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This meeting agenda includes discussions on state reporting, assessments, Regents exams, 3-year standard trend report, and 3-8 paper-based and CBT suspension data.
Data Coordinators Meeting March 11, 2019
Agenda • State Reporting • Assessments • Regents, LOTE • 3-year Standard Trend Report • 3-8- Paper-based and CBT
Suspension Data & ESSA Accountability Status • Beginning with 2018-19 results, a Level 1-4 will be reported for each accountability group on the Out-of-School Suspension indicator. • Out-of-school suspension rate is calculated by dividing the number of students who were suspended from school (not including in-school suspensions) for one full day or longer anytime during the school by the number of students enrolled on BEDS day of that school year. • A student is counted only once, regardless of whether the student was suspended one or more times during the school year. • Students who are suspended for a half day should NOT be reported as suspended for that day.
State Reporting – Student Data • BEDS Day Data Extract – March 22 • BEDS Day Enrollment • Enrollment by grade, DOR, Pre-K and supplemental enrollment counts • Program Service Codes: 902, 990, and UPK Setting code • BEDS Day Immigrant Student Counts • Program Service Code: 8282 • BEDS Day FRPL • Program Service Codes: 5817, 5806 & 0198 • BEDS Day ELL Counts – March/April • Counts of ELL Eligible Students • Program Service Code: 0231
State Reporting – Staff Data • 2018-2019 TSDL data due Thursday, June 13 • Grades 3-8 ELA/Math and Math Regents course rosters • Staff Snapshot & Staff-Student-Course • SIRS-315 TSDL Verification Report • Teachers need to verify course rosters in Teacher Access & Authorization (TAA) • Certification Friday, June 21 • 2018-2019 Staff Assignment data due Thursday, June 13 • Principals only • Staff Snapshot & Staff Assignment • SIRS-318 Staff Assignment Verification Report • Certification Friday, June, 21
Regents • Data Warehouse • June 2019 Regents • Ordering Exams with Office of State Assessment • Ordering Preprinted Answer Sheets with MAARS • Global History & Geography
LOTE • Updates On Regionally Developed Checkpoint A and Checkpoint B exams in French, German and Spanish. • Ordering Exams • Ordering MAARS Preprinted Answer Sheets
3 Year Standard Trend Report • Video clips located on MAARS Website • Data Driven Instruction tab • Related Links How to find the 3 Year Standard Trend Report Using the 3 Year Standard Trend Report
3 -8 Paper Based Assessments Answer Sheet Shipping/Availability Dates • Districts will be contacted when shipped • Charters & Non-public schools will also be contacted when they are ready for pick-up.
3 -8 Paper Based Assessments Returning Answer Sheets for Processing • Answer Sheet Prep. & Packing: • Make sure to follow our answer sheet packing directions (directions sent with your printed answer sheets) • Please do not put large envelopes into boxes of answer sheets. • Schools whose answer sheets are not packed by the directions: We will contact the school and have them send someone here to MAARS to put them in the order they are needed for processing. • Use of Preprinted Blank Answer Sheets: Please make sure to instruct teachers/proctors to write in the student ID number in the appropriate ID number box on both sides of all answer sheet pages.
3 -8 Paper Based Assessments Returning Answer Sheets for Processing (cont.) • Answer Sheet Delivery Deadline for Processing: • Please Note: This year NYSED ELA deadline for delivering answer sheets to us for processing is April 17th. • This deadline happens to be during Spring Recess in which schools are closed. • If you will not be working that day or week, your school MUST deliver these answer sheets by end of day Friday, April 12th.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Quick Reminder • CBT Proctor Training & Best Practices Webinar (March 15th) Registration Open: 2019 New York State Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Proctor Training & Best Practices Webinar
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Nextera Admin: Students Changes between Districts/Schools (hand entering into Nextera Admin) • If you attempt to hand enter a student into Nextera Admin and receive a message stating “student already loaded…” contact us and we can help you to resolve this and get the student entered. Nextera Admin: Student Identification • Please remember that both a NYSSIS ID and a Local ID are required for all students. • If you need help getting a NYSSIS ID on a student, you can contact us and we will help you get the needed NYSSIS ID.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Nextera Admin: Accommodations • Multi-Student Edit: This feature allows you to add accommodations to a group of students at the same time. • Note: Multi-Student Edit will override any previously assigned accommodations for the students being edited. If you use this feature, it is recommended to begin with the Multi-Student Edit, then make necessary individual changes to assign accommodations to individual students. • It is strongly recommended that you have someone review the accommodations before testing day using the Nextera Admin reports/downloads. • Some accommodations could take up to 24 hours before the test system is ready for the student. (For example: changing of a language or text-to-speech.)
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Nextera Admin – TEST tab (drop-down menu) • Will be available 2 weeks before the exam testing window, for printing login tickets Documentation: How to Print Student Login Tickets
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Proctor Pins • Are a part of the secure materials and should be distributed to each testing classroom with the secure materials packet. (NYSED’s #1 call on questions concerning this topic) • These are Building-specific. • Proctors within the same school building will use the same Proctor Pin. • Do not share proctor pins with students.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Proctor Pins vs Access Codes • There has been feedback from schools that the Proctor Pin and Access Code screens/prompts are very similar. • NYSED/Questar will look into ways to add a better distinction between these 2 screens for next year. • For this year, please make note of the title on each of these screens • What may also help is to keep in mind that the Proctor Pin is always required before the Access Code. • Also good tip to remember, Proctor Pins are 8 digits and Access Codes are 4 digits.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Quick Note on Highlighters use during testing • Students cannot have the highlighter tool enabled and also type in the CR (constructed response) box. • If a student is having issues with typing in a CR box, have them check to make sure the highlighter is disabled. • NYSED will eventually post a “Proctor Tip” to CBTsupport on this.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Best Practices • Best Practices: Computer-Based Testing "Tech Tips" • Best Practice: Staggering Student-Testing Start Times • Video & Presentation: CBT Best Practices and Tech Tips, 2018 • Keep a log of your students and their testing device identification • Some schools have their students write the testing device identification on the back of their log-in tickets.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Best Practices (continued) If there is a problem with a student’s device after student starts the test and may need to change devices. (See revised notes below) • Before having the student move to a new device, contact Questar. If your school’s technical person & Questar cannot resolve the issue on that device… • The student should be able to complete the remainder of the test on another device. However, the student would need to pause/log out of the first device they were working on or they will not be able to log into the second device. • Student should be able to complete the remainder of the test on the second device, where he/she had left off. • Work with Questar as to how the student’s assessment should be submitted from both devices. • Quarantine the student’s original device until Questar and your tech. person can resolve the issue – do not use that device for anything else until the issue has been resolved and the student’s assessment data successfully retrieved and sent to Questar.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments How to handle loss of Internet Connection during testing • Student may continue to respond and work on their test. Their responses are stored in the local cache, on the device they are using. • If the connection is restored before the student completes the test, the system will restart the “heartbeat” (transmission of responses to the Questar’s system). • If connection is not restored, student responses remain on that device. • Student can log out of the test but do NOT submit. • Once connection is restored the student should log back in on the original device and submit their test. • (Note: device should be quarantined until that student’s test responses have been successfully submitted. Do not allow other students to use that device) • Do not attempt to submit a test when internet connection is down. • If the student has completed their test and there is still no internet connection, have them log out of the test. • Quarantine the device • You may also want to label that device with the student’s name.
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments How to handle loss of Internet Connection at test Submit • If a large number of student devices are offline at the end of a test session it is recommended that the devices be labeled with the student name and to keep them connected to power. • This will make it easier to track which students need to sign back into which device and submit their test, when the connection is back online. • Nextera Setup & Installation Guide
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Reason Not Tested (Not Tested Codes) • Can be entered into Nextera Admin before testing, if you know the student will not be taking the CBT test. • (Tip) Proctors can use the back of the student login ticket to indicate “Reason Not Tested”. To use as a reference for entering into the Nextera Admin system. • On the last day of the testing window… • Export the Testing Status Details to be sure every student has either tested all sessions or a Not-Tested code has been assigned • This list can also be used to help identify students for makeup tests • Please note that if a student is loaded into Nextera Admin but is taking the test via paper answer sheet, you need to enter a not-tested code in both of the student’s test session as “Testing on Paper”. The same must be done for students that are “Taking Regents”. • Documentation: How to Set Not Testing Codes
3 -8 Computer Based Assessments Communications (before, during and after testing) • Strongly recommend that each district/school have at least one person with a login to CBTsupport webpage AND setup as “following” each category in “Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Computer-Based Testing” • We will continue to send updates via our Weekly Digest • I will be sending out emails, when needed, via an email listServ we have created just for our Operational CBT schools. • You know where to find us …. Questions… concerns… need help… Happy Testing!
Next Meeting: Options:1:30 pm June 6, 2019(in-person)1:00 pm June 7, 2019(remote via Zoom) Thank you for coming!