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DEBATE WEEK. Make yourself a room into the discussion. DEBATE QUESTIONS. How do the conflicts affect the body? How can I identify what a person is feeling through his/her body language? What do you think would the conflicts (in the Planet) be about in the future?
DEBATE WEEK Makeyourself a roomintothediscussion
DEBATE QUESTIONS • How do the conflicts affect the body? • How can I identify what a person is feeling through his/her body language? • What do you think would the conflicts (in the Planet) be about in the future? • How would “this future” affect the Human Body?
APPLICATIONS • Checktheprofiles and applyfor a position in the debates, get a salaryforyourwork (points/bonus) • checkifyouhavetheprofileforthepossitionyouwanttoapplyfor. • Ifyou are selectedwillgetthe chance to be paidforyourjob (thebetteryourjobis, thebetterpaymentyou’llrecieve) • Applicationsshould be submittedinmediately (in a piece o paperwriteyourname, the position you are applyingfor and why) and be fast, !some Jobs havejustone position
Moderator role For a 30 POINTS SALARY One position only • Youwillhaveto: • Speak up • Assignturnstospeak • Control the discipline in theaudience • moderatethequestionsthepanelistshavetoanswer • Cutthepanelistwhentakingtoomuch time (takethe time) • Endthesesionwith a reflection • Encourgethe debate in a tolerantenviroment
SECRETARY ROLE For a 20 POINTS SALARY Two positions • Youwillhaveto: • Copythequestionstheaudienceask. • Take notes of theanswersthepanelistsgive.
PANELISTS For a 25 POINTS SALARY 5 positions • Youwillhaveto: • Conviencetheaudienceaboutyourpoint of view (make a one minute speechbasedonone of the debate questions) • Giveargumentsagainstthe positions of theotherpanelists (one minute per intervention) • Answerthequestionstheaudiencegivesyou (30 seconds per answer)
press For a 20 POINTS SALARY Two positions • Youwillhaveto: • Takepictures of themostimportamtmoments in the debate. • Printthepictures and writethepictures’ footages (referencestowhatwas happening in thepicture).
Audience-pro For a SALARY: accordingtothequestionsyoumake, 2 points per question. Manypositions • Youwillhaveto: • Chooseyourfavoritepanelists (theonesyouagreewith) and supportthem in the debate. • Ask questionstothepanelistaccordingtoyour position.
Audience-con For SALARY: accordingtothequestionsyoumake, 2 points per question. Manypositions • Youwillhaveto: • be againstthepanelists (youdon’tagreewith) and do notsupportthem in thedebate (respectfully) • Ask questionstothepanelistsaccordingtoyour position.
SUPERVISOR For a 25 POINTS SALARY 1 position • Youwillhaveto: • Supervise everybodyisdoingtheirjob (accordingtotheir positions) • Supervise the discipline. • Note whensomeoneisdoingsomethingdifferent. • FIRE theoneswho are notdoingtheirjob ( in this case yougivethem a paperwiththewords) • Paythe salaries at theend of the debates.
Ifyougetfired, youwill be askedtoleavetheclassroom and willget a 20 as one of your final grades besideshaving a notation in your C.V. and a communicationforyourparents.