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  1. I have several friends but of them all is Julieta, Jasmine, and Anna. Before I continue I would first like to give you reader a little bit of background information on how I met my friends. I have know Julieta for 3 years and I met her in Texas Middle School and I have been friends with her since the 6th grade. Jasmine is the one I have known the longest and I’ve known her since Nash Elementary. This year I met Anna and she is in 6th grade, she rides my bus and that’s how I got to know her. Jasmine and I have two classes together, lunch, and she rides my bus. This year I don’t have any classes with Julieta, but me and her go to the same church and we have Wednesday mass classes so we can finish our confirmation. Although I have no classes with Anna and I don’t see her during school I still sit with her on the bus and we have fun laughing at our friend Jose because of the funny things he says. My friends and I like to hang out , talk , laugh, and have fun. Julieta and I have gone to the mall and we had a lot fun. At the Four States Fairgrounds I hanged out with Anna and it was really fun because we were cutting in line and didn’t get caught. My favorite two Hispanic bands are La Arrolladora Banda el Limon and Banda el Recodo. I listen to many different kind of music genres but my favorite genre is Hispanic/Latin and my favorite singer is Hispanic artist Pipe Bueno. One my favorite activities to do during my free time is to read because I feel if I read I can block everything else out of my mind and concentrate on that one book I am reading. When I was in Nash Elementary I loved and still love to read The Magic Tree House book series, but out of all the books in the library A Series of Unfortunate Events is the one in which I could feel and express many emotions and feelings.

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