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Understanding Named Entity Recognition in Information Sciences

Explore the definition of Named Entities and their recognition methods, including different schemas and coreferences. Learn about rigid designators, NE schemas, and the history of Named Entity Recognition in text processing.

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Understanding Named Entity Recognition in Information Sciences

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  1. Named Entity Recognition Cvetana Krstev University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology Department of Library and Information Sciences

  2. Outline of my talk • Defining „Named Entities“ • Named Entity tagging • Different schemas • Named Entity Recognition Methods • An Example

  3. Defining „Named Entities“

  4. Named entity recognition • Named entity recognizers identify propernames in documents, and may also classify these proper names as to whetherthey designate people, places, companies, organizations, and the like. • In the sentence: • Italy’s business world was rocked by the announcement last Thursday that Mr. Verdiwould leave his job as vice-president of Music Masters of Milan, Inc to become operations director of Arthur Andersen. • ‘Italy’ would be identified as a place, ‘last Thursday’ as a date, ‘Verdi’ as a person,‘Music Masters of Milan, Inc’ and ‘Arthur Andersen’ as companies. • Some would consider recognition of ‘Milan’ as a place, and identifying ‘Arthur Andersen’ as a person as an error in this context.

  5. Named Entity Definition • In the expression named entity, the word namedrestricts entities to those for which one or many rigid designators stands for the referent. • Example: • the automotive company created by Henry Ford in 1903 • is referred to as Ford or Ford Motor Company • Rigid designators include proper names as well as terms for certain biological species and substances.

  6. Rigid Designator • What is a rigid designator? • As defined by Saul Kripkein Naming and Necessity. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press • According to Kripke a name refers to an object by virtue of a causal connection with the object as mediated through communities of speakers. • He also points out that proper names, in contrast to most descriptions, are rigid designators. That is, a proper name refers to the named object in every possible world in which the object exists, while most descriptions designate different objects in different possible worlds. • For example, ‛Nixon’ refers to the same person in every possible world in which Nixon exists, while ‛the person who won the United States presidential election of 1968’ could refer to Nixon, Humphrey, or others in different possible worlds.

  7. Do all NEs conform to this definition? • Temporal expressions and some numerical expressions (i.e., money, percentages, etc.) may also be considered as named entities in the context of the NER task. • Some instances of these types are good examples of rigid designators, for example: • the year 2001 • 2001. godina • Because in both cases they refer to the 2001st year of the Gregorian calendar. • Temporal expressions in some other cases do not have rigid designators, for instance: • in June – we don’t know whether it refers to: past June, this June, June 2020...

  8. Named Entity Schemas

  9. The purpose of NE schemas • To standardize tagging by and for applications (MUC, ENE) • To standerdize tagging by and for people (TEI)

  10. Message Understanding Conferences • They were initiated by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to encourage development of new and better methods for extracting information from unstructured texts. • Seven annual conferences were held between 1987 and 1997. • These were not traditional scientific conferences but rather competitions in which research teams competed with their information extraction systems. • All systems always used the same texts from the particular domain. For instance, the task of MUC-3 and MUC-4 was event extraction and the domain were terrorist attacks as reported in newswires. • The output of all systems was standardized.

  11. Named entities and MUC • MUC-6 (1995) introduced Named Entity extraction as a component task, i.e., thefinding of proper names of people, companies, places, etc. in free text, butalso continuedevent extraction of management changes in the news • In 1998,MUC-7 showed thatNamed Entity extraction from English language newswirearticles was more or less a solved problem. The best MUC-7 programs scored about F =93%, compared to an estimated human performance of about F = 97%. • The TIPSTERprogram of which MUCwas a part was wound up after MUC-7.

  12. Named entities and coreferences • MUC defined a coreferencetask as linking togethermultiple expressions thatrefer to a given entity. • In the context of information extraction, the role ofcoreference annotation is to ensure that information associated with multiplementions of an entity can be collected together. • For instance, • <coref id=‘100’>International Business Machines </coref> • <coref id=‘101’ type=‘ident’ ref=‘100’>IBM</coref> • The acronym IBM refers to the identical notion as the phraseInternational Business Machines.

  13. Markup introduced by MUC-6 for named entites • All systems that participated in MUC competitions had to produce texts annotated with SGML tags (SGMLwas an XML predecesor) that was a valid SGML (e.g. XML) dokument, that is, conforming to the prescribed DTD. • Named entites proper – ENAMAX • Temporal expressions – TIMEX • Number expressions – NUMEX

  14. ENAMAXelement • This subtask is limited to proper names, acronyms, and perhaps miscellaneous other unique identifiers, which are categorized via the TYPEattribute as follows: • ORGANIZATION: named corporate, governmental, or other organizational entity; • PERSON: named person or family • LOCATION: name of politically or geographically defined location (cities, provinces, countries, international regions, bodies of water, mountains, etc.). This tag is not intended for addresses, names of streets, adjectives derived from location names, etc.

  15. Some examples of ENAMAX tags/1 • Organizations: • <ENAMEX TYPE="ORGANIZATION">European Community</ENAMEX> • <ENAMEX TYPE="ORGANIZATION">Labor Party</ENAMEX> • <ENAMEX TYPE="ORGANIZATION">Finger Lakes Area Hospital Corp.</ENAMEX>

  16. Some examples of ENAMAXtags/2 • Titles such as „Mr.“ and role names such as „President“ are not considered part of a person name. However, appositives such as „Jr.“are considered part of a person name.: • Mr. <ENAMEX TYPE="PERSON">Harry Schearer</ENAMEX> • Secretary <ENAMEX TYPE="PERSON">Robert Mosbacher</ENAMEX> • <ENAMEX TYPE="PERSON">John Doe, Jr.</PERSON> • The example of a familiy name: • the<ENAMEX TYPE="PERSON">Kennedy</ENAMEX> family

  17. Some examples of ENAMAXtags/3 • Country name is a part of a name of an organization: • <ENAMEX TYPE="ORGANIZATION">Hyundai of Korea, Inc.</ENAMEX> • Country name is not a part of a name of an orgnaization • <ENAMEX TYPE="ORGANIZATION">Hyundai, Inc.</ENAMEX> of <ENAMEX TYPE="LOCATION">Korea</ENAMEX> • City name is not a part of a name of an university • <ENAMEX TYPE="ORGANIZATION">University of California</ENAMEX>in<ENAMEX TYPE="LOCATION">Los Angeles</ENAMEX> • Compound expressions in which place names are separated by a comma are to be tagged as separate instances of LOCATION • <ENAMEX TYPE="LOCATION">Kaohsiung</ENAMEX>, <ENAMEX TYPE="LOCATION">Taiwan</ENAMEX>

  18. TIMEX element • Only „absolute“ time expressions are to be tagged. To be considered an absolute time expression, the expression must indicate a specific segment of time. • The tagged tokens are categorized via the TYPE attribute: • DATE: expressions that fully or partially designate a calendar date; • TIME: expressions that fully or partially designate a time of a day;

  19. Some examples of TIMEX tags • Time • <TIMEX TYPE="TIME">twelve o'clock noon</TIMEX> • <TIMEX TYPE="TIME">5 p.m. EST</TIMEX> • Date • <TIMEX TYPE="DATE">January 1990</TIMEX> • <TIMEX TYPE="DATE">fiscal 1989</TIMEX> • the<TIMEX TYPE="DATE">autumn</TIMEX>report (?) • <TIMEX TYPE="DATE">third quarter of 1991</TIMEX> • <TIMEX TYPE="DATE">the fourth quarter ended Sept. 30</TIMEX>

  20. NUMEX element • This subtask is for two useful types of numeric expressions, monetary expressions and percentages. The numbers may be expressed in either numeric or alphabetic form. • The task covers the complete expression, which is categorized via the TYPE attribute: • MONEY: monetary expression • PERCENT: percentage

  21. Some examples of NUMEX tag • monetary expressions: • <NUMEX TYPE="MONEY">20 million New Pesos</NUMEX> • <NUMEX TYPE="MONEY">$42.1 million</NUMEX> • <NUMEX TYPE="MONEY">million-dollar</NUMEX>conferences • percentage • <NUMEX TYPE="PERCENT">15 pct</NUMEX>

  22. The enhancement of the named entity set • The named entity set included in MUC-6 was very modest and those included were categorized in very broad groups. • In Named Entity Recognition and Classification (NERC) field researchers suggested the enhancement of this set and a finer categorization, for instance: • The category personcan be further subcategorized as politician, entertainer, etc. • The same category personcan be used for recognition of other interesting entities, such as names of diseases and medicaments, e.g. Parkinson disease, name of dishes Tournedos Rossini.

  23. The Named Entity Hierarchy – ENE project • The extended Named Entity Hierarchy (ENE) for newspaper texts was proposed by Satoshi Sekinefrom the New York University and ChikashiNobatafrom Communications Research Laboratory, Japan • This hierarchy has approximately 200 categories. At the top are still three categories: NAME, TIME_TOP and NUMEX. • Using this hierarchy they developed dictionaries and automatic taggers for NEs in Japanese and English. • These methods are very useful for applications in information retrieval, question answering, term extraction, etc.



  26. Other newly introduced categories • Category name (NAME) • FACILITY(stadium, theater, etc.) • EVENT • NATURAL_OBJECT (living beings, minerals) • TITLE • Number expressions (NUMEX) • MEASUREMENT • COUNTX • ORDINAL_NUMBER

  27. Named Entity Categories and TEI • One chapter of TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) guidelines is dedicated to named entities: • P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange • Chapter 13: Names, Dates, People, and Places • Elements and their attributes are described in this chapter that can be used when a special TEI module is includednamesdates– without it only basic elements can be used, for instance for names those are name and rs.

  28. Person names in TEI • <persName> • <surname> • <forename> • <roleName> • <addName> • <nameLink> • <genName> • Examples: <persName key="DUDO1"><roleName type="honorific" full="abb">Mme </roleName><nameLink>de la</nameLink><surname>Rochefoucault</surname></persName> <persName><forename>Charles</forename><genName>II</genName></persName>

  29. Geopolitical names in TEI • <placeName> • <district> • <settlment> • <region> • <country> • <bloc> • Examples: <placeName key="LSEA1"><country type="nation">Laos</country>,<bloc type="sub-continent">Southeast Asia</bloc></placeName> <placeName> <settlement type="city">Rochester</settlement>,<region type="state">New York</region> </placeName>

  30. Geographic names in TEI • <geogName> • <geogFeat> • Examples: <geogName key="MIRI1" type="river"><name>Mississippi</name><geogFeat>River</geogFeat></geogName> <geogName><geogFeat>Mount</geogFeat><name>Sinai</name></geogName>

  31. Organization names in TEI • <orgName> - Examples: • About a year back, a question of considerable interest was agitated in the<orgName key="PAS1" type="voluntary"><placeName key="PEN">Pennsyla.</placeName> Abolition Society</orgName>.... • A spokesman from<orgName type="regional"> <orgName type="acronym">IBM</orgName> <country type="acronym">UK</country></orgName> said ...

  32. Dates in TEI • <date>- Examples: • <date when="1980-02">early February 1980</date> • He was born on <date calendar="Gregorian">Feb. 22, 1732</date> (<date calendar="Julian" when="1732-02-22">Feb. 11, 1731/32, O.S.</date>). • In New York, <date type="occasion" when="--01-01">New Years Day</date> is the quietest ofholidays, <date when="--07-04" type="occasion">Independence Day</date>the most turbulent.

  33. Time in TEI • <time> - Examples: • As he sat smiling, thequarter struck — <time when="11:45:00">the quarter to twelve</time> • The train leaves for Boston at<time type="twentyfourHour" when="13:45:00">a quarter of two</time> • I reached the station <time when="14:15:00"> <time dur="PT30M0S">precisely half an hour</time> <offset>after</offset> <time when="13:45:00" type="occasion">the departure of the afternoon train to Boston</time></time>

  34. Read more • Examples and explanations for MUC schema are taken from Ralph Grishman: Named Entity Task Definition, 1995, http://cs.nyu.edu/faculty/grishman/NEtask20.book_1.html • Text Encoding Guidelines, http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ND.html • Sekine, S. and C.Nobata „Definition, dictionaries and tagger for Extended Named Entity Hierarchy“, LREC 2004. • Sekine, Satoshi. "Extended Named Entity Ontology with Attribute Information." LREC. 2008.

  35. Named Entity Recognition Methods

  36. Problems with NER • Many referring expressions are proper names and may therefore exhibit initialcapital letters in English (and many other European languages), e.g., John Smith, Thomson Corporation and LosAngeles. • The presence of an initial capital does not guaranteethat one is dealing with part of a name, since initial capitalization is also used: • at the start of sentences, • Variables in mathematics, chemical symbols, X-rays,... • Acronyms that are not named entites (FC – for football club) • Acronyms in short messages: OMG(Oh, my God), etc. • Also, for some named entities no initial capital letter is used, e.g. eBay.

  37. Use of gazetteers • NER task can be simplified by using lists of people, places and companies, but that cannot be enough. • Using a directory or gazetteer doesn’t necessarily help a program to decide whether Philip Morris refers to a person or a company. • New companies, products, etc. come into being on a daily basis, and they also change names, are referred to by some informal or shortened name, e.g. a Serbian machine factory Ivo Lola Ribar, usually referred to as Lola. • Gazetteers cannot help with temporal and number expressions.

  38. Referring expressions and relations • Directories and gazetteers might help with proper names, but not otherreferring expressions. • Some are • definite descriptions, e.g., the famous inventor, • others are pronouns, such as he, she, or it. • Most software packages for NER concentrateupon identifying proper names that refer to people, places and companies. • They may also try and find relationships between entities, e.g., Bill Gates, Presidentof Microsoft Corporation will yield the person Bill Gates standing in aPresident relationship to the companyMicrosoft.

  39. Heuristic approaches to NER • In the 7thMUC conference, there was a trackdevoted to named entity recognition, with data collections and test conditionsbeing set up along the lines of earlier conferences. • The best MUC-7 systemcame from Edinburgh University, Language Technology Groupwhich employed a variety of methods, combininglists, rules, and probabilistic techniques, applied in a particular order. • Their system achieved F-score 93.39, with balanced precision and recall. • They outperformed other systems particularly in recognition of organizationnamed entity.

  40. Steps applied in LTG NER system (1) • The application of high-confidence heuristic rules. This rules rely heavily upon syntactic cues in the surroundingcontext. • John Smith, director, we know that John Smithrefers to a person, because a string of capitalized words followed by a titleor profession indicates the name of a person with high reliability. • Similarrules can be written to recognize names of companies or organizations inexpressions such as president of Microsoft Corporation. • The system also uses lists of names, locations, etc., but at this stage it onlychecks to see if the context of a possible entity supports suggestions fromthe list. For example, a place name like Washingtoncan be also surname or the name of an organization. Only in a suggestive context, likein theWashington area, would it be classified as a location.

  41. Steps applied in LTG NER system (2) • All named entities already identified in the document are collected and partial orders of the composing words are created. For instance, ifLockheed Martin Production has already been tagged as an organization, because it occurred in the list of organization names and occurred in a context suggestive of organizationsthen, all instances of Lockheed Martin Production, Lockheed Martin, Lockheed Production, Martin Production, Lockheed and Martin will be marked as possible organizations. The annotated stream is then fed to a trained statistical model that tries to resolve some of the suggestions. • The system again applies its rules, but with muchmore relaxed contextual constraints. Organizations and locations fromthelists available to the system are marked in the text, without checking thecontext in which they occur. If a string like Philip Morris has not been already tagged as an organization, then the namegrammar will tag it as a person without further checking of the context.

  42. Steps applied in LTG NER system (3) • The system then performs another partial match to label short forms ofpersonal names, such as White when James White has already been recognized as a person, and to label company names, such as Hughes whenHughes Communications has already been identified as an organization. • Because titles of documents are often in capital letters, theyprovide little guidance for the recognition of names. In the final stage ofprocessing, entities in the title are marked up, by matching or partiallymatching the entities found in the text, and checking against a statisticalmodel trained on document titles. For example, in the headlinemurdock satellite explodes on take-off, Murdoch will be tagged as a personbecause it partially matches Rupert Murdoch elsewhere in the text.

  43. Statistical approach to NER • An alternate approach to NER is to write a program that learns how to recognize names. • The method often used is called Hidden Markov Models. • Some key work in this area derives from the Nymblesystem, which participated in MUC-6 and MUC-7, and has since then transformed into the more highly developed Identifindersystem. • This approach means that it is necessary to learn to decide, for each word in the text, whether or not it is part of a name. Also, it is important to decide what kind of name has been found, that is, to which name class a word belongs to. The system uses 7 name classes and, for convenience, a name class not-a-name is also included.

  44. Word features • As with the heuristic approach, it is necessary to identify mutually exclusive features of wordsthat provide clues as to what kinds of words they are. • The Nymblesystem used 14 categories. • These word features are not informative enough, in themselves, to identifynames, or parts of names, reliably on a word-by-word basis. However, theycan be leveraged, in conjunction with information about word position andadjacency, to provide better estimates of name class. • This approach is based on the commonly used bigram language model, inwhich a word’s probability of occurrence is based on the previous word. Theprobability of a sequence of words < w0, . . . , wn > is then computed by the product • P(w1 | w0)P(w2 | w1) ... P(wn | wn-1) • with a start-of-sentence word being used to compute the probabilityof w1 .

  45. Satistical model (1) • One important source of information is the name class assigned to theprevious word in the sentence. Another is the preceding word itself. Thus one componentof assigning a name class, NC0, to the current word, w0, is given by thefollowing probability: • P(NC0 | NC-1, w-1) • where NC-1is the name class of the previous word, w-1. • Another component looks at the probability of generating the currentword and its associated feature, given the name class assigned to it and thename class of the previous word, i.e., • P(< w0, f0 >| NC0, NC-1) • where < w0, f0 > stands for the current word-feature pairing.

  46. Satistical model (2) • Theseprobabilities are combined into the followingmodel for generating the first word of a name class: • P(NC0|NC-1, w–1) · P(<w0, f0>|NC0, NC-1) • The model for generating all but the first word of a name class uses the wordfeaturepair of the previous word, and current name class: • P(<w0, f0>|<w–1, f–1 >, NC0) • There is also a distinguished +end+ word so that the probability may be computed for any current word to be the final word of its name-class. • P(<+end+, other>|<w, f>final, NC0)

  47. Example • For example, consider the sentence Mr. Smith sleeps., in which Smith is in the person nameclass, and the other words are not names. To compute the probability of this sequence ofwords, we need to include the following probabilities. • P(not-a-name |start-of-sentence, “+end+”) *P(“Mr.” |not-a-name, start-of-sentence) * • P(“+end+”|“Mr.”, not-a-name) * • P(person |not-a-name, “Mr.”)*P(“Smith” |person, not-a-name)* • P(“+end+”|“Smith”, not-a-name) * • P(not-a-name |person, “Smith”)*P(“sleeps” |not-a-name, person)* • P(“.”|“sleeps”, not-a-name)* • P(“+end+”|“.”, not-a-name)* • P(end-of-sentence|not-a-name, “.”) the probability of Mr. starting the sentence the occurrence of Smith as a person, if is preceded by a no-nameMr. the occurrence of sleepsas a non-name, if it is preceded by a personname, Smith. the occurrence of „.“as an end of a sentence, if it is preceded by a non-name, sleep.

  48. Calculation of probabilities • The needed probabilities are estimated from corpus counts. For example, • P(NC0|NC-1, w–1) = c(NC0, NC-1, w–1) / P(NC-1, w–1) • where c(NC0, NC-1, w–1) stands for the number of times that a word of name class NC0 follows word w–1of name class NC-1, and P(NC-1, w–1) stands for the total number of occurrences of word w–1with name class NC-1.

  49. Read More • Peter Jackson and Isabelle Moulinier, Natural Language Processing for Online Applications – Text Retrieval, Extraction and Categorization, 2nd, John Benjamins Publishing Co, 2007. • Mikheev, Andrei, Claire Grover, and Marc Moens. "Description of the LTG system used for MUC-7." Proceedings of 7th Message Understanding Conference (MUC-7). Fairfax, VA, 1998. • Bikel, Daniel M., et al. "Nymble: a high-performance learning name-finder." Proceedings of the fifth conference on Applied natural language processing. Association for Computational Linguistics, 1997. • Bikel, Daniel M., Richard Schwartz, and Ralph M. Weischedel. "An algorithm that learns what's in a name." Machine learning 34.1-3 (1999): 211-231.

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