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Join us for a transformative workshop exploring Robert Banks' Six Domains of Work. Discover how to express your unique domain of work and see God's presence in your workplace. Gain motivation and overcome discouragement in your work.
Robert Banks’ Six Domains • Creative work • Providential work • Justice work • Compassionate work • Revelatory work • Redemptive work
Think, Pair, Share What is your current workplace/frontline? In that workplace/frontline,how are you able to give expression to your domain of work? (e.g. Redemptive work or Providential work?) Where do you see God at work on your workplace/frontline through your work? What motivates/discourages you about the work you do?
Exploring the 6M Framework MAKE good work MODEL godly character MINISTER love and grace MOULD culture MOUTHPIECE for truth and justice MESSENGER for the gospel
Exploring the 6M Framework Model Make Mould Minister Messenger Mouthpiece NOTE: Remember to focus on REDEMPTIVE work In your small group, discuss one of the 6Ms: Where have you seen this ‘M’ done well/badly in your workplace? Share stories! How could you be more intentional about this ‘M’ in your workplace/ frontline – what action could you take?
Make Model Minister Mould Mouthpiece Messenger Exploring the 6M Framework NOTE: Remember to focus on REDEMPTIVE work Form a ‘six pack’ - take it in turns to share the key points from your ‘M’ group: Six Rounds (5 minutes each) SHARE: 2 minutes to share what your ‘M” group discussed – key points/stories ENGAGE: 2 minutes for discussion/feedback ACTION: 1 minute to write down one thing that is a takeaway for you personally
Making Good Work SHARE - 2 minutes ENGAGE - 2 minutes ACTION - 1 minute
Modelling godly character SHARE - 2 minutes ENGAGE - 2 minutes ACTION - 1 minute
Minister grace and love SHARE - 2 minutes ENGAGE - 2 minutes ACTION - 1 minute
Moulding culture SHARE - 2 minutes ENGAGE - 2 minutes ACTION - 1 minute
Mouthpiece for truth and justice SHARE - 2 minutes ENGAGE - 2 minutes ACTION - 1 minute
Messenger of the gospel SHARE - 2 minutes ENGAGE - 2 minutes ACTION - 1 minute
Personal reflection Find a friend and chat about these questions and pray for one another: • What have you heard today that resonated most with you? • Did these comments challenge: • The way you THINKabout your work? • The way you FEEL about your work? • The way you DO your work? • How would God have you respond? What ONE thing do you feel called to do in response?
What I’m saying you this morning my friends, even if it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, go on out and sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures; sweep streets like Handel and Beethoven composed music; sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry; sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will have to pause and say, “Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well.” If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill, Be a scrub in the valley…but be the best little scrub on the side of the rill; be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun, be a star; It isn’t by size that you win or you fail … Be the best of whatever you are! And when you do this, when you do this, you’ve mastered the length of life. Martin Luther King
Commissioning Prayer God our Father, as disciples of Jesus, we accept our commission from you to invest our lives in others. Give these workers in your harvest the power, wisdom and courage to boldly live the Kingdom life in all the places of your choosing. May Jesus be seen in their lives and may they always and everywhere model the life of Christ with authenticity and great zeal. Give them eyes to see the path of service you desire for them and ears to hear the cry of the world’s needs that you have equipped them to meet. Father, as your Son modelled for us what it means to be a servant by washing the feet of the disciples, may they exhibit a servant attitude in all they do. May you be their Lord, light, and guardian in the work you call them to. Grant them perseverance when tired, that they would not grow weary in doing well. I commission them into your service, in Jesus’ name. Amen Fromhttp://www.soul-purpose.info/userfiles/file/Commissioning%20prayer.pdf
Commissioning Prayer Our Father in heaven, may our lives each day bring glory to your name Give us opportunities to extend your kingdom by speaking of Christ. Help us to do your will and work for Christ as our boss. May your kingdom come in our workplaces. Thank you for providing us with our jobs and please give us what we need to do them well. Forgive our sins and help us be patient with our colleagues. Help us not to be shaped by the culture at work. Amen.
Please return to the auditorium directly for the plenary session!