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Understanding Independent Random Variable Mean and Variance

Learn about independent random variables, calculating mean and variance, probability algorithms for subset areas, exponential and normal random numbers, and computational methods. Discover how to simulate π experimentally using a computer program.

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Understanding Independent Random Variable Mean and Variance

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  1. Independent random variable Mean and variance 郭俊利2009/03/30 05. Continuous Random Variable

  2. 2.7 ~ 3.3 Outline • Review • Problem 2.42 • Exponential random number • Normal random number • CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function)

  3. X1 + X2 + … + Xn n Sn = Problem 2.42 • Computational problem. Here is a probabilistic method for computingthe area of given subset S of the unit square. The method uses a sequence of independent random selections of points in the unit square [0, 1] x [0, 1], according to a uniform probability law. If the ith point belongs to the subset S the value of a random variable Xi is set to 1, and otherwise it is set to 0. Let X1, X2, … be the sequence of random variables thus defined, and for any n, let (a) Show that E[Sn] is equal to the area of the subset S, and that var(Sn) diminishes to 0 as n increases. (b) Show that to calculate Sn, it is sufficient to know Sn-1 and Xn, so the past values of Xk, k = 1, …, n – 1, do not need to be remembered. Give a formula. (c) Write a computer program to generate Sn for n = 1, 2, …, 10000, using the computer’s random number generator, for the case where the subset S is the circle inscribed within the unit square. How can you use your program to measure experimentally the value of π? (d) Use a similar computer program to calculate approximately the area of the set of all (x, y) that lie within the unit square and satisfy 0 ≦ cosπx + sinπy ≦ 1.

  4. X1 + X2 + … + Xn n Sn = Solution 2.42 (1/3) • 我的翻譯 (my translation, 翻錯別打我): 有種機率算法是計算一個 S 的面積 (S 在給定範圍 unit square 內),每次選取的點 ith會落在 [0, 1] x [0, 1] 中 (並且 ith是 uniform 且 independent),如果點 ith落在 S 裡, Xi就等於 1,否則 Xi = 0,又 (a)計算 E[Sn] 和 var(Sn) (b)發現 Sn不用管 X1 ~ Xn – 1,可以用Sn – 1和 Xn表示 Sn (c)可以用程式語言寫一個遞迴求 Sn,設 Sn是一個圓形,從 n = 1 ~ 10000 推敲出π值 (d)算出符合 0 ≦ cosπx + sinπy ≦ 1 這樣式子的所有 (x, y) 組合成的面積

  5. Solution 2.42 (2/3) • My solution (解錯別打我): S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i = 1 ~ n = 1 ~ 40 Xi = 1 or 0 Xi is a random variable, Sn is a random variable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P(Xi = 1) = 18/40 P(Xi = 1) = Area(S) / 給定範圍 = Area(S) Area( [0, 1] x [0, 1] ) = 1

  6. Solution 2.42 (3/3)

  7. Uniform (Lecture 8) (1) PDF fX(x) = , a≦x≦b (2)E[X] = (3)var(X) = Continuous Random Variable ∫fX(x) dx = 1 ∫xfX(x) dx = E[X]

  8. f(x) = 0 , x≦100 100 / x2 , x > 100 { Example 1 (PDF) • Computer’s lifetime is a random variable (unit: hour). • Five computers construct a network server (1)A computer is down at 150th hour. (2)A computer is down before 150th hour. (3)A computer is down before 200th hour. (4)A server is crash before 700th hour. = P(X ≧ a) – P(X ≧ b)

  9. Exponential random number • f(x) = λe–λx • P(x ≧ a) =∫a∞ λe–λxdx = –e–λx | a∞ = e–λa • E[X] = 1 / λ • var(X) = 1 / λ2(E[X2] = 2 / λ2)

  10. Example 2 (Exponential) • The spent time of work is modeled as an exponential random variable. The average time that Xiao-Ming completes the task is 10 hours. What is the probability that Xiao-Ming has done this task early (in advance)?

  11. f(x) = (x) dFx dx Cumulative Distribution Function p(k) = P(X ≦ k) – P(X ≦ k–1) = F(k) – F(k–1)

  12. Normal random number 0 aμ + b a2σ2

  13. a – μ σ a – μ σ Example 3 (Normal) • Standard normal distribution • N(–a) = P(Y ≦ –a) = P(Y ≧ a) = 1 – P(Y ≦ a) N(–a) = 1 – N(a) • CDF • P(X ≦ a) = P(Y ≦ ) = N( ) • The annual rainfall is modeled as a normal random variable with a mean = 600 mm and a standard deviation = 200. What is the probability that this year’s rainfall will be at least 800 mm?

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