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Jesus Can Give You a New Start in Life

Fact is, GOD really does want to be found; and when we shine our own GOD light upon the face of others, the GOD parts of others often willingly reveal themselves to us. And it is in that holy communion of unconditional loving between two human GOD beings that the universe is revealed, justified, fulfilled, and.... won- from all those fearsome forces of ignorance, darkness and forgetfulness.<br>

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Jesus Can Give You a New Start in Life

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  1. Jesus Can Give You a New Start in Life Ya know, we don't have to give up our big ego. Hurtful and counterproductive as it is, many folks hang onto it for dear life, even as life in the end ebbs away. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. For others, it seems difficult to get rid of it all at once. So why not try it little by little in small steps? Consider for a moment that there are only two separate parts to each of us. First, there is the ego self, which is the sum total of all that we have experienced, learned, planned for, or come to believe in. This is the part that lives in our imagination, allowing us to somehow connect the past, the present, and the future in a coherent order. I call this part, the "THEN" part. The other part is the "NOW" part. This is also the "being" part, the part that lives simply to be, to experience, and to love. This is the part that lives (and loves) to be found. This is also the GOD part, the very part that made, and chose to play, this game. Unfortunately, most of us still live in the "THEN" part of our awareness. This part includes all the "what-ifs" and "if only"s that we experience during our life. In the "THEN" we are forever living in the past, the future, or some other part of our imagination. The "NOW" hides beneath the "THEN", and emerges only when found. "NOW" can be found once the "THEN" is thrown or set aside, if only for a moment. You can find the "NOW" in that quiet space between words and thoughts; a silence that fills the ether with substance and meaning. The fact is, there is no real silence. For when we choose to listen to the silence, it gradually manifests as a holy choir announcing the coming of yet another Christ consciousness. The silence truly is golden; a golden symphony of angels that experiences us as we experience it. This is the GODHEAD come to bless and share our experiences with us. Should we "find" and "release" the GOD within, through us GOD can see and experience itself in all its glory and splendor. And that is the whole point of the game!So, we really only have two choices in our lives; either "NOW" or "THEN". When we choose "THEN" neither we, nor GOD, benefits. GOD doesn't get found. "THEN" remains exclusively ours; complete with all the heartaches, disappointments, failures, and unfulfilled expectations. GOD neither demands, nor wants, any part of it. https://binarytradingfactory.com/meet-your-sweet-review/ https://binaryforexwizard.com/15-minute-manifestation-review/ https://neighboursreview.com/1hydro-review/

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