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Putting Research into Practice: the EPSE Project. Jenny Lewis CSSME [Phil Scott; John Leach; Andy Hind; Jaume Ametller ; all the teachers who worked with us]. Alternative/everyday Conceptions. ‘Communicative Approach’. Learning Demand. EPSE Evidence based Practice in Science Education
Putting Research into Practice:the EPSE Project Jenny Lewis CSSME [Phil Scott; John Leach; Andy Hind; JaumeAmetller; all the teachers who worked with us]
Alternative/everyday Conceptions ‘Communicative Approach’ Learning Demand EPSE Evidence based Practice in Science Education Research informed design, implementation and evaluation of teaching sequences
Specify the teaching goals • For example • to introduce, andsupportthe developmentof, the ideas that: • an electric current consists of a flow of charge. • the electric current has the job of transferring energy • to draw attention to, andtoemphasise, the ideas that: • the electric current does not get used up • it is the energy which is transferred in resistances to make things work.
Non-interactive Interactive Focus on science view (Authoritative) Taking account of pupils’ understanding (Dialogic) Different kinds of teacher-student talk Presentation Q&A I-R-E Presentation ‘lecture’ Discussing Probing Supporting I-R-P-R-P-R… Review
Patterns of talk: plant nutrition sequence Lesson 5 Explains the use of minerals from the soil; compares and contrasts animal and plant nutrition. Interactive authoritative Lesson 1 Uses ‘What if ..’ scenarios and brainstorming to explore and make explicit students’ ideas about food. Interactive dialogic Lesson 2 Presents a simple explanation of photosynthesis for students to challenge through discussion of ‘I don’t believe it’ statements. Interactive dialogic [non-interactive dialogic] Lesson 4 Presentation and consolidation of the science explanation; revisiting the ‘What if’s..’ Interactive authoritative • Lesson 3 • Uses 3 practical activities to make the key science ideas more plausible: • Demonstration: gas + liquid can produce a solid • Investigation: does gas have mass? • Atomic Jigsaw: glucose from CO2 and H2O • Mixing non/interactive; dialogic/authoritative
Did the students learn anything? Did they learn more? How did we know?
Evaluation of the learning outcomes • Pre, post and delayed post test written questions with case study and control groups • Responses were coded for: • correct or incorrect prediction (about the behaviour of a simple circuit) • the extent to which a scientific model was drawn upon in the explanation (‘no use of’ , ‘some or inconsistent use of’, ‘use of most aspects of’ the scientific model)
‘Case study’ and ‘Comparison group’: student explanations in the post-test
Writing the sequence • Brief • Teacher friendly language • Signposting (the icons)
Teacher-student talk Carbon dioxide ?
Analysis of teacher talk T2: Plant nutrition lesson 1 T2: lesson on enzymes T1: Plant nutrition lesson 1
Putting it into practice • Attitudes • Understanding of the rationale • Teaching as intended? • How it felt at the time • On reflection
Plant nutrition: from common sense to scientific views Key concepts in genetics The biological basis of behaviour Explaining how electric circuits work Voltage, energy and power in electric circuits Force and motion Light Explaining change processes using a simple particle model of matter Modelling matter: the nature of bond