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Policing America:

Policing America:. Culture, Conflict and Decision Making. Public support of the police. depends on whom you ask. Majority of Americans have confidence in their police. Level of confidence and respect not uniform across races. Views of the Public Toward the Police in the United States.

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Policing America:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Policing America: Culture, Conflict and Decision Making

  2. Public support of the police... depends on whom you ask

  3. Majority of Americans have confidence in their police

  4. Level of confidence and respect not uniform across races

  5. Views of the Public Toward the Police in the United States

  6. Views of the Public Toward the Police in the United States

  7. Views of the Public Toward the Police in the United States

  8. Views of the Public Toward the Police in the United States

  9. Views of the Public Toward the Police in the United States

  10. There still remains much room for improvement

  11. Public Satisfaction Depends on what we think the police role is in society

  12. SHOW DESCRIPTION:A cop lets himself get down in the mud in order to get criminals off the street. BRIEF HISTORY:Not letting HBO monopolize the market on gritty dramas, FX stepped up to the plate to give a realistic look at street cops. Advertisers were a bit put off though and in its early weeks several dropped out due to the show's content.

  13. What is the Role Expectation?

  14. Images

  15. Role Factors • Role • Role Expectation • Role Conflict

  16. The reality • LAPD 3 Million Calls Per Year • That’s 593 Calls Per Year Per Officer • Dallas PD • 665 Per Officer Per Year

  17. Role Factors Role The rights and responsibilities associated with a position

  18. Role Factors Role Expectations The behavior and actions that are expected from a person in a particular role

  19. Role Factors Role Conflict Stress resulting from trying to perform two or more incompatible responsibilities

  20. Sources of Role Conflict Conflicting Public Expectations

  21. Sources of Role Conflict Conflicting departmental or personal expectations

  22. Sources of Role Conflict vs. Service Provider Crime Fighter

  23. Unique Features of the Police Role

  24. Police Work Independently

  25. Police Work Requires Quick Decision Making

  26. Police Perform “Dirty Work”

  27. Police are often exposed to danger

  28. But Cops are Human, Too….

  29. Frustration • Less than 10% of all cases result in Arrest • 50% of all Burglaries are Screened • Of that 50%, 75% Dropped after first follow up • Cases investigated for 4 hours over 3 days • 11 days between report and Investigation

  30. Personal Empowerment with Dr. Sally A recent caller to Dr. Sally’s radio talk show said he felt lonely and isolated

  31. Personal Empowerment with Dr. Sally “I’m a professional, just like teachers and lawyers, he said” “But the public doesn’t see me that way”

  32. Personal Empowerment with Dr. Sally “People seem to always want to make my job harder” “And they seem to be suspicious of me a lot of the time”

  33. Personal Empowerment with Dr. Sally “What sort of work do you do?” asked Dr. Sally “I’m a cop,” the caller replied

  34. Personal Empowerment with Dr. Sally What Do You Think? Why do you think a police officer would feel this way?

  35. Personal Empowerment with Dr. Sally What Do You Think? How does public reaction to the police affect police behavior?

  36. Community Relations Police Community Relations are Activities Designed to Bring The Police And The Community Together

  37. Broken Windows Model (George Kelling, James Q Wilson) • Neighborhood Disorder creates Fear • Neighborhoods Give out Crime Promoting Signals • Police Need Citizens Cooperation

  38. Operational styles characterize an officer’s approach to the police job

  39. Wilson’s Three Styles of Policing Watchman

  40. Wilson’s Three Styles of Policing Legalistic

  41. Wilson’s Three Styles of Policing Service

  42. John Broderick’s Classification of Police Officers

  43. Enforcers Emphasis on order, little respect for due process

  44. Idealists Emphasis on both order and due process

  45. Optimists Emphasis on due process, with less concern for order

  46. Realists Little emphasis on either due process or order

  47. William Muir’s Styles of Policing

  48. Professionals Passion and Perspective

  49. Enforcers Passion, but little recognition of limits on their power to resolve problems

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