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National Board: A Panel Discussion. Randy Barrette, NBCT Spanish, Menifee Co. High School Terri Coke, NBCT French, Daviess County High School Tracy Lambert, NBCT French, Lafayette High School. Agenda. The Basics Types of Certificates Available Eligibility Requirements
National Board: A Panel Discussion Randy Barrette, NBCT Spanish, Menifee Co. High School Terri Coke, NBCT French, Daviess County High School Tracy Lambert, NBCT French, Lafayette High School
Agenda • The Basics • Types of Certificates Available • Eligibility Requirements • Cost and Time Commitment • The Portfolio • The Assessment Center Exercises • Our Experiences • Q & A
Is there a certificate in your subject area? Certificates are available for SPANISH or FRENCH teachers. Your certificate will be WLOE-EAYA (World Languages other than English-Early Adolescence Through Young Adulthood—11-18 year olds) ENGLISH AS A NEW LANGUAGE also offers a certificate for details on this certificate, go to www.nbpts.org.
Are you eligible? To pursue NBPTS certification, you must… • Hold a bachelor’s degree • Have completed three full years of teaching/counseling experience • Possess a valid state teaching/counseling license for that period of time, or, if teaching where a license is not required, have taught in schools recognized and approved to operate by the state
An Investment: Cost & Time • Processing fee:$65.00 • Non-refundable • Due at time of application submission • Initial fee: $500.00 • Non-refundable • Due no later than December 31, 2007 • Must be paid before you are considered a candidate. • Assessment fee: $2500.00 • Due no later than January 31, 2008 –or— • Due no later than March 15, 2008, if you participate in the Extended Payment Plan. • Other miscellaneous fees may apply. • Please see http://www.nbpts.org/become_a_candidate/fees_financial_support for more information on payment options.
“Close Achievement Gaps.” KEA was awarded a significant grant from the National Education Association in an attempt to help teachers interested in National Board Certification (NBC) to have an opportunity to explore the NBC process through an initiative from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) called Take One! We are offering $200 for each KEA member to supplement the cost of the TakeOne! which is $395. NBPTS has partnered with KEA to offset the remainder of the cost. What a deal, no cost to members! (You will pay $200 initially, but that will be reimbursed by KEA when your entry is submitted) Along with the financial supplement we will also provide an NBC teacher mentor to help you through the process at no cost. Space will be limited initially up to five candidates in each KEA district with some exceptions. Tier 1-3 schools have priority. JUMPSTART SEMINAR is an intense 3 day workshop for first year candidates. During this time, the facilitators cover topics candidates need to work through the process......standards, documented accomplishments, videotaping, forms of writing, ethics, the 3 content entries, assessment center prep, organization, format and much, much more. Candidates work with others in the same certificate area (if available) and hear from NBCT's who have 'been there'. There's also a special section for those who have a science-math entry. Candidates have homework before they come and every night of the workshop. The hope is that when candidates leave, they have the confidence to move forward using the tools given them and that they have also formed a valuable network with other candidates. Sources of Assistance in KY
Lessons in Self-Reflection: The Portfolio Four Portfolio Entries: • Designing Instruction over Time (22 pgs.) • Building Communicative and Cultural Competence (14 pgs. plus video) • Engaging All Learners(13 pgs. plus video) • Documented Accomplishments (28 pgs.)
The Home Stretch: The Exams You will take SIX exams: • Oral Proficiency • Interpreting Aural Texts • Interpreting Written Texts • Written Communication • Knowledge of Language Acquisition • Knowledge of How Language Works
Location and Length of Exams • You will take the Oral Proficiency test at a time and location different from the rest of your tests. The location is usually a local University or official testing location. • The remainder of the tests will take place on the same day, in the same testing center. • Each of the tests is 30 minutes long.
Oral Proficiency • Your test will consist of a series of prompts to which you will respond and your response will be recorded. • The prompts could be on any subject and are specifically designed to elicit various tenses and grammatical structures.
Interpreting Aural Texts • You will listen to two brief aural texts which you will not be able to see. • You will then be given four comprehension questions and one interpretive question related to each text. • Your responses will be in English. • A good way to practice is to listen to authentic aural texts like podcasts or news programs and test your own comprehension.
Interpreting Written Texts • You will be given a prompt from a Literary Text. • You will be asked to respond to six questions about the setting, characters, relationships, and actions. • Your answers will be in English.
Written Communication • You will be given a written prompt to which you will respond. • You will have 30 minutes to write a well-organized response, correctly using a variety of tenses and grammatical structures. • A good way to practice is to get retired AP prompts from AP Central and practice your timed writing.
Sample Writing Prompt: Write a two or three paragraph draft of a formal essay in the target language of at least 250 words at your hightest level of proficiency. You may organize the essay in any order, but you must address all of the following: • The role of the WLOE teacher today. • The role of the WLOE teacher in the past. • How the role of the WLOE teacher has changed from the past to today.
Knowledge of Language Acquisition • You will be given THREE questions where you are asked to define/identify a pedagogical term and then tell how you would use it in your classroom. • You will be expected to be familiar with terms from both Middle School AND High School Curriculum and Instruction. • YOU WILL HAVE TO STUDY FOR THIS TEST! • I suggest you study from: • Teacher’s Handbook, Shrum & Glisan ISBN 08384079 • Languages & Children: Making the Match, Curtain & Pesola ISBN 0801311403 • Teaching Language in Context, Hadley ISBN 083440673
Sample Language Acquisition Prompt: • Content-based instruction • Explain content-based instruction. • Give one example that clearly illustrates content-based instruction appropriate to your target language and instructional level. • Monitor Hypothesis • Explain the monitor hypothesis. • Give one example that clearly illustrates the monitor hypothesis appropriate to your target language and instructional level. • Explain how the example you gave illustrates the monitor hypothesis. Your explanation should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the term and how it relates to student language acquisition. • TPR Storytelling • Explain TPR Storytelling. • Give one examplethat clearly illustrates TPR Storytelling appropriate to your target language and insructional level. • Explain how the example you gave illustrates TPR Storytelling. Your explanation should demonstrate a gthorough understanding of the term and how it relates to student language acquisition.
Knowledge of How Language Works • You will be given a text that represents student work. • In it, there will be embedded 20 errors. • You must correct each error and why it is an error, suggesting what caused the student to make the error.
Portfolio Entries • #1 Designing Instruction Over Time • #2 Building Communicatiave and Cultural Competence • #3 Engaging All Learners • #4 Documented Accomplishments: Contributions To Student Learning
I. Knowledge of Students II. Fairness III. Knowledge of Language IV. Knowledge of Culture V. Knowledge of Language Acquisition VI. Multiple Paths to Learning VII. Articulation of Curriculum and Instruction VIII. Learning Environment IX. Instructional Resources X. Assessment XI. Reflection as Professional Growth XII. Schools, Families, and Communities XIII. Professional Community XIV. Advocacy for Education in World Languages Other than English Focusing on the standards
#1. Designing Instruction Over Time • A written commentary of no more than 15 pages • Assessment materials of no more than 7 pages (students’ work) • All forms required for this entry
Standards used for scoring • #I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XI • Your response will be judged on the extent to which it provides clear, consistent, and convincing evidence of your ability to select instructional goals; to select, adapt or create materials; to apply methodologies appropriate for your students; to plan, implement, and assess sequenced instruction; and to reflect upon your teaching practice.
The steps • 1. Instructional Context • 2. The Students • 3. Assessment 1 • 4. Planning Instruction • 5. Analysis of Instruction • 6. Assessment 2 • Reflectoin
#2 Building Communicative and Cultural Competence • A written Commentary of no more than 14 pages • A 15-minute videotape of you and your class during the period of instruction • All forms required for this entry
Standards used for scoring • I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI • Your response will be judged on the extent to which it provides clear, consistent, and convincing evidence of your ability to select, adapt, and utilize authentic materials and realia in order to create a language-learning and culture-learning environment; to provide opportunities for all students to interact in the target language; and to provide opportunities for all students to explore connections between the target culture and their own culture.
The steps • 1. Instructional Context • 2. Planning Instruction • 3. Videotape Analysis • 4. Reflection
#3 Engaging All Learners • A written commentary of no more than 13 pages • A 15-minute videotape which presents a clip of you and your class during the lesson • All forms required for this entry
Standards used • I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIII, IX, XI • Your response will be judged on the extent to which it provides clear; consistent, and convincing evidence of your ability to monitor and adjust to individual students’ needs and learning styles; to provide clear, focused, and purposeful explanations and activities using a variety of strategies while mainting a task-oriented environment that fosters active learning and ensures that each student becomes an important and valued member of the class.
The steps • 1. Instructional Context • 2. Analysis of Instruction • 3. Analysis of Videotape • 4. Reflection
#4 Documented Accomplishments: Contributions to Student Learning • No more than 12 pages of Description and Analysis of activities or accomplishments • No more than 20 pages of documentation that support your accomplishments • A Reflective Summary of no more than two pages • All forms required for this entry
Standards used • IV, V, XII, XIII, XIV • Your response will be judged on the extent to which it provides clear, consistent, and convincing evidence of your ability to further student language learning through your work with families and the community, with colleagues and other professionals, and as a learner.
The steps • 1. Description and Analysis of: * your work with your students’ families and community (in the current year) * your work as a leader and collaborator at the local, state, and/or national level (in the last five years) * your work as a learner (in the last five years) • 2. Reflective Summary
Support • E-mail your district Professional Development Office to inquire about state and district financial assistance & grants available to finance your pursuit. • Randy Barrette randy.barrette@menifee.kyschools.us • Terri Coke tcoke@dcps.org • Tracy Lambert tracy.lambert@fayette.kyschools.us
Portfolio Submission Information • The portfolio component of the assessment is to be completed prior to the deadline for the portfolio submission. The date is different for first-time and retake candidates. • First time candidates – March 31, 2008 • Retake Candidates – April 15, 2008
Online Assessment Information To locate a testing center, please visit ETS Test Center List To schedule your assessment center appointment, please call: The Prometric NBPTS Registration Center U.S. Candidates: 1-800-226-7958International Candidates* (from outside the U.S.): 1-443-751-4848 Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. EDT Assessment Center Testing Windows • 2006-2007 Candidates: July 1, 2006 - June 15, 2007 • 2007-2008 Candidates: July 1, 2007 – June 15, 2008
Need to Know More? Visit our website at : http://staff.fcps.net/tlambert/NBPTSatKWLA.html Where you can download this Power Point and Find links to the NBPTS website, to the WLOE Standards, and to the WLOE Portfolio instructions.