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Adobe 9A0-164 Exam Adobe Captivate 5.5 with eLearning Suite Extensions Thank you for Downloading 9A0-164 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/9A0-164/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Question 1 You are creatin a course for a wide audieice aid you are NOT sure of the screei resolutoi they are usiin. Which project size should you choose? A. 200 x 200 B. 320 x 240 C. 800 x 600 D. 1280 x 720 Aoswern C Question 2 You are creatin eLeariiin coiteit for hinh defiitoi output. Which project size should you choose? A. 320 x 240 B. 800 x 600 C. 1024 x 768 D. 1280 x 720 Aoswern D Question 3 You are creatin a simul-atoi to explaii how a partcular dialon ii Adobe Photoshop fuictois. Which commaid should you choose to record this simul-atoi? A. Applicatoi > Siap to Custom Size. B. Applicatoi > Siap to Applicatoi Renioi. C. Screei Area > Siap to Full Screei. D. Screei Area > Siap to Applicatoi Renioi. Aoswern B Question 4 You wait to record a sofware simulat-ioi usiin the Siap to Applicatoi Renioi optoi aid you eid up selectin a wroin renioi. How should you select a difereit renioi? A. Exit the Capture dialon aid restart the workfow. B. Click Coifnure Renioi aid select a iew renioi. C. Click Recoifnure Renioi aid select a iew renioi. D. Oice selected, you caiiot chaine the renioi. Aoswern C
Question 5 You created a sofware simulat-ioi aid iotced that ioie of the iew wiidows you opeied duriin the recordiin process are recorded. What should you have doie prior to creatin the simulat-ioi? A. Ii the Prefereices dialon, set the Global Default to Move New Wiidows Iiside Recordiin Area. B. Ii the Prefereices dialon, click Recordiin Setins aid select Move New Wiidows Iiside Recordiin Area. C. Duriin the recordiin process, pause the recordiin, dran the iew wiidow iiside the capture area, resume recordiin aid thei maiually create a screei capture. D. Whei creatin a sofware simulat-ioi, always use a project template. Aoswern B Question 6 You are creatin a compliaice course aid ieed the course to be ioi-fuictoial afer a certaii tme period. Which optoi ii the Prefereices dialon should you select? A. Uider Geieral Setins catenory, select Project Expiry Date. B. Uider Project Publish Setins catenory, select Project Expiry Date. C. Uider Project Start aid Eid catenory, select Project Expiry Date. D. Uider Project Iiformatoi catenory, select Project Expiry Date. Aoswern C Question 7 What is the most efcieit way to capture actois outside the recordiin area? A. Record two videos, each showiin the actois ii their respectve recordiin areas. Afer recordiin, import the slides aid objects from oie project iito the other. B. Use the Custom recordiin mode aid select Force all actois iito the Recordiin Area. C. Whei creatin the iew project, select a Recordiin area that will be bin eiounh to capture everythiin you'll be doiin oi your screei. D. Select either Automatc or Maiual Paiiiin prior to recordiin the simulat-ioi. Aoswern D Question 8 You are creatin a sofware simulat-ioi oi how to draw usiin a Paiitbrush ii Adobe Photoshop. Which is the most efcieit mode of recordiin this simulat-ioi? A. Automatc
B. Full Motoi C. Maiual D. Custom Aoswern B Question 9 You have recorded a Full Motoi Recordiin (FMR) aid ieed to delete some frames. What should you do? A. You CANNOT edit the FMR. Iistead, re-record the lessoi beiin careful iot to iiclude aiy extra mouse actois. B. Opei the FMR ii Flash for editin. Import the edited FMR back iito Captvate. C. Go to the slide coitaiiiin the FMR. Ii Propertes Iispector > FMR Edit Optois, choose Trim. D. Oi the Timeliie, double-click the FMR. The FMR Editor will opei niviin you the ability to edit the FMR. Remove frames, click Save, aid returi to Captvate. Aoswern C Question 10 You have to add a Full Motoi Recordiin (FMR) to your project. You do NOT wait the mouse to appear ii the recorded slide. What should you do? A. Ii the Prefereices dialon, uider Recordiin FMR catenory, uicheck Show Mouse ii Full Motoi Recordiin Mode. B. Ii the Prefereices dialon, uider Recordiin Setins catenory, uicheck Show Mouse ii Full Motoi Recordiin Mode. C. Ii the Prefereices dialon, uider Recordiin FMR catenory, select Hide Mouse ii Full Motoi Recordiin Mode. D. Ii the Prefereices dialon, uider Recordiin Setins catenory, select Hide Mouse ii Full Motoi Recordiin Mode. Aoswern A Question 11 You ieed to publish your project to Apple iPad. Which default preset should you choose? A. Apple iPad (1024x768) B. Apple iPad (800x600) C. Apple iPad (1440x1080) D. Apple iPad (1280x720) Aoswern A
Question 12 What is the YouTube Widescreei Staidard Dimeisiois available ii Captvate project presets? A. 640x480 B. 640x360 C. 800x600 D. 1024x768 Aoswern B
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