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Supporting CCSS Math in K-5: Considering Instructional Materials Part 2. “ These standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business .” (CCSS-M) Presented by: Anne Gallagher and Greta Bornemann OSPI Teaching and Learning. Agenda. Classroom Impact of the CCSS
Supporting CCSS Math in K-5: Considering Instructional Materials Part 2 “These standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business.” (CCSS-M) Presented by: Anne Gallagher and Greta Bornemann OSPI Teaching and Learning CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Agenda • Classroom Impact of the CCSS • Math Content and Practices • Resources to Support Implementation • Assessment System Updates CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
OSPI CCR Quarterly Webinar Series http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/UpdatesEvents.aspx#Webinar CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Before we begin…speak out How are you approaching curriculum alignment to the CCSS? Please type in your response to the chat box. CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Washington’s Vision for Education Every Washington public school student will graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21stcentury. CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13 Class of 2011: Bridgeport High School
Classroom Impact of CCSS CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Tools for bringing the CCSS into the classroom CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
The 3 Shifts in CCSSM CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13 • Focus strongly where the standards focus • Coherence: Think across grades and link to major topics within grades • Rigor: In major topics, pursue with equal intensity: • Conceptual understanding • Procedural skill and fluency • Application
Shift One: FocusStrongly where the Standards focus Teach less, learn more. “Less topic coverage can be associated withhigher scores on those topics covered becausestudents have more time to master thecontent that is taught.” – Ginsburg et al., 2005 Consider the major work within each grade—this should guide your instruction for the year—not a textbook. CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Cluster Documentshttp://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/Mathematics/default.aspx CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Cluster Documents CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Math Content and Practice What’s So Different About the CCSS?? CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Take a minute and do this problem. 3.NF.A Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Take a minute and do this problem. 3.NF.A Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. Place ¼ on the number line. Place 7/4 on the number line. Find 1 starting from 5/3 CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Consider the following questions: How does this task build on prior knowledge from earlier grades and support later concepts? How does this task provide access for ALL students (consider those who often do not have access to rigorous math and HC students) Why is this a task “worth doing”? How is this task designed to help students make sense of the math? CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Student’s Thinking • Dain’s thinking of this activity and his barriers to understanding • The “whole” is confined to 1 unit—pizzas, squares, etc. • No connections between counting on a number line with whole numbers and with fractions • Perceived fraction as a division of parts only rather than fraction as a number CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Conceptual Ideas Unit Fraction Fraction as number Use of number line Build foundation for addition and subtraction of number Build on prior knowledge of operation on numbers Laying foundation for equivalent fractions (1 = 4/4) CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Annotated Tasks http://www.achievethecore.org/dashboard/300/search/1/2/0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12 CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Progression Documents http://commoncoretools.me/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/ccss_progression_nf_35_2013_09_19.pdf CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Shift Two: CoherenceThink across grades, and link to major topics within grades Carefully connect the learning within and across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. Begin to count on solid conceptual understanding of core content and build on it. Each standard is not a new event, but an extension of previous learning. CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Progression Documents CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13 http://ime.math.arizona.edu/progressions/
Instructional Materials CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Tools for Assessing Curriculum • Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool (IMET)Toolkit • Focus on Major Work at the appropriate grade level (Sample Worksheet) • Rigor & Balance • Practice & Content Connections • Criteria for Math Content • Criteria for Math Practices • Indicators of Quality • Equip Rubric • Publisher’s Criteria CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
IMET Toolkit (Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool) CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Focus on the Major Work CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Rethinking Curriculum Materials- Ensuring the shifts are present Images, illustrations and pictures only for the purpose of supporting the problems and tasks; Significantly fewer pages; Technology is used to support learning of concepts—not just because; Reflects the major work in each grade Rich problems are not at the end of the chapter. Embeds formative assessment processes. CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Instructional Materials—What is available? • Engage NY – Districts Adopting • Achieve the Core – Lessons and Annotated Tasks • Achieve – Exemplar Units and Lessons • Illustrative Mathematics – CCSS Aligned Tasks K-12 • Smarter Balanced Practice Test – Examples of computer adaptive items and performance tasks. CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Smarter Balanced Practice Test CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Implications for Instruction and Student Achievement Critical to spend time learning the standards, understanding the shifts and knowing the progression of learning the standards attend to. We must transform how we present math ideas/concepts. Progression documents give guidance on research based approaches to learning such as unit fraction, number lines, etc. Know these documents deeply. Ensure ALL students have opportunities to engage in meaningful mathematics. CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Resources to support implementation CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13 Council of Great City Schools: Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core Standards- Mathematics (http://www.cgcs.org/Page/244 )
Communications Campaign Ready Washington is a coalition of state and local education agencies, associations and advocacy organizations that support college- and career-ready learning standards. The coalition believes all students should be better prepared for college, work and life to build the skills to compete for the quality jobs that our state has to offer. *Initial support for ReadyWA received in October 2012 grant awarded from College Spark Washington to Partnership for Learning & Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13 www.ReadyWA.org
Opportunities to learn more CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Washington Ongoing: Statewide Coordination and Collaboration to Support Implementation (Professional Learning Providers and Partners Across WA ) • Including: • School Districts (CCSS District Implementation Network) • Higher Education • Education and Educator Content Associations • Business Partners CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
Opportunities to be involved Movers and Shakers http://k12.wa.us/Mathematics/default.aspx Math and ELA “Fellows” build capacity around common learning OSPI CCSS Webinar Series PD Offered through all 9 ESDs CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
2012-13 CCSS Implementation Resources CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
2012-13 CCSS Implementation Resources CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
State Testing Update CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13
A Balanced Assessment System Summative: College and career readiness assessments for accountability Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness All students leave high school college and career ready Formative resources: Supporting classroom-based assessments to improve instruction Interim: Flexible and open assessments, used for actionable feedback
Interim Assessments and Formative Tools (Digital Library) CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13 • Interim Assessments – Ready in Fall 2014 • Available to all districts – costs covered by state • Optional use and frequency • Two types of assessments can be constructed: • Clone summative test • Target specific skills • 2014-15 will have fewer items to draw from than later years • Digital Library - Resources to be available in late Spring 2014
Digital Library Features One Stop: • The Digital Library will have links to all test engine systems through a single sign-on with user permission levels so teachers, parents, and students have access to all of the curriculum and professional learning resources. • Assessment literacy • Formative assessment resources • Links to other resources and other components of the Smarter online system • Includes resources for each grade band that address English Language Learners and Students With Disabilities Interactive Teacher Space • Opportunities to keep journals of practices • Key words or phrases in the journals will generate suggested lists of resources. • Record resources consulted and suggest others. • Teachers can request resources matched to student assessment results. CCSS Mathematics Webinar Pt 2 12-12-13