNode(lval, rval); … } });

  30. Manipulating syntax trees in Eclipse cursor = Eclipse.getDefault().getVersionCursor(); cursor.executeWithin(new Runnable() { public void run() { … } });

  31. Traversing syntax trees in Eclipse cursor = Eclipse.getDefault().getVersionCursor(); try { Version.saveVersion(); Version.setVersion(cursor.getVersion()); … // Designed for read-only access to IR // Any changes are discarded } finally { Version.restoreVersion(); }

  32. Models • A set of IRNodes • Possibly structured as a Set, Sequence, or Forest • A set of attributes registered with the Model • Associated with either the model (component) or the nodes • Identified with a name (usually a constant String) • Represented as a named SlotInfo with an IRType • Ex: VersionSpaceModel interface • A ForestModel with three custom attributes • VERSION: the Version that the node represents • VNAME: a String label associated with that version • CURSORS: an IRSequence of dependent VersionCursorModels

  33. Views • Objects depending on Models • To receive ModelEvents from Models • To access the Model state • StatefulViews also export Model interface(s) • Possibly the same or different • Ex: VersionCursorModel • Extends VersionSpaceToVersionTrackerModel • Exports a component attribute VersionTracker.VERSION • Constrained to hold a version from its VersionSpaceModel

  34. A simple Model-View chain VersionSpace VersionCursor

  35. Another Model-View chain VersionSpace SyntaxForest VersionCursor FixedProjectionForest ConfigurableForest …

  36. Another Model-View chain (2) VersionSpace SyntaxForest VersionCursor FixedProjectionForest SimplePredicateView ConfigurableForest PredicateBasedVisibilityView

  37. Model-View packages cspace.mvc cspace.mvc.sequence cspace.mvc.set cspace.mvc.tree cspace.mvc.tree.syntax cspace.mvc.version cspace.mvc.attr cspace.mvc.predicate cspace.mvc.visibility cspace.mvc.diff …

  38. Model-View in Eclipse • Eclipse.getVersionSpace() • Eclipse.getVersionCursor() • Eclipse.getForestModel() • Same as Eclipse.getTree(), except returning it as a different type • Eclipse.getConfigurableView() • Creates a new Model-View chain for each call • Unlike the above, which return a prototype

  39. Creating a Model-View chain ForestModel fm = StandardPureForestFactory.mutablePrototype.create(“unique”, VersionedSlotFactory.prototype); VersionTrackerModel tracker = VersionMarkerFactory.prototype.create(“unique2”, Version.getInitialVersion()); SyntaxTreeInterface tree = FixedVersionForestProjectionFactory.prototype .create(“unique3”, fm, tracker); … Ex: cspace.mvc.examples.SimpleForestApp

  40. Customizing an Model-View chain • Adding Views to any point in a chain • Altering parameters for a Model or View • VersionCursorModel.setFollowing(false) • Creating a plugin for an existing View • ForestEllipsisPolicy • Extending an existing Model or View • LabeledForest • Creating a new Model / View

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