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In fact, auction can be said to be the Facebook ad algorithm, which determines the order in which a particular ad appears on the news feed and is relative to other ads. When any of your ad wins the action, it is shown first, second or third, provided that it has the highest total value. This value is not just the monetary amount of the ad, but also how relevant it is to the target audience or the user value. Now, this is where the “meaningful interactions†come to play.<br>
Facebook Ad Algorithm – 6 Definitive Tips You Can Use for a Win-Win Situation
In fact,auctioncanbesaid to betheFacebookad algorithm,whichdeterminestheorderin whicha particularad appearsonthenewsfeed and is relative to otherads. Now,this iswherethe“meaningfulinteractions”come to play.Thesocialmediachannelwantsto displayads, whichusersontheplatform wouldliketo view and engagewith.
Opt for the Multi-Product Carousel Themulti-productcarouseladvertisoneofthebestwaysto increaseyourCTRs(Click-Through-Rates)anddecreaseyour costs. Themainreasonbehind this isits interactivity astheusersget to scrollthroughthem andview moreproductsoftheirliking. It also allowsgroupingsimilarproductsinasinglepackage.
Capture Attention with Videos Videocontentis surely onthehighpriority list on Facebookandwhenyouoptforavideoadvertisement,the chancefor it appearingontheusers’newsfeed also increasesmanifold. Again,theengagementfactorcomesto playasvideoshave moretakersthananyotherform ofcontentonsocial mediachannels,especially Facebook.
Everyone Loves an Offer Whodoesn’tlikeabitofadiscount,somefreebiesandan “offertheycan’trefuse”?Jokesapart,itis truethatsalesof anykindarehardto resistbythecustomers.Theyaremore likely to click onthatCTAbutton when it’s raining discountsonthem.
Have a Popular Post? Boost It! Adverts are not only about making money from products and services. You can also make clever use of your posts and let it do the trick. For instance, if you have a post that you are sure of being popular or “viral”, go ahead and boost it. Take your pick from the posts that have already generated more number of likes, shares and other social engagements and promote it on Facebook.
Add an Event This one is a no-brainer. Events can be used in a clever way not just to show off your products, but to invite people to a physical location – your store, an exhibition kiosk and so on and so forth. It will not help in active sales, but you can be assured that it will get you the attention and interest that your brand deserves.
Get Creative We all know about the limitations that Facebook imposes on advertisers, be it in the form of its text-to-image ratio or word limit in the captions. This is where you need to pull up your socks and get immensely creative. There are tons of great advertisements that look more like a piece of art than an ordinary, sales-y poster.
The Wrap Facebook being adynamic platform, will keep changing its algorithms. All youhave to do is change with the times and with these changes that the social mediachannel brings forth andyou can straightaway hit the bull’s eyewithoutany hassle. Haveanymore tips that we can add to the list? Bring them on!