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w w w . p o s t e c h . a c . k r. POHANG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY. 2010’ POSTECH Ranked 28 th in the Times World University Rankings The First Korean University to Rank in the Top 30. 浦项工大招 2011 年暑期实习生 (Internship) 浦项工大提供往返机票与宿舍 ( 生活费自理 ).
w w w . p o s t e c h . a c . k r POHANG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 2010’ POSTECH Ranked 28th in the Times World University Rankings The First Korean University to Rank in the Top 30 浦项工大招2011年暑期实习生(Internship) 浦项工大提供往返机票与宿舍(生活费自理) -期间:7月1日到9月30日(最短能申请一个月,以上自定) -申请资格:仅限本科3年级 -申请截止日期:2010年12月10日 相关专业 Chemical Eng, Chemistry, Computer Science & Eng, Electronic&Electrical Eng, Industrial&Management Eng, Life Science, Mathematics, Materials Science&Eng, Mechanical Eng, Physics, School of Environmental Science&Eng(SEE), School of Interdiscplinary Bioscience&Bioengineering(I-BIO), Technology Innovation&Management Graduate Program(TIM), Graduate School of Wind Energy(GWE), Division of Advanced Materials Science(AMS), Division of Integrative Biosciences&Biotechnology(IBB), Division of IT Convergence Eng(ITCE) 申请材料: 1.填申请表(自行下载) 2.成绩单(英文) 3.在读证明(英文) 4身份证复印件 5.CV(With Picture) & Cover Letter(英文) 6.提供英语成绩单(CET6级以上或雅思,托福其中提供一个就行) *准备所有的申请材料直接交给哈尔滨工业大学国际合作处翟宁老师 *不允许和对方教授直接联系 欢迎咨询: POSTECH浦项工科大学主任丁宣义sunnyding@postech.ac.kr 中国北京朝阳区东三环北路霞光里18号佳程广场A座17层(100027)TEL +86-10-5166-6677 分机118 FAX +86-10-8440-0321 Cellphone:+86 1364 129 2500