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COPY LINK HERE ; https://good.readbooks.link/slide/B0D17YQNJC || PDF_ The Blind Archer | THE BLIND ARCHER:Dark ComedyIt's Ace Ventura: Pet Detective meets The Naked Gun Movie.Logline:Sometimes, getting your eyes shot out by your father is all it takes to see your destiny and understand your father.Synopsis:After the Six-time World Championship Archer, DAN &#8220THE BULLSEYE&#8221 DAVIS, who has NEVER once missed a bull&#8217s-eye, accidentally

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  1. The Blind Archer

  2. The Blind Archer Sinopsis : THE BLIND ARCHER:Dark ComedyIt's Ace Ventura: Pet Detective meets The Naked Gun Movie.Logline:Sometimes, getting your eyes shot out by your father is all it takes to see your destiny and understand your father.Synopsis:After the Six-time World Championship Archer, DAN &#8220THBULLSEYE&#8221DAVIS, who has NEVER once missed a bull&#8217seye, accidentally shoots his son&#8217s GRANT DAVIS, eyes out due to being distracted by &#8220BITITTY ARCHER,&#8221INGRID, The Swedish Sensation who flashed her amazing 48DDD breast at Dan as he releases his arrow. In the midst of it all, an AMERIAN EAGLE flies towards the camera as the movie freezes. &#8220Braking the 4th wall&#8221 The Eagle starts to talk to us, The Movie Watcher, and tells us a story. After the Eagle finishes the story, the movie &#8220UNREEZES,&#8221and the Eagle gets hit by the arrow that ricochets off of Grant's face and impales the Eagle to the ground. The Eagle looks to be dead. Screams of chaos ensue.Dan travels back to Mongolia, China, to disappear in shame, gets a sex change, and becomes a woman. Goes by the name DONNA. Who&#8217snow a world-class underground street fighter on the streets of Hong Kong. KEMOSABE, Donna&#8217sArchery Master trainer, searches for Donna when finding out about Grant becoming blind. Kemosabe explains to Donna that Grant is the CHOSEN ONE, explaining that the one who comes from two women yet cannot see will be able to talk to the wind and never miss a target with the yield of the bow but must be trained by the one of the one to fulfill his destiny.After five long years, Grant gets approved for

  3. a seeing-eye dog only to hear LaPORSCHA, another dog at the pound, bitch and complain at Grant for not picking her. After realizing they can hear each other. LaPorscha strikes a deal to become his seeing-eye dog. LaPorscha, a white highland west Terrier, walks to the camera, taking off the lens, revealing to the audience that LaPorscha is actually a Black Female&#8217sface superimposed onto a white west Terrier who&#8217salways smoking weed and drinking whiskey.Donna appears back in Grant&#8217slife pretending to be his mother, while only Donna&#8217smother, RUBEE, can tell it&#8217sDAN. Rubee makes Dan promise to continue to be Donna not to confuse Grant. Unfortunately, Donna fails. Out of anger, Grant grabs a BANANA from the kitchen counter and throws it with the help of LaPorscha&#8217spinpoint guidance, hits his father/mother in the face, impressing Donna, and immediately convinces Grant to sign up for the Archery competition. LaPorscha, feeling the pressure, goes on a bender and starts doing cocaine. She wakes up from being passed out during the semifinal and wakes up just in time to help Grant score enough points to advance to the finals, making Donna proud. LaPorscha is convinced that she needs help, and with Grant&#8217shelp, she promises to become a better seeing-eye dog and friend.THE AMERICAN EAGLE reappears ALIVE! Wearing sunglasses. The sun&#8217sRAYS bounce off the Eagle&#8217ssunglasses, which blinds all the archers in the competition, causing every ARCHER to miss their target, allowing Grant to win. The Rays have also blinded LaPorscha, making Grant not know where to shoot until he starts to focus on what Donna has taught him.&#8220Liten to the wind.&#8221&#8220TH WIND,&#8221sounding like an Irish drunk, starts insulting before finally deciding to help Grant with a small gust of wind to help Grant&#8217sarrow hit his first bullseye, winning the completion and fulfilling the prophecy of becoming THE BLIND

  4. ARCHER!www.TheBlindArcherMovie.comWriter: Ray Mond

  5. Bestselling new book releases The Blind Archer

  6. COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD AND GET ABOOK copy link in description

  7. The Blind Archer copy link in description THE BLIND ARCHER:Dark ComedyIt's Ace Ventura: Pet Detective meets The Naked Gun Movie.Logline:Sometimes, getting your eyes shot out by your father is all it takes to see your destiny and understand your father.Synopsis:After the Six-time World Championship Archer, DAN &#8220THBULLSEYE&#8221DAVIS, who has NEVER once missed a bull&#8217seye, accidentally shoots his son&#8217s GRANT DAVIS, eyes out due to being distracted by &#8220BITITTY ARCHER,&#8221INGRID, The Swedish Sensation who flashed her amazing 48DDD breast at Dan as he releases his arrow. In the midst of it all, an AMERIAN EAGLE flies towards the camera as the movie freezes. &#8220Braking the 4th wall&#8221 The Eagle starts to talk to

  8. us, The Movie Watcher, and tells us a story. After the Eagle finishes the story, the movie &#8220UNREEZES,&#8221and the Eagle gets hit by the arrow that ricochets off of Grant's face and impales the Eagle to the ground. The Eagle looks to be dead. Screams of chaos ensue.Dan travels back to Mongolia, China, to disappear in shame, gets a sex change, and becomes a woman. Goes by the name DONNA. Who&#8217snow a world-class underground street fighter on the streets of Hong Kong. KEMOSABE, Donna&#8217sArchery Master trainer, searches for Donna when finding out about Grant becoming blind. Kemosabe explains to Donna that Grant is the CHOSEN ONE, explaining that the one who comes from two women yet cannot see will be able to talk to the wind and never miss a target with the yield of the bow but must be trained by the one of the one to fulfill his destiny.After five long years, Grant gets approved for a seeing-eye dog only to hear LaPORSCHA, another dog at the pound, bitch and complain at Grant for not picking her. After realizing they can hear each other. LaPorscha strikes a deal to become his seeing-eye dog. LaPorscha, a white highland west Terrier, walks to the camera, taking off the lens, revealing to the audience that LaPorscha is actually a Black Female&#8217sface superimposed onto a white west Terrier who&#8217salways smoking weed and drinking whiskey.Donna appears back in Grant&#8217slife pretending to be his mother, while only Donna&#8217smother, RUBEE, can tell it&#8217sDAN. Rubee makes Dan promise to continue to be Donna not to confuse Grant. Unfortunately, Donna fails. Out of anger, Grant grabs a BANANA from the kitchen counter and throws it with the help of LaPorscha&#8217spinpoint guidance, hits his father/mother in the face, impressing Donna, and immediately convinces Grant to sign up for the Archery competition. LaPorscha, feeling the pressure, goes on a bender and starts doing cocaine. She wakes up from being

  9. passed out during the semifinal and wakes up just in time to help Grant score enough points to advance to the finals, making Donna proud. LaPorscha is convinced that she needs help, and with Grant&#8217shelp, she promises to become a better seeing-eye dog and friend.THE AMERICAN EAGLE reappears ALIVE! Wearing sunglasses. The sun&#8217sRAYS bounce off the Eagle&#8217ssunglasses, which blinds all the archers in the competition, causing every ARCHER to miss their target, allowing Grant to win. The Rays have also blinded LaPorscha, making Grant not know where to shoot until he starts to focus on what Donna has taught him.&#8220Liten to the wind.&#8221&#8220TH WIND,&#8221sounding like an Irish drunk, starts insulting before finally deciding to help Grant with a small gust of wind to help Grant&#8217sarrow hit his first bullseye, winning the completion and fulfilling the prophecy of becoming THE BLIND ARCHER!www.TheBlindArcherMovie.comWriter: Ray Mond

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