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THE TRUTH ABOUT DRUGS. http://www.drugfreeworld.org/#/videos. Types of Drugs. Cannabis Depressants Stimulants Hallucinogens Inhalants Narcotics Anabolic Steroids. http://www.nida.nih.gov/JSP4/CD-ROM/CD-ROM.html. http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/addiction/drugs/abuse.html.
Types of Drugs Cannabis Depressants Stimulants Hallucinogens Inhalants Narcotics Anabolic Steroids http://www.nida.nih.gov/JSP4/CD-ROM/CD-ROM.html http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/addiction/drugs/abuse.html
Cannabis • Marijuana • Contains over 2000 chemicals when smoked • THC, delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol- the ingredient responsible for the mind-altering effects • Classification • Depressive-lowered activity, aggression, anxiety, REM sleep • Stimulant-increased HR, BP, concentration, euphoric (happy) • Hallucinogen-Change in perception • Analgesic-Change in pain perception • Affects brain much like cocaine and heroin. • Effects • Anxiety • Poor Concentration • Impaired Short Term Memory • Increased Appetite • Perceptual Changes-Time, Humor, Creativity • 85-90% hard-drug use begins with Marijuana http://www.amenclinics.com/brain-science/spect-image-gallery/spect-atlas/images-of-alcohol-and-drug-abuse/
Cannabis • Hashish/Hashish Oil • Concentrated, potent form of marijuana • Reddish-brown resin from cannabis plant • THC levels range from 3.5%-24% • Salvia Divinorum • Effects are very-short lived • Psychedelic-like changes in visual perception, mood & body changes, emotional mood swings, feelings of detachment, inability to interact. • Impacts the brain like LSD • Synthetic THC • 10X greater impact than THC on the brain…Faster & longer effects • More Dangerous than marijuana • Dangerously elevates HR, BP cardiovascular system & central nervous system • Examples: K2, Swerve, Spice
DEPRESSANTS Definition: Drugs which depress, or slow down, the functions of the brain and central nervous system-“Downers” Effects Disorientation Slurred Speech Headache Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Brain Damage Heart Disease Liver Disease Death Cancer Unconsciousness
Depressants Alcohol Beer, Wine, Liquor Benzodiazepines Xanax, Valium Barbiturates Methaqualone, Luminal, Seconal Date Rape Drugs Rohypnol, GHB (Gamma hydroxybutyrate)
STIMULANTS Definition Drugs that speed up the brain and the body… “Uppers” Effects Temporary excess energy False sense of power Erratic behaviors Itchy Skin Compulsive tooth grinding Nausea Insomnia Nasal damage Tooth decay Heat stroke Liver / Kidney damage Brain Damage Heart Failure Hallucinations
Stimulants Cocaine / Crack Amphetamines Ritalin, Adderall, Khat Methamphetamines Crystal Meth MDMA (Methylenedioxy methamphetamine) Ecstasy Nicotine Tobacco Caffeine Soda, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, ENERGY DRINKS
METH? GOT http://www.justthinktwice.com/gotmeth/home.html
HALLUCINOGENS Definition Psychadelic drugs, which causes the user to see, hear, and sense things that do not exist Effects Anxiety Nausea Chills / Sweating Sense of Indestructibility Depression Elevated Body temperature Violence Speech Difficulties Flashbacks Memory Loss Psychosis Amnesia
Hallucinogens LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Ketamine Mescaline / Peyote PCP (Phencyclidine) Psilocybin/Psilocyn Mushrooms Salvia Divinorum
Definition Substances which are concentrated and inhaled to feel intoxicated. Effects Headaches Nausea Vomiting Limb Spasms Weak Muscles Nerve Damage Blood Disease Brain, Liver, Kidney Damage Red/Blistered Nose & Mouth Bladder & Bowel Control Loss Death by Asphyxiation Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome
INHALANTS Solvents & Aerosols Glue, Gasoline, Cleaning Solutions, Paint Thinner, Spray Paint Nitrates Amyl, Butyl Nitrous Oxide Propane Tanks, Whipped Cream Dispensers, Refrigerants
NARCOTICS(AKA Opioids) Definition Drugs that produce morphine-like effects. They block pain and produce euphoria. Effects Confusion Drowsiness Itching Nausea Vomiting Insomnia Constipation Blocked Pain Messages Slowed Breathing Lower Rate Arthritis Lose Consciousness Convulsions tremors Coma Risk of HIV & Hepatitis
NARCOTICS Heroin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onUIjgxPFf4&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cskq_zGVSZs Morphine Prescription Pain Relievers Vicodin, Codeine, Percodan, Demerol, OxyContin
ANABOLIC STEROIDS Definition Synthetically produced variants of the naturally occurring male hormone testosterone used to enhance muscle repair, endurance, and strength. Effects Poor Concentration Aggression Acne/Rashes Headaches Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Bone Pain Muscle Cramps Poor Blood Clotting Heart Attacks Stunted Growth Liver/Kidney Cancer Deformed Genitals **Makes females more masculine and males more feminine **
ADDITIONAL “HIGHS” “Cheese” Black Tar Heroin + Tylenol PM Popular among Hispanic youth Aimed at Middle School Students Why…$$$$ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPZ-JmtZmn0 “Strawberry Quick” Colored Meth that looks like the candy “Pop Rocks” Used to lure and hook “customers” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhztZqdnIpE
Herb Abrams- 42…CEO UWF…cocaine OD Kerry VonErich- 33 / Mike VonErich- 23 Pro Wrestlers…cocaine abuse / suicide (Kerry) tranquilizer OD (Mike) John Belushi- 33 Comedian/Actor/Musician
Bam Bam Bigelow- 45 Cocaine + Temazepam OD Kurt Cobain- 27 Rock Vocalist, Nirvana…Heroin OD + Shotgun Wound to the Head Kevin Dubross-52 Rock Vocalist, Quiet Riot…Cocaine OD
Chris Farley- 33 Comedian / Actor…Cocaine + Morphine OD Sigmund Freud- 83 Neurologist…Cocaine use + Morphine OD Judy Garland- 47 Actress…Barbiturate OD
Phil Hartman- 49 Actor…Murdered by wife after Alcohol + Cocaine Abuse Jimi Hendrix- 27 Musician…Alcohol + Barbiturate OD + Vomit Inhalation Russell Jones- 35 Hip-Hop Musician…Accidental OD Cocaine + Prescription Painkillers
Heath Ledger- 28 Actor…Accidental OD Prescription Meds, including Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, and Temazepam Marilyn Monroe- 36 Actress / Model…Barbiturate OD Chris Penn- 40 Actor…Heart Disease + Prescription Drugs
River Pheonix- 23 Actor…Heroin + Cocaine OD Brad Renfro- 25 Actor…Heroin + Morphine Anna Nicole Smith- 39 Model, Actress…Lethal Combination Benzodiazepines + Chloral Hydrate Daniel Smith- 20; cardiac dysrhythmia caused by combination of methadone, Lexapro and Zoloft
Elvis Presley- 42 Musician…Health Problems due to excessive Prescription Medication Use Aaliyah- 22 Vocal Artist…Plane crash…pilot tested positive for Cocaine + Alcohol Princess Diana- 36 Princess…Fatal Car Crash…Driver was Intoxicated
Chad “Pimp C” Lamont Butler-33 Rap Artist-overdosed on promethazine and codeine Adam “Dj AM” Goldstein-36 Celebrity DJ-ODed cocaine, Levamisole, oxycodone, hydrocodone, Ativan, Klonapin and Xanax Michael Jackson-50 Musician-propofol, lorazepam and midazolam Brittany Murphy-32 Actress-pneumonia, with secondary factors of iron-deficiency anemia and multiple drug intoxication (hydrocodone, acetaminophen, L-methamphetamine and chlorpheniramine
Websites www.abovetheinfluence.org www.TheAntiDrug.com http://www.teendrugprevention.org/ http://www.teendrugabuse.us/index.html http://www.freevibe.com/ http://www.pbs.org/wnet/closetohome/ http://www.teen-drug-abuse.org/ http://teens.drugabuse.gov/ www.teencentral.net http://www.connectedyouth.org/resources/index.cfm?resource=health