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Academic Vocabulary Set 7. Vocabulary. Each set of squares (10 words) is worth 30 points. We will introduce and discuss 2 words a day. When we finish a set of 10 words, you will take a 20 point vocabulary quiz. The day you take the quiz you will also hand in your picture squares.
Vocabulary • Each set of squares (10 words) is worth 30 points. • We will introduce and discuss 2 words a day. • When we finish a set of 10 words, you will take a 20 point vocabulary quiz. • The day you take the quiz you will also hand in your picture squares. • There are 5 readings and short-answer questions (10-30 points each) that will be included throughout the marking period. • This is your grade for homeroom.
bilk verb Definition: 1. to evade payment of, to scam money through deceit or fraud 2. to block the development of Bilked by the new environmental regulations, plans for a new coal-fired power plant had to be redesigned. Street vendors often bilk tourists by selling imitation merchandise.
bilk verb Definition: 1. to evade payment of, to scam money through deceit or fraud 2. to block the development of The con artist had bilked his victims by… (what did the con artist do?) Playing cards, he always bilked the other players by… (what did he do?) The investigation discovered that the business had bilked its customers by… (what?)
gauche adjective Definition: unsophisticated or socially awkward, lacking social experience or grace His gauche behavior at the opera convinced many that he did not belong in high society. Many Europeans eat pizza with a fork and knife, believing it gauche to eat this meal with their hands.
gauche adjective Definition: unsophisticated or socially awkward, lacking social experience or grace When eating meals in the US, it is considered gauche to… (do what?) She felt rather gauche at the extravagant dinner party when she… (what did she do?) My gauche behavior at the country club resulted in… (what?)
avert verb Definition: 1. to turn away 2. to prevent the occurrence of (something) Body language experts believe that when an individual tells a lie, he or she may avert their gaze to the left to avoid eye contact. In order to avert a food shortage in the winter months, many animals stockpile food during the summer and fall.
avert verb Definition: 1. to turn away 2. to prevent the occurrence of (something) Terrified during the horror movie, she averted her eyes when the monster… (what?) The driver narrowly averted the accident by… (what did he/she do?) The home security system helps the family avert problems such as _____ and _____.
conciliatory adjective Definition: attempting to establish goodwill in a state of hostility or distrust The rude office worker, despite several warnings from her boss, has not seen the need to change her ways or become more conciliatory towards her co-workers. In an effort to convince the House of Representatives to approve the bill, the Speaker of the House adopted a conciliatory tone of voice and approach.
conciliatory adjective Definition: attempting to establish goodwill in a state of hostility or distrust As a conciliatory gesture towards his new neighbors, he… (what?) After the store gave me the wrong change, the conciliatory manager… (what did the manager do?) After their fight, her conciliatory actions convinced him that… (what?)
circumvent verb Definition: 1. to go around, bypass, or avoid through cleverness or wit 2. to surround or encompass in order to force surrender The student will circumvent the college's competitive freshman admissions process by applying as a sophomore transfer student. When the politician struggled to circumvent the real issues at the debate, the people speculated that she wasn’t the right candidate.
circumvent verb Definition: 1. to go around, bypass, or avoid through cleverness or wit 2. to surround or encompass in order to force surrender Highways often circumvent busy areas of town, such as ________ and _______. The flotilla circumvented its enemy by… (what did they do to get around the enemy?) It is the army’s goal to circumvent their opponents, forcing them to… (what?)
apprehensive adjective Definition: fearful of potential misfortune or danger, anxious The negative effect of evaluation apprehension reduces the quantity of ideas produced in groups. She felt incredibly apprehensive about her upcoming trip to the dentist.
apprehensive adjective Definition: fearful of potential misfortune or danger, anxious Parents and guardians often feel apprehensive when their children… (what?) I felt apprehensive about my decision to… (what?) After his dream about…(what?), he felt apprehensive about...(doing what?)
elucidate adjective Definition: to make clear from confusion or ambiguity, to explain Feed the World staff will show a presentation to elucidate the problems and potential solutions in the global food supply system. In the principal’s office, the student elucidated why he has been behaving in such a rude way towards his teacher and other students.
elucidate adjective Definition: to make clear from confusion or ambiguity, to explain The professor attempted to elucidate the material by… (doing what?) Dr. Gray gave the following reasons to elucidate why the student had been sent to ISD: _______ and _______. The details for the birthday party have not yet been elucidated: we do not know ______, ______ or _____.
jurisdiction noun Definition: 1. the limits or territory within which authority may be exercised 2. the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law The volunteer fire department only holds jurisdiction within the town limits; if a fire breaks out beyond the town border, the city firefighters must respond to the call. Students in the classroom are under the teacher’s jurisdiction – what the teacher says should be treated like the law.
jurisdiction noun Definition: 1. the limits or territory within which authority may be exercised 2. the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law The state holds jurisdiction over crimes committed… (where?) Because the crime was committed in Georgia, the local police had jurisdiction and the _____________ police were unable to conduct the investigation. Knowing he would be thrown in jail if he entered the county sheriff's jurisdiction, he…
ennui noun Definition: a lack of spirit, enthusiasm, or satisfaction that comes from boredom If you don’t follow your heart and your passions, your life may be filled with ennui. Filled with ennui at the prospect of another interminable pep rally, the students decided to skip the rally and go out for breakfast.
ennui noun Definition: a lack of spirit, enthusiasm, or satisfaction that comes from boredom I felt an extreme sense of ennui when… (what?) Overcome by ennui by her tedious 9-5 job, she…. (what did she do?) The students displayed their ennui at the long lecture by… (what did they do?)
mediate verb Definition: 1. to work with opposing sides in an argument in order to bring about an agreement 2. to act through an intervening agency Roommates in college dorms often experience conflicts, and Resident Assistants will mediate the issue until a peaceful resolution is discovered. Mr. Burns mediated the debate between the students who supported the new dress code and those who did not.
mediate verb Definition: 1. to work with opposing sides in an argument in order to bring about an agreement 2. to act through an intervening agency The mayor has agreed to mediate the debate between _______ and ______. The wise grandmother will mediate the dispute between ______ and _____. The lawyers must mediate the divorce settlement of the couple because… (why?)