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TF-LSD Deliverables

TF-LSD Deliverables. 2nd TF-LSD meeting, Amsterdam, 2. February 2001 Peter Gietz Peter.gietz@DAASI.de. AGENDA. Taxonomy draft and CIP work A. TF-LSD information site B. CIP implementations interoperability C. Privacy Study D. European White Pages service specs

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TF-LSD Deliverables

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  1. TF-LSD Deliverables 2nd TF-LSD meeting, Amsterdam, 2. February 2001 Peter Gietz Peter.gietz@DAASI.de

  2. AGENDA • Taxonomy draft and CIP work • A. TF-LSD information site • B. CIP implementations interoperability • C. Privacy Study • D. European White Pages service specs • E. Experimental White Pages service • F. X.521-DC interoperability • All the rest

  3. Taxonomy draft and CIP work • Moats/Hedberg: A Taxonomy of Methods for LDAP Clients Finding Servers • Client configuration • Well known DNS aliases • Service Location Protocol • Referrals • SRV records • Well known DNS aliases • RFC 2219 • „ldap.xx.yy“ • Implemented in web2ldap

  4. Taxonomy contd. • DNS SRV records • RFC 2052, RFC 2782 and draft-ietf-dnsext-rfc2782bis-00.txt • _Service._Proto.Domain IN SRV Priority Weight Port Target • Implemented in web2ldap • Used in draft-zeilenga-ldap-root-01.txt: „OpenLDAP Root Service - An experimental LDAP referral service“ • DNS SRV and referrals: • draft-zeilenga-ldapnsref-00.txt • Objectclass dNSReferral • Ref: ldap:/// + SRV -> complete referral

  5. Taxonomy contd. • DNS SRV and URIs: • draft-andrews-http-srv-00.txt • Can be used for looking up ldap ports • Conflict resolution: ports in URI and SRV RR • DNS SRV and PKIX: • draft-ietf-pkix-pkixrep-00.txt • PKIX Repository Locator Service for: • LDAP • HTTP • OCSP

  6. Taxonomy contd. • Service Location Protocol v2 • RFC 2608 • Service template for LDAP • Highly sofisticated protocol • Uses multicast • User Agent – Service Agent • User Agent – Directory Agent – Service Agent

  7. Taxonomy contd. • Do we need a Deliverable on all this? • „that provides experiences of using all of the different possible ways of finding and connecting together LDAP servers“ (DC)

  8. A. TF-LSD Information site • Responsible: Yuri • Done and in progress • Thanks to Yuri • Any comments?

  9. B. CIP Interoperability • Responsible: Peter • Co-workers: Roland, Henny • Anyone else? • This should be done fast: due January 2001 • Proposed time line: • Preparations: now – 16.2. • Tests: 19.2. To 23.2. • Writing document: 26.2.-2.3. • Three implementations test worthy: • Ericson TISDAG implementation • DESIRE II TIO index • Rolands GIDS

  10. CIP Interoperability contd. • What to test? • TIO interoperability in terms of: • Scalability • Performance • Internationalization • Referrals • Functionality v2/v3 • Performance

  11. CIP Interoperability contd. • How to test? • Test data set: telephone data of Sweden • Which host(s)? • Which operatingsystem(s)?

  12. C. Privacy study • Responsible: Peter • Co-workers: who else? • Due March 2001 • (so should be finished by end of April latest) • Proposed structure: • European privacy legislation • Description of a generic CIP based WP-Service • Privacy issues in such a service • Organizational and technical solutions

  13. D. European WP service specs • Responsible: Roland • Co-workers: Peter, Konstantin, Henny, Diego, Stig • Who else? • Due June 2001 • Can be done if more people involved that write single chapters • Specs will utilize the studies on interoperability and privacy

  14. D. European WP service specs • Specs should include: • General architecture • Schema (EduPerson??) • TIO distribution mechanism • Registry for Servers and crawlers • Crawler policy • Authentication mechanisms • Internationalization issues

  15. E. Experimental WP service • Responsible: Konstantin • Co-workers: the specs people • Who else? • Due: August 2001 • Work should be done paralell with the specs • Otherwise we have to postpone dead line

  16. F. X.521-DC interoperability • Responsible: Ton? • Co-Workers: Diego, Luuk, David Ch., Roland, Peter • Due: November 2001 • May be this can be finished earlier

  17. All the rest • G. PKI storage requirements / specs • Due February 2002 • Responsible: ?? • Co-workers: ?? • H. PKI storage service • Due June 2002 • Responsible ?? • Co-Workers ?? • I. Investigation about other Services • Due August 2002 • Responsible: Peter ?? • Co-Workers ??

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