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MUSIC THERAPY HISTORY. 500, 000 years ago- Antiquity and Ancient Societies to ancient Greece, to the early Christian era, the Renaissance and beyond, to Romanticism , Music is used in magico -religious rituals to purge the evil spirits from the sick person’s body
MUSIC THERAPYHISTORY 500, 000 years ago- Antiquity and Ancient Societies to ancient Greece, to the early Christian era, the Renaissance and beyond, to Romanticism, Music is used in magico-religious rituals to purge the evil spirits from the sick person’s body First Music Therapist- In the Old Testament of Young David playing the lyre for King Saul who was tormented by an evil spirit (chronic depression, melancholy) “Music moulds character, when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the state change with them.“ "Music is medicine to the soul" "Justice is to the soul as health is to the body. Through music, the soul learns harmony and rhythm and even a disposition to justice." -Plato (428 BC-348 BC)
MUSIC THERAPYHISTORY During Ancient Greece Era that rational medicine gradually replaced the magico-religious nature of healing Greek Medical Theory- four human temperaments/ personality types - sanguine, melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic. Each is associated with one of the 4 body juices, or humours – blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm and one of the 4 elements – air, fire, earth and water. TWENTIETH CENTURY ~ BIRTH OF MUSIC THERAPY AS A PROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE DISCIPLINE
MUSIC THERAPY20th CENTURY “Music therapy is a systematic process of intervention wherein the therapist helps the client to promote health, using music experiences and the relationships that develop through them as dynamic forces of change.” (1998, p.20) Kenneth Bruscia, a key player and prolific writer in the field of music Therapy Music Therapists draw from ancient healing traditions and from evidence -based research on the behavioural and cognitive effects of music (behaviour-oriented music therapy), the physiological effects of music (medical model of music therapy) and the psychological effects (insight-oriented music therapy ~ psychodynamic, analytical).
MUSIC THERAPYfor children All human beings are inherently musical. Everyone naturally responds to music. Music can express feelings which cannot be put into words. Music therapy was first used for children with special needs in the early to mid-1900s in the USA. Its use became more widespread in the 1950s and 1960s in the UK. Music therapy for children with autism developed as a way to address these children’s difficulties with social interaction and communication.
MUSIC THERAPY HOW DOES IT HELP CHILDREN? • Helps to express emotions • Helps to cope with symptoms of a disease and its treatment • Improve your emotional and physical well being • Develop creativity and self confidence • Helps to relax and feel comfortable You don’t need to be musical to get something out of music therapy. It isn’t about learning to sing, or play an instrument. In a music therapy session, you may • Listen to music • Move to music • Sing • Make music with simple instruments • Write and discuss song lyrics
MUSIC THERAPY What are the aims? To improve: • Communication Verbal and non-verbal communication is crucial for personal development and continuing mental health. In Music Therapy clients deepen their ability to listen and experience being listened to, and develop tools with which they communicate. Clients gain confidence in their abilities in order to help build rewarding relationships with others. • Social Skills Music Therapy sessions promote awareness and tolerance of others. We try to enable clients to relate positively to others and to explore unhelpful behaviour. Group music making gives clients the opportunity to explore sharing, taking turns, being in charge and accepting leadership from others within a safe framework. • Emotional response Music stimulates emotional response and offers a positive and creative means of expressing and sharing emotions that cannot be put into words. This area of work is particularly important for clients with emotional issues and for those who have experienced bereavement, anxiety or abuse. • Personal Growth Key areas of personal growth including individuality, self-awareness, confidence, initiative, creativity, and choice are addressed as part of the therapeutic process. • Developmental Work Clients can be supported in progressing through various developmental stages including auditory/tactile/visual awareness, reaching/grasping/manipulating instruments, attention and concentration, individuality and separation from parents.
MUSIC THERAPY Who is it for? . Music Therapy is an effective form of therapeutic support for children and adults with a wide range of needs including: • Emotional/behavioural problems • Attention Deficit Disorder • Sensory Problems/Impairment • Developmental Delay • Down’s Syndrome • Autistic Spectrum Conditions • Communication Disorders • Learning Disability • Abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) • Life-threatening illness (cancer and others) • Neurological conditions • Dementia • Mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, psychosis • Stress, trauma, bereavement • Personal growth and self discovery
MUSIC THERAPYWhat can you as sitter do? . HOME MADE GUITAR
MUSIC THERAPYWhat can you as sitter do? .Bottle Rattles
MUSIC THERAPYWhat can you as sitter do? .Home made drums
MUSIC THERAPYWhat can you as sitter do? . MAGIC FLUTE
MUSIC THERAPYWhat can you as sitter do? . Click and Clack Castanats, Xylophones, papercup/funnel phones