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How to Advertise on LinkedIn to Grow Your Business

Try today LinkedIn Ads for the growth of your business, if you havenu2019t tried yet. Here is the step-by-step guide and best practices on how to advertise on LinkedIn. Read more @ https://digitalsushma.com/how-to-advertise-on-linkedin-to-grow-your-business/

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How to Advertise on LinkedIn to Grow Your Business

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  1. How to Advertise on LinkedIn to Grow Your Business You have run lots of campaigns or ads on Facebook and on Google. We can run ads on different social media channels. But today I am going to share how to get started with LinkedIn Ads to grow your business. LinkedIn ads can help your business to reach your targeted audience. Let’s first start with the “history of Ads on LinkedIn” The first LinkedIn Ads started in 2005, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions —“the division that enables marketers to reach their audiences with targeted messaging at scale”. LinkedIn Marketing Solutions allows users or marketers to reach their audience through organic way like through LinkedIn Page and second option is through paid ads i.e. through the LinkedIn Sponsored Content. This guide will cover the different types of LinkedIn ad, and a step-by-step guide on how to advertise on LinkedIn and grow your business. Types of LinkedIn Ads 1.Sponsored Content 2.Message Ads 3.Dynamic Ad 4.Text Ads 5.Video Ads 6.Carousel Ads Let’s Get Started with Campaign Manager First of all, you have to Signing into Campaign Manager Account. But if you don’t have then create an account, it will take few moments. Campaign Manager helps you to set a budget, set goals, etc. Once you will create LinkedIn ads manager account, you have complete control over your LinkedIn advertising campaigns.

  2. So now you have created your LinkedIn Campaign Manager Account. Now, what next! Let’s start the step-by-step process. 1st Step: Choose Your Ads Objective Before started running your campaign you have to choose the objectives like awareness, consideration or conversions. You can choose the objective according to your target. •Awareness: Brand awareness •Consideration: Website visits, Engagement, Video views •Conversion: Lead generation, Website conversions, Job applicants 2nd Step: Select Your Audience Selecting your right audience indicates to reach the right audience. You can choose different audience attribute categories that includes: •Company size •Company name •Member interests •Member groups •Skills •Job title •Job seniority

  3. Before you save your campaign, tick on enable audience expansion, for this LinkedIn can expand and engage a new audience with your ad campaign. 3rd Step: Select Your Correct Ad Format Selecting your right ad format will play an important role to target your right audience. LinkedIn provides several ad formats like Sponsored Content, Message Ads, Dynamic Ads, Text Ads and more. Let’s discuss one by one about these ads’ formats. •Sponsored Content: Sponsored Content is similar to the organic post which you can see in your LinkedIn feed, but there is an extra option you can see is the CTA button and Promoted in Sponsored Content. Using Sponsored Content, you can choose three different formats like: single image ads, video ads, and carousel ads.

  4. •Message Ads: Message Ads previously known as Sponsored InMail. Messaging is the way, where anyone spend most of their time and where every professional conversation happens. Message ads work exactly as the name suggests in your profile. Using Message Ads, you can do: •Send direct messages to your audience. •Get more engagement and quick response than email marketing. •Dynamic Ads: By choosing Dynamic Ad format to personalize the experience for your audience also customize ads for your marketing objectives to boost awareness, engagement and conversions. Dynamic Ads use LinkedIn profile data – like photo, company name, and job title – to personalize ads.

  5. •Text Ads: Selecting Text Ads you can drive new customers to your business. With the help of Text Ad, you can choose the professional audience, you can also easily create your own ads, set your own budget and pay for the only ads that get clicked like per click or per impression. For tracking the number of leads from your ads you can set the conversion tracking code on LinkedIn. 4th Step: Set Your Budget and Campaign Schedule So, finally you have created your targeted audience, now it’s time to set your budget for your ad and schedule the campaign. You can set total budget or daily budget or you can set both. There are three option for bid: 1.Cost Per Click (CPC) is used for action-oriented campaigns like lead generation. 2.Cost Per Impression (CPM) is used for brand awareness. 3.If you are creating Message Ads then you can choose Cost Per Send (CPS) After selecting the right option for your ad campaign, you have to enter bid, daily budget, start date if you want to schedule the ad you can also schedule it. 5th Step: Optimize Performance for Campaign Congratulations, now you are all set. Your LinkedIn Ad campaign is live now!

  6. Now, you can see your ads performance through Campaign Manager. You can now track your metrics like impressions, clicks, social actions and budget by accessing your analytics through Campaign Manager Account. Conclusion Keep updated and track your campaigns through LinkedIn Ad Campaign Manager. You can easily manage your LinkedIn Ads Campaign along with your other social channels’ ad campaigns. LinkedIn offers plenty of opportunities to its advertisers to grow their business. Now share your experience with me if you have ever tried LinkedIn ads for the growth of your business. And also share your ideas and best practices with me in the comment box below. Source: https://digitalsushma.com/how-to-advertise-on-linkedin-to-grow-your- business/ Contact: Email ID: contact@digitalsushma.com Website:https://digitalsushma.com/ Social Media Link: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/digitalsushma/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/digitalsushma Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/digitalsushmacom/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sushmasmaurya/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/digital-sushma/

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