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Join us at the Nina Harris ESE Center for the Annual Parent Meeting on August 12, 2019, at 6:15 pm in the Nina Harris Cafeteria. Learn about Title I funding and programs, the school improvement rating, curriculum, and more!
Title I Annual Parent Meeting2019-2020 Nina Harris ESE Center August 12, 2019 6:15 pm Nina Harris Cafeteria Arlene Sullivan, Principal
Title I Funding The federal government provides funding to states each year for the Title I program. The Florida Department of Education sends the money to our district, Pinellas County Schools. The school district identifies eligible schools and distributes the Title I funds to the school. Nina Harris implements a school-wide program, all students benefit from the supplemental services provided by Title I.
Title I Budget • The Title I Parent Involvement budget is $5,032.78 to pay for Parent Involvement. This money will be used for: • Student Agenda Books • Parent Workshop/Training- one each semester • Food for workshops • Any related expenses for Parent Involvement • Printing, mailing etc.
Parent’s Right to Know As a Title I parent you have the right to be involved in the development of the following plans and documents for our school: • School Improvement Plan (SIP) • Compact • Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP) for the school and district You may request and attend meetings to express your opinions and to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of your children, *Please review these documents and attend meetings or complete surveys to share your input…we need and want you to be involved.
School Classification • Nina Harris receives a School Improvement Rating instead of a school grade. • The School Improvement Rating is based on learning gains students made in ELA and Math on the Florida Standards Alternate Assessment. • Learning gains are calculated on the percentage of students making learning gains. • The percentage of students making learning gains in ELA and Math are added and then divided by 2 which gives the school the rating.
School Classification School Improvement Ratings are based on possible percentage of points that can be earned (100) Commendable - 50% or higher Maintaining - 26-49 % Unsatisfactory - 25% or less Based on this data Nina Harris received a School Improvement Rating of Unsatisfactory.
School Public Accountability Report Card (SPAR) School Public Accountability Report (SPAR) provides parents and the community with important information about each public school • Demographic data • School safety and climate for learning information • Academic data • Graduation rates • Class sizes • Teacher and staff information • Curriculum and instruction descriptions • Postsecondary preparation information Available at the school office or online at • http://doeweb-prd.doe.state.fl.us/eds/nclbspar/index.cfm This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
School’s Curriculum • Florida Standards Access Points form the framework of everything taught at school. • Curriculum • Access ELA • Access Math • Access Science • End of Course Assess Courses for High School Biology Geometry World History
Title I Budget • Nina Harris was provided $32,895.00 to pay for services and programs for our students. This money will be used for: • Consultants • Professional Development for staff • Core Vocabulary-MELD • Behavior • Book Study • Substitutes • Equipment • Technology • Classroom Materials • Volunteer Coordinator- (2 hours a week)
Parent-School Compact Every Title I School has a Compact. It is an agreement between the parent, student, and school to encourage highest student achievement. Please review and sign your child’s Compact, then return it to your child’s teacher.
Nina Harris’ Compact • As administrators we pledge TO: • Provide a safe environment where students can learn and staff can teach • Provide staff with the resources and trainings they need in order to help your child succeed • Maintain open lines of communication with parents, community and staff • Demonstrate and reinforce the use of Nina Harris’ Guidelines for Success
AS TEACHERS WE PLEDGE TO Believethat your child can make learning gains Provide a safe environment that puts your child’s welfare first Help your child grow to his/her fullest potential Seek ways to involve you and your family in the education of your child Maintain open lines of communication with you Demonstrate and reinforce the use of Nina Harris’ Guidelines for Success ♦collaborate with parents at IEP meetings and parent conferences
AS THERAPISTS WE PLEDGE TO: • Provide support for students so that they may excel in independence to the best of their ability. • Provide students with opportunities to practice skills. • Provide teachers and staff with input or training on how to guide students with success as well as practice of skills
AS A STUDENT I PLEDGE TO: • Do my best in my work and my behavior • Believe that I can learn and will learn • Work cooperatively with my classmates • Follow the Nina Harris Guidelines for Success
AS A PARENT/GUARDIAN I PLEDGE TO: • See that my child attends school regularly and on time • Communicate regularly with my child’s teacher • Show respect and support for my child, the teacher and the school • Support the school to ensure that my child follows Nina Harris’ Guidelines for Success • Collaborate with teachers and attend IEP meetings and parent-teacher conferences • Make an effort to attend and/or volunteer for school activities such as family workshops or performances • To talk to and listen to the school nurse about my child’s health and medical needs • Provide and maintain needed personal care supplies and equipment
We need your help!Active Parent Involvement Share a love of learning Read to your child Ask your child to read to you Review the Compact throughout the year Keep Portal info up to date Volunteer Participate in giving your input for our SIP, PFEP, and budget Show interest in your child’s school day Ask her/him questions Check homework Praise their efforts Encourage good study habits Communicate with the teachers and other staff Attend events
Title I Parent Station • Our school’s Title I Parent Station is located in the Front Office under the Parent Station Banner You will find a copy of our School’s PFEP, the School District’s PFEP, Parent’s Right to Know Memo, Upcoming Events, Compact, Newsletters, SAC Agenda and Minutes, School Improvement Plan, Assessment and Behavior Data
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) • The District has a Parent and Family Engagement Plan (LEA PFEP). The summary of the LEA PFEP is in the “Title I News” • You may access it on PCSB.org, under Title I Tab • The Parent Advisory Council is responsible for reviewing and revising it. PAC meets with the District’s Title I Family Education Specialist. • PAC meets twice a year, if you are interested in representing our school please notify, Arlene Sullivan
Classroom Visits Insert information about classroom visits that will take place after the meeting…
Thank you for coming!Please feel free to ask any questions and provide feedback on our Title I Program
Nina Harris ESE Center727-547-78506000 70th Ave. NorthPinellas Park, Fl. 33781Arlene Sullivan, PrincipalKent Vermeer, Asst. Principal