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Grade 8 2019-2020. United States History/English. Ms. Haas. Class Rules. How to Contact Me. isten to instructions nter on time and be prepared lways try your best. L E A R N. (818) 313-7400. espect yourself, the classroom, and others. Room D216 Period 1 Conference. o excuses!.
Grade 8 2019-2020 United States History/English Ms. Haas Class Rules How to Contact Me isten to instructions nter on time and be prepared lways try your best L E AR N (818) 313-7400 espect yourself, the classroom, and others. Room D216 Period 1 Conference o excuses! Welcome Parents and Students! Dear Parents and Families, Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year at Hale. I’m excited to be your teacher for SDC United States History and/or ELA. Lessons for ELA this year will include Study Sync stories with correlating chapter books, comprehension activities, writing activities, and interactive Nearpod lessons. Students will focus on learning root words, expanding vocabulary, basic writing elements, and applying and analyzing texts. Lessons for History this year will focus on the “Creation of America” through textbook exposure, interactive lessons, and virtual field trips. Both classes are taught following the 8th grade general education Common Core curriculum using accommodations and added supports in the special day program. All standards can be found in the California Content Standards and Common Core website. The book and new content can be found online through the Schoology Website. Below you will review the course description, marking policy, and much more! Tomia.Mitchell-Haas@lausd.net History SDC Colonial America American Revolution The New Nation American Expansion Slavery The Civil War Industrial Revolution The Reconstruction ELA SDC Study Sync-Suspense Study Sync-In Time of War Study Sync-A Moral Compass Study Sync-The Civil War Greek and Latin Root Words The Writing Process
Grade 8 2019-2020 Grading A B CD F 90%-100% Academic grades are based on the total accumulation of points on all tests, quizzes, interactive notebooks, homework, classwork and projects. Missing assignments affect the final grade. Test retake options are available if student follows sign-up procedure. Follow grades using Schoology. 89%-80% Grading Scale Ms. Haas 79%-70% 69%-60% 59% or below Homework Policy • Homework may consist of a separate assignment, or any assignment not completed in class. • Homework may be given as an individual requirement to make up for missing classroom content during class. • Homework will not account for more than 20% of the final grade. Work Habits Cooperation Will be determined as follows: Following Directions, class rules, and school rules. Respecting adults and peers Treatment of classroom materials and school property. More than 3 classroom violations will result in a “U” during a five-week grading period. Will be determined as follows: Assignments completed on time and with effort. Required supplies brought to class. Working diligently in class. Being on time and on task. More than 3 missing assignments will result in a “U” during a five-week grading period. Technology This year will we be using a class set of iPads on a daily basis to complete class assignments, projects, and assessments. Many assignments will be completed on Nearpod.com which is an interactive platform for learning. Students will review ipad rules and procedures with me in class. Misuse of classroom technology will result in parent contact and may result in a “U” in Cooperation. I also will have a digital copy of our History book whenever possible to save students from having to carry the heavy book so often. Please let me know if you do not have internet access at home.
Grade 8 2019-2020 More About Grading A B CD F 90%-100% 89%-80% Many grades are given by completion for homework and classwork. Determination will be specified before the due date of all assignments. Quizzes and tests are graded as-is and there will be an opportunity to retake quizzes and tests at lunch on a specific date. (This requires a signup) Students will receive an “E” for exempt for pages that do not have to be completed based on individual goals, differentiation, or IEP specifications. Individual/Group Projects will be graded by specified criteria beforehand with a checklist that explains the grading systems or points that will be given. Grades are updated using Schoology and reported to MiSis. You should have your username and password and make it a habit to check it frequently. I will do my best to make sure grades are entered in a timely manner. Grades are usually updated on Fridays. Grading Scale Ms. Haas 79%-70% 69%-60% 59% or below PASS PASS PASS PASS FAIL More About Expectations and Communication Student expectations are laid out in written form and visuals throughout the classroom. Our classroom is designed for students with special needs and we have incorporated individual Behavior Support plans, structured routines, and differentiated modalities of presentation to make sure students understand expectations and reinforcements to make sure that they are recognized for successes. Tardy Policy-Students are considered tardy if they are not in their assigned seats when the bell rings. After 3 unexcused late slips, students will receive a “U” on their 5 week progress report. Parental involvement and communication is very important for a successful year, so please contact me by email if you have any needs, questions, or concerns. I will also add a link for the remind app which is an app I use to send out reminders and light communications. I check my email frequently! Remind English Class Link: http://www.remind.com/join/4bc724 Remind History Class Link: http://remind.com/join/66e89e Remind Advisory Class Link: http://remind.com/join/7e276d My school email address: Tomia.Mitchell-Haas@lausd.net Hale School Website (link to Schoology): www.halecharteracademy.com Cheers to a very happy and successful school session that is filled with lots of learning, laughter, love, and light! -Ms. Haas
Grade 8 2019-2020 Materials Suggested Materials Too many pencils (2) 2 Pocket folders Hale Planner Colored Pencils Internet Access (Home/Library) Red Pens Highlighters Markers Glue Sticks (2)College Ruled Notebooks Ms. Haas All classroom materials are provided for students (in my class) such as paper, notebooks, glue, scissors, and coloring supplies. However, students are encouraged to purchase their own supplies. Occasionally, students must bring assignments home to complete and materials such as glue or scissors are required at home. I will also include classroom projects on DonorsChoose from time to time! We currently have an active DonorsChoose Project posted and an active Amazon Wishlist. https://www.donorschoose.org/project/savvy-seats/4315155/?utm_source=dc&utm_medium=directlink&utm_campaign=teacherhub&utm_term=teacher_3047065&rf=directlink-dc-2019-08-teacherhub-teacher_3047065&challengeid=20627880 Donations to Our Class We would greatly appreciate any donations to help our class run smoothly. Throughout the semester the class will be working on many projects and any help would make a big difference! For the classroom wishlist on Amazon, you may search for Ms. Haas or use the link that I’ve attached to this syllabus. I will also post these links in Schoology. We REALLY need new crayons, markers, and colored pencils! You can see the ones I would like us to have on: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/PM0TT02WQGUR?ref_=wl_share Wet-Wipes Erasers Tissues Poster Paper Hand Sanitizer Pencils Please cut tear-off and return to teacher Student Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ______________ Parent/Guardian:_____________________ Parent/ Guardian Signature: _____________________ Parent/ Guardian Phone Number: _____________________________________________________ Parent/ Guardian Email: ____________________________________________________________ Internet Access: Yes or No Printer Access: Yes or No