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Word Study Practice Synonyms and Antonyms EQ – What are synonyms and antonyms? How can they help us understand text?. Synonyms. Synonyms. Review. Antonyms. Antonyms. S ynonyms. S ame. How to remember which one is which. A ntonyms. O pposite. Directions:
Word Study Practice Synonyms and Antonyms EQ – What are synonyms and antonyms? How can they help us understand text?
Synonyms Synonyms Review Antonyms Antonyms
Synonyms Same How to remember which one is which Antonyms Opposite
Directions: Tell if the words are synonyms or antonyms. Use the pictures and sentences as clues.
Antonyms calm dismayed
He entered the dark building. Sue enjoyed the early morning light. Antonyms
We are singing a new song in chorus. The choir traveled to Europe to sing at the opera house. Synonyms http://www.wou.edu/las/creativearts/music/images/choir1.gif
The bus goes speedily. The turtle is plodding. Antonyms
Synonyms invisible hidden
We used flames to toast marshmallows. The blaze was so hot we could not get close to put it out. Synonyms http://www.firewebdesigns.com/images/fire_02.jpg
The ferocious bull is angry. The bird is tame. Antonyms
The hard rocks were by the beach. The pillow was soft. Antonyms
Antonyms The hippopotamus is immense. The mouse is small.
The generous man gave his money away to the poor. At the beginning, Scrooge was miserly. Antonyms
Synonyms anxious dismayed
The affluent king gave to the needy. The impoverished people had no homes. Antonyms
Synonyms situations conditions
The old dog is feeble. The giant insect is strong. Antonyms
Antonyms rumpled smooth
The tractor’s noise hurt our ears. The silence was relaxing. Antonyms
Antonyms unusual ordinary
The dinosaur is towering. The boy is short. Antonyms
Antonyms invisible hidden visible
ordinary unusual Antonyms common
Synonyms worried dismayed anxious
conditions Predicament Synonyms situations
Make up 2 examples of synonyms and 2 examples of antonyms. Each student will call out one pair of words and the class will guess their relationship.