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CLIC cost drivers. Philippe Lebrun on behalf of the C&S WG CLIC Technical Committee 3 November 2009. CLIC Cost & Schedule WG Mandate. April 2009.
CLIC cost drivers Philippe Lebrun on behalf of theC&S WG CLIC Technical Committee 3 November 2009
CLIC Cost & Schedule WGMandate April 2009 • Establish and optimize the cost of the CLIC complexat the nominal collidingbeamenergy of 3 TeV, as well as that of an optional first phase with a collidingbeamenergy of 500 GeV • Define and optimize the generalschedule for the 3 TeV and 500GeVprojectsdefinedabove • Estimate the electrical power consumption of the 3 TeV and 500 GeVprojectsdefinedabove • Identify possible modifications of parameters and/or equipmentleading to substantial capital and/or operationalcostsavings, in order to define best compromise between performance and cost • Developcollaboration with ILCproject on costestimatemethodology and cost of common or comparable systems, aimingatmutualtransparency • Document the process and conclusions in the CDR in 2010 Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
CLIC Cost & Schedule WGActivities 2009 April 2009 • Establish responsibilities, procedures & workpackages in cost assessment • Reception specified costing tool, including currency conversion & price escalation procedures, and start applying it • Identify domains of analytical costing and perform estimates • Identify cost drivers and areas of potential cost reduction • Conduct first round of analytical costing of CLIC 3TeV • Establish proper technical/cost scaling of CLIC 500 GeV • Refine general schedule and derive manufacturing/reception testing/installation constraints • Update estimates of power & energy consumption, including part-load operation • Collaborate with ILC on previously defined cost topics • Cost risk analysis • Cost of normal conducting magnets Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
Analytical costing based on PBS Component level Coordinators per domain/subdomain Identified for analytical costing based on level 5 description List of systems standardized Contact experts per system Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
Status of analytical cost estimates • CLIC Study Costing Tool • Operational • Based on PBS for CLIC 3 TeV and 500 GeV, as defined by TC for the CDR ⇒ analytical cost upload just started • Questionnaire sent to Domain/Subdomain Coordinators (3 August 2009) • Preparation of analytical cost estimate review • Identification of cost drivers, risks and reduction issues ⇒ one received so far! • Presentations at C&S WG meetings • 24 September 2009: Main beam production - damping rings (Y. Papaphilippou) • 29 October 2009: Drive beam production (B. Jeanneret), Two-beam accelerator modules (G. Riddone) • 5 November 2009: Infrastructure & services (J. Osborne) • 26 November 2009: Main beam production - injectors & beam transport (L. Rinolfi), [Interaction region (L. Gatignon)] ⇒ work in progress ⇒ technical definition for analytical costing not available for all domains/subdomains Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
CLIC 3 TeV cost estimate 2007 (H. Braun & G. Riddone) Indirect impact Direct Main linacs are the cost drivers • The main linacsaccount for a large fraction of CLIC cost, and impact strongly on other capital (tunnel, infrastructure, services) and operation (electricity, cooling, maintenance) costs • Veryhigh, unprecedentedmultiplicity of components, willrequirenovel solutions for manufacturing, installation, maintenance, reliabilityassessment CLIC 3 TeV (per linac) Modules: 10462 Accelerating str.: 71406 PETS: 35703 MB quadrupoles: 1996 DB quadrupoles: 20924 CLIC 500 GeV (per linac) Modules: 2124 Accelerating str.: 13156 PETS: 6578 MB quadrupoles: 929 DB quadrupoles: 4248 Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
Automatic chains AS discs AS quadrants CLIC AS CLIC PETS CLIC Quads CLIC TBM Flexible workshops Flexible cells, manual work CLIC vs LHC series components Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
Cost drivers & potential saving options Main and drive beam production Cost impact L Order of 10 MCHF M Order of 100 MCHF H Order of 1 BCHF C&S WG review not completed! Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
Cost drivers & potential saving optionsTwo-beam modules [1/2] Cost impact L Order of 10 MCHF M Order of 100 MCHF H Order of 1 BCHF Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
Cost drivers & potential saving optionsTwo-beam modules [2/2] Cost impact L Order of 10 MCHF M Order of 100 MCHF H Order of 1 BCHF Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
Cost drivers & potential saving options Interaction regions Cost impact L Order of 10 MCHF M Order of 100 MCHF H Order of 1 BCHF C&S WG review not completed! Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
Cost drivers & potential saving options Infrastructure and services Cost impact L Order of 10 MCHF M Order of 100 MCHF H Order of 1 BCHF C&S WG review not completed! Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103
Summary • Costconsciousnesswellestablished in CLIC technicalworking groups (Module, RF structures, CES,…) • Somecost drivers and costreduction areas identified - as well as theirinterplay - analysis not yet exhaustive • Costscalingmodelsonlyexist for limitednumber of components or subsystems • Analyticalcostingexerciseunderway by domaincoordinatorswith input fromtechnical system experts, in domainswheretechnicalbaselineexists • Technicalbaseline to bedefined in otherdomains • Significantdifferencesobserved w r to 2007 costestimate • Feedback provided to technical system design • Targetedcoststudies by industrialcompaniesconsidered, in particular for large-series components • Reliability/availabilityassessment to beconducted (TC?) for system design and possible cost impact Ph. Lebrun – CTC 091103