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Universal Design for Learning. Presented by: Cynthia L. Caldwell. What is the Universal Design for Learning?.
Universal Design for Learning Presented by: Cynthia L. Caldwell
What is the Universal Design for Learning? According to the Center for Applied Special Technology or CAST, Universal Design for Learning or UDL is an approach to learning that addresses and redresses the primary barrier to making expert learners of all students. The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 defines UDL as “a scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice that: Provides for flexibility in the ways information is presented, in the ways students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills, and in the ways students are engaged; and Reduces the barriers in instruction, provides appropriate accommodations, supports and challenges, and maintains high achievement expectations for all students, including students with disabilities and students who are limited English proficient. (Section 103(24).”
Where did UDL get it’s start? UDL was developed based on Universal Design of architectural principles as defined by Ron Mace at North Carolina State University which calls for the designing and construction of buildings, apartments, homes, etc. to accommodate for the widest spectrum of users from the beginning. These principles in combination with the neurosciences and theories of progressive education are the foundation on which CAST developed the three principles of the UDL framework.
What are the three principles of UDL? • Principle I: Provide Multiple Means of Representation • Principle II: Provide Multiple Means of Expression • Principle III: Provide Multiple Means of Engagement
Principle I:Provide Multiple Means of Representation • This is the “what” of learning. • Students vary in the ways they recognize and understand the information communicated to them. • Gardeners’ multiple intelligences. • No one type of representation will be most advantageous for all students making options in representation vital.
Principle II:Provide Multiple Means of Expression • This is the “how” of learning. • Students vary in the ways they are able to plot a course through the learning environment and communicate the knowledge they gained. • No one means of expression is most advantageous for all students making it vital to provide various options.
Principle III:Provide Multiple Means of Engagement • This is the “why” of learning. • Students vary markedly in the ways they can be engaged or inspired to gain knowledge. • No one means of representation will be optimal for all students; therefore, providing numerous options for engagement is vital.
UDL and the Brain • The brain is the most powerful tool that every student brings to the classroom. • It is highly complex, but basically a mystery to mankind. • Neuroscientists have found that the brain can be divided into many different networks. • These networks are structurally and functionally distinguishable and are closely associated and perform together. • There are three primary networks that are all equally essential to learning – recognition, strategic, and affective networks.
Three Primary Networks • Recognition networks are expert at sensing and assigning significance to patterns we see. They enable us to identify and comprehend concepts, ideas, and information. • Strategic networks are expert at generating and overseeing mental and motor patterns. They enable us to execute, monitor, and plan actions and skills. • Affective networks are expert at evaluating patterns and assigning emotional significance to them. They enable us to connect with tasks and education, and with the world around us.
Recognition Networks • Located primarily in the back of the brain. • Enable us to identify and interpret patterns of light, smell, sound, taste, and touch. • Stores information that help to recognize faces, letters, voices, and words. • Identifies more complex patterns like author’s nuance and style, as well as abstract concepts like justice. • Processes are distributed meaning that the tissue in each region is fine-tuned to process one type of input extremely efficiently so the general task of recognition is spread across the different areas.
Strategic Networks • Located primarily in the frontal lobes of the brain. • Plan, execute, and monitor our internally and diversely generated mental and motor skills and patterns-actions. • Strategy is involved in basically everything we do. • Identify the goal of the task, come up with a plan to accomplish it, execute the plan, and evaluate the outcome. • Processes are distributed meaning that the modules of the frontal lobe are interdependent on each other but also function in parallel with each other enabling us to perform highly complex actions with ease.
Affective Networks • Located predominantly at the core of the brain and associated with the limbic system. • What individuals “see” is determined by their own internal set of emotions, memories, and needs. • Their biological state, interest, memory, mood, motivation, and personality all influence how people interact with the world around us. • Processes are distributed across many modules causing learners to exhibit many differences that influence their motivation to learn and subsequent, ongoing engagement with learning tasks.
Common Traits Among the Networks • Bottom-up processing: the pathway of a sensory input traveling up through an increasingly complex hierarchical network. • Top-down processing: the pathway of a sensory input traveling down through the hierarchy to facilitate the recognition of details by using higher-order information. • Each network is dependent on the other. • Multifaceted connections help individual parts of the brain to communicate along flexible and multiple pathways whether they are close to each other or on opposite sides of the brain.
Other Facets of the Networks • Although all three networks are involved in the learning task, curricular teaching methods and goals tend to be bunched together into broad types that correspond with each network. • Traditionally, teachers tend to teach by offering a concept in one way to the entire class. • Differences in strategic skills reveal themselves as inclinations, tendencies, or considerable strengths and weaknesses. • Positive emotions help to motivate learning among students just as negative ones impede progress.
Implication for Teachers • The most obvious and important disclosure coming out of brain research is that there are no “typical” students. • The organization and specialized sub processors of the learning networks mean that every student brings a unique collection of strengths, weaknesses, and inclinations with them to school. • Patterns of strength and weakness across all the networks interface with the learning and teaching environments in ways that can bring progress or frustration to teachers and students alike. • Most learning disabilities involve all three networks of the brain.
Network Specific Teaching Techniques • To reinforce different recognition networks: • Provide multiple examples, media, and formats • Emphasize significant features • Support background context • To reinforce different strategic networks: • Provide adaptable models of skilled presentations • Provide opportunities to practice and ongoing, relevant feedback • Offer adaptable opportunities for displaying skill • To reinforce different affective networks: • Offer options of subject matter, tools, and learning context • Offer changeable levels of challenge • Offer options of incentives
Technology and UDL • Technology is most often thought of as the use of computers or computing tools. • Technology is really the practical application of scientific learning. • Innovative technology is used to indicate something that is relatively new. • Technology is used to support diverse learners and is divided into two broad categories: assistive/adaptive or supportive.
Assistive/Adaptive Technology • Includes any mechanism that students with disabilities may use to help them learn and perform more efficiently. • Help people with common chores or make something physically accessible the would be inaccessible otherwise. • Are “content-free” devices that allow students to function in circumstances that might be otherwise impossible because of the person’s disabilities.
Assistive/Adaptive Technology (continued) • Can be hardware: • Computer input devices • Computer output devices • Internet-based communication • Telephone systems • Hearing aids • Augmentative and alternative communication devices • Can be software: • Translation • Enhancement
Supportive Technology • Assist a learner through remediation, compensation (alternative cognitive tools) or extension (opportunities for greater examination). • Directly addresses issues of gaining knowledge and the curriculum. • Can be divided into three subcategories: remediation, compensatory, and extension.
Supportive Technology (continued) • Remediation technology is designed to reinforce essential skills for all students. It includes “drill and practice” software. • Compensatory technology provides cognitive tools for students to use to accomplish school-related assignments and projects. It includes calculators, presentation software, and word processors. • Extension technology supports gifted and talented students by giving them greater opportunities to explore any given content area. It can include the World Wide Web, opportunities to program the computer, and robotics.
UDL, the Brain, and Technology • The UDL principles are to be used as a guideline or set of strategies to be employed in overcoming the barriers inherent in most curricula. They can serve as the building blocks for creating options and the flexibility that are needed to maximize learning opportunities for all students. • The brain’s networks require multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement. • Computer software offers many opportunities for individualized instruction. • The World Wide Web allows for multiple ways of engaging the brain of any student through various methods of articulation.
Examples of Technology Usage • Digital text programs, like Word, can be extremely flexible by being able to change font, font size, and color to match a student’s needs. • Providing access to digital graphics and video tools can be used to infuse technology into the classroom. Students can create video reports and choose a method of content engagement that fits their own individual style. • Internet based tools give a wonderful starting point to help in the design of the UDL classroom. • Online virtual meetings provide support for communication and collaboration with groups of high diversity of skills. • For more examples of technology usage within each content area, go to Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System at http://www.fdlrstech.com.
Final Thoughts: • For learning to happen, content must be sufficiently difficult to absorb students’ interest, but not so difficult that they become frustrated and give up. • Universal Design for Learning focuses educators on developing elastic curricula that supply students with numerous ways of retrieving content, articulating what they learn, and numerous pathways that engage their curiosity and motivation. • Students need engaging and interesting content provided in a flexible curriculum. They need the chance to ask questions, notice, and observe in a hands-on environment.
I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn. – Albert Einstein
References:Bray, M., Brown, A., & Green, T. D. (2004). Technology and the diverse learner: A Guide to classroom practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.Center for Applied Special Technology. (2009). UDL guidelines, version 1.0: Introduction. Retrieved from http://www.udlcenter.org/print/21 on July 22, 2010.Howard, K. L. (2004). Universal design for learning: Meeting the needs of all students. International Society for Technology in Education, 31(5), 26-29. Retrieved from ERIC database on July 18, 2010.Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System. (2008). Universal design in learning (UDL). Retrieved from http://www.paec.org/fdlrstech/Handouts/FDLRSTech.pdf on July 22, 2010.Rose, D., & Meyer, A., (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Retrieved from http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes/ on July 18, 2010.University of Vermont. (2010). Universal design for learning. Retrieved fromhttp://www.uvm.edu/cdci/universaldesign/ on July 22, 2010.Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. (2010). Universal design for learning. Retrieved fromhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Design_for_Learning on July 22, 2010.