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PlanetLab Inspiration and Partner for ENGINE Ji ří Navr á til jiri@cesnet.cz. Talk overview. First set of questions What is the relation ENGINE and PlanetLab Convergence of ENGINE and NREN infrastructure Second set of questions How to understand ENGINE a new sort of testbed.
PlanetLab Inspiration and Partner for ENGINE Jiří Navrátil jiri@cesnet.cz
Talk overview • First set of questions • What is the relation ENGINE and PlanetLab • Convergence of ENGINE and NREN infrastructure • Second set of questions • How to understand ENGINE a new sort of testbed
My impression of it and first set of questions • Too general picture to understand it • What is main difference ENGINE and the other testbeds ? • Who are the main users and main purpose of ENGINE ? if computer scientists, they are sitting in the University campuses • How to connect them into the ENGINE ? If new Network applications Who are its users, who provide the servers ? • Why the principles used in PlanetLab are the key points for GENI ?
PlanetLab main goals • PlanetLab is concorcium of the Universities and academic institutions established in 2002 by 3 US universities (UC Berkeley, UofWashington, and Princeton University) with the goals which can be shortly described in three main points • to provide infrastructure for planetary scale experiments with networking services • to provide platform for new novel services with real users • to catalyze the evolution of the Internet to new service-oriented architecture
App - A App - B App - C App - D
Services/Applications and Node/Slice in Virtual Lab N1 N3 N8 N7 N2 N4 N9 N6 N5 Node App1 On each node can run more users (slices) Each of them is running in own virtual system One user can run more applications SLICE App2 App3
h c App. Layer 1 f b a e d g p1 p999 App. Layer 2 p100 p2 App. Layer 3 p111 axel@cern.ch marie@volny.cz ed@rice.edu tom@stanford.edu jn@.cvut.cz jiri@cesnet.cz 11e0fe 11e0fe ... App. Layer 99 f11e00 c1e0fe 11e0fe 11e0fe 81e0fe abe0fe 11e0fe 2122fe a1e0fe 41e2f0 bbe0fe The layers have own addresses for objects, own routing 71721e Not only PlanetLab but also other applications asSkype, Napster, GNet,…
1 jiri 92,168, $3900 2 joe 88,180, $8880 121 jerry tom 992 991 82,181, $1900 80,180, $8900 PASTRY (DHT) How to address objects function Lookup (key) $pdata= $persons{“joe”} value key index 224 -1 = 16 mil. objects RNode 0 d471f1 Local Range ..67c5 to ..71f1 Not forwarding! RNode key c2d0 d467c4 d46a1c d462ba Range of local keys (c2d1 – 32aaff) d4213f RNode Hash Table 32ab00 Forwarding to d4xxxx Lookup (d46a1c) $key=“dabcf2” $ip = $address {$key} d13da3 Forwarding to dxxxxx ip key index RNode RNode 1 1faab1 2 from RN with KEY: 65a1fc 65a1fc 121 dabcf0 990 dabcf1 In Pastry max key=ffff ffff ffff ffff 991 dabcf2 992
SOAService-OrientedArchitecture Application L a y e r INFRASTRUCTURE c b a App. Layer B C A IP layer (path capacity)
SOAService-Oriented Architecture Application L a y e r INFRASTRUCTURE AS c b Layer3 a Reality is determined by BGP AS 112 AS 333 AS 332 B C A AS 111 a1e0fe IP layer AS 6732
AS What is better (for me) ? B IP layer A Rx Router with different routing strategy for different applications or several virtual routers in one HW CRS-1 or GPBS or ?
AS Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx Rx IP layer Rx Rx Routers with different routing strategy for different applications everywhere in backbone!
RedIRIS NORDUnet SUnet UKERNA PSNC NLR CESNET RENATER SWITCH & CERN DFN Wave or link color codes: Cisco CRS-1 router Open-source router 40G wave 10GE wave 1GE link Wave or link on GEANT2 fiber Wave or link on cross-border fiber Wave or link on country NRENs Wave or link as managed service ENGINE Potential PoPs and Links UK DK PL DE FR CZ ES CH
ENGINE(two sides of testbed) ENGINE scientific Network engineering
The ENGINE and NREN integration(connections, VLAN, users, etc.) GN2 UNI-1 u3 u4 NREN PL ENGINE testbed w1 direct vlan u1 u2 VR DE CESNET backbone NREN CZ CH UNI-2 w3 via workstation NREN w2 u5 u6 Users resources Green – part of ENGINE testbed workstations User’s machines
ENGINE users(connections, VLAN, etc.) u4 ENGINE testbed PL u1 u2 u1, u2, w3directly onENGINE-VLAN u4,u5 via w3 DE VR CZ CH w3 u5 Users resources NREN infrastructure Virtual part of ENGINE testbed workstations User’s machines
Users resources Green – part of ENGINE testbed vAS3 vAS1 vAS2 workstations User’s machines IP range IP range IP range ENGINE virtual environment(connections, VLAN, vAS, IPaddresses, etc.) u4 client | peer u1 VR u2 client | peer u1, u2, w3 directly on ENGINE-VLAN u4,u5 via w3 NREN-CZ VR VR CZ w3 with special service u5 virtual address space
ENGINE users and applications Cheap and flexible infrastructure for many scientific users and different network applications u44 u43 NREN PL u1 VR u11 u2 u3 NREN DE VR Ingres WS1 u4 VR u5 VR CZ u22 u6 Ingres WS2 CH u7 u21 NREN Ingres WS3 GN2 Ingres WS4 u35 u1, u2 .u21,u22directly on ENGINE-VLAN Ingres WS connection via u4,u6,u7,… LAN or internet u33 u34
PLbws PLbws PLbws ENGINE users and applications Cheap and flexible infrastructure for many scientific users and wide spectrum of network applications u44 u43 NREN PL u1 VR u11 u2 u3 NREN DE VR Ingres WS1 u4 VR u5 VR CZ u22 u6 Ingres WS2 CH u7 u21 NREN Ingres WS3 GN2 Ingres WS4 u35 u1, u2 .u21,u22directly on ENGINE-VLAN Ingres WS connection via u4,u6,u7,… LAN or internet u33 u34
What type of users and applications can utilize this architecture ? • NREN itself ? YES for Network engineering • ordinary Internet users ?Why ? • Researchers and research teams ? Yes but who is ready ? (HW, SW, people) • Modern network applications Yes, they are ready in PlanetLab !
PlanetLab in frame of GREN (Global Research and Educational Networks)
Existing tools and network applications can be re-implemented or extended into new architecture ! • Peer-to-Peer Systems (DHT Distributed Hash Table) CAN, Chord, Pastry, Tapestry (building routing tables adaptively, automatic reconfiguring, using effective algorithms) • Systems using effectively whole available infrastructure CDN – Content Distributed Network Replication and other systems based on “Behive” principles with O(1) lookup, Load peak multiplexing
In internet all peers are connected (logical full mesh) Can users utilize all infrastructure effectively?
BitTorrent Seed node Seed node distribute file into all other nodes in the network with active engage of all nodes and segments
ENGINE(NE - second side of testbed) ENGINE scientific Network engineering
TOO STATIC Customer network on demand (Heavy Commercial solution)
ENGINE future NGI backbone ? NRENs Simple virtual solution Fully meshed backbone with service shared virtual or optical l paths Simple routing Load balancing Fast level of resilience Easy Plug-in Similar to the idea in the project “Millions Node access Network” H. Zhang et all in http://100x100network.org