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Presentation about 'Introduction to the Knowledge Cafe'
The Knowledge-Café If only we knew what we know By David Gurteen and Dan Remenyi 1
What is a K-Café? • A knowledge café is a means of bringing a group of people together to have an open, creative conversation on a topic of mutual interest to share ideas and to gain a deeper collective understanding of the subject and the issues involved. 2
What are the objectives of a K-Café? • To gain mutual understanding of a complex issue • To gain a deeper understanding of other people’s perspectives • To gain a deeper understanding of one’s own views and thinking process • To flush out issues which need airing & exploring • To help build a consensus around an issue or topic 3
Where is it used? • We have used this technique many times in public forums and within companies to explore complex issues • The Royal Society for the Arts are using a form of K-Café in conjunction with a coffee house in the UK later this year all over the country to discuss social issues relevant to the societies aims • I have also recently used it in the NHS to explore how people might better communicate and work together 4
When would a K-Café be run? • Knowledge share • Develop a Code of Practice • Get Networking going • Gain new perspectives • Gain new ideas 5
What is the history? • How long has it been around & where did it come from? • The term knowledge-café has been around for the last 7 years or so • But only in the last 2 or 3 years has it come into more common use • Has its roots in work of David Bohm, William Isaacs, Juanita Brown • Also has roots in OST (Open Space Technology) which goes back to 1989 6
How is it different from OST? • It is quite different • The OST process is more complex • OST is used for purposes other than gaining mutual understanding e.g. problem solving and defining agendas • OST meetings tend to be larger - often 100s of people compared to dozens for K-Cafés • OST meetings tend to last longer - often days rather than hours 7
Is it a talking-shop? • No its NOT a talking-shop. A talking shop is normally used pejoratively and it implies no useful outcome other than the airing of ones own ideas • A K-Café is different in that everyone leaves enriched by a deeper level of understanding of the subject in question 8
Why is the K-Café important? • The world is a much more complex place than it used to be - at times even chaotic - it is not always clear what is going on - we need to take time to UNDERSTAND • We do not find the time these days to have open conversations, we are under pressure to make quick decisions • KM for example should not be about creating and sharing ever increasing knowledge but understanding more fully the knowledge that we do have! 9
What does a K-Café do for the individual? • The K-Café operates on the assumption that people really have within themselves a greater level of insight than they are often conscious of. The K-Café can tease this out. • You hear yourself say things in k-café conversations that you did not know that you knew • A k-café kind of crystallises your knowledge • New ideas are sparked • Fresh perspectives emerge ... • And with increased observation and reflection comes understanding and this paves the way for change 10
What does a K-Café do for the individual? • Some people just have problems expressing themselves • Sometimes you just don’t know what you think until you have said it! • Learning how to hear and to understand yourself • The K-Café is a little like an anti-inhibitor and thus stimulates discussion 11
What resources are needed to run a K-Café? • Not a lot to run to a simple format • A group of people • A facilitator or host • A room with plenty of space • Tables and chairs - ideally round tables to seat about 5 12
Do you need anything special in the room? • Some K-Café formats have special requirements such as round tables, paper table cloths, felt tip pens, flowers on the table and coffee • The aim being to create the right ambience • An unthreatening and hospitable environment • Everyone must feel save to free express themselves without any potential recriminations • But the K-Cafés that I run need none of these props but of course you could add them if available 13
How do you run one? • K-Cafés can be run in a number of different ways. Some formats are very simple others are more complex • I use a very simple format and it’s the one I am going to describe • A K-Café runs for 90 minutes to a couple/few hours • They work best with between 20 and 30 people • But they can be run with as few as a dozen or as many as 100 people 14
What's the process? • 1. Explain the k-café concept • 2. Set the theme and questions • A facilitator or host introduces the K-Café and the subject under discussion. The optimum time for this less than 10 minutes • The purpose of the K-Café is made clear to everybody • The facilitator poses one or two key open ended questions. • The participants group themselves into groups of 4 or 5 and are invited to discuss the subject for 45 minutes. • The whole group re-assembles for an exchange of ideas as a whole for 45 minuets 15
What subjects are can be covered? • Any subject can be addressed • Explore questions that matter to those who are participating in the K-Café • Remember the K-Café is not a debating forum • A K-Café would normally explore only one theme • A K-Café is NOT about decision making. 16
What is the Role of the Facilitator? • The facilitator need not be a subject specialist. If not you might use a subject specialist to introduce the question/s • Nor disciplined in facilitation • Simply a good listener and chairperson skills • The facilitator should not take a lead in the discussions. He or she should wander around and listen into the groups but should not lead them. • Should listen out for problems and remind people gently of the rules of ‘dialogue’ 17
What’s the role of the individuals? • In the words of Theodore Zeldin : to be prepared to emerge a slightly different person • To see people with different views not as adversaries but as sources from which you can learn • To enter into open conversation • To listen more than speak • To welcome differences • To withhold judgment • Position taking should be avoided • Minimum political correctness should be followed 18
How do things work within the small groups? • Don’t appoint a leader or chairperson • Everyone should be equal and fully engaged in the conversation • Don’t appoint a note taker either • Anyone can make their own notes if they want to • Everyone reports back their own perspectives to the final group if they want to 19
How does the large group sit? • If possible bring everyone back into a relatively tight horse- shoe shape group so that every one can easily see each other as well as hear each other • Only use microphones if absolutely necessary as they inhibit the natural flow of the conversation 20
Describe the large group discussion? • Individuals are asked to remember that their comments are for the whole group and not for the facilitator. They are not reporting back to the facilitator! • The objective is the hold a ‘group conversation’ • The facilitator needs to work at encouraging this 21
How does the facilitator work with the large group at the end • The group should be doing the work with minimal intervention from the facilitator • Facilitator needs to encourage participation • Facilitator needs to ensure that no one person or group dominates the discussion • Connect diverse perspectives • Facilitator needs to keep time 22
How do you record the outcomes of a K-Café • The real outcome is what people take away with them in their heads and the new connections with other people that they may have made • What ever you record things you should avoid disrupting or influencing the conversation in anyway • You record it (audio or video) but I would advise against it • Best to appoint an outside person to take notes • Participants should not be burdened with routine recording as they need to be fully engaged in the conversation 23
The Outcomes of a K-Café • The real outcome is what you take away with you in your head • New connections with people • A deeper understanding of the issue discussed • A deeper understanding and insight into other people’s perspectives • A better appreciation of your own point of view and how it is seen by others • A better knowledge of what you know and don’t know and what others know and don’t know • In a position to make more informed decisions 24
Other Formats • theworldcafe.com • Flipcharts/flowers/table cloths/pens etc • Can get in the way • Need additional cost/budget • If have that luxury then ok • Groups can move around – takes longer – ok if you can afford the time 25
Where can I learn more about K-Cafés? • That’s simple • There are a lot of resources on the web • A good stating point is gurteen.com • Where you will find a link on the home page to other resources including theworldcafe.com 26