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Country Fact Sheet Lebanon. Human Development Index. The Human Development Index (HDI) focuses on three measurable dimensions of Human Development: Living a long and Healthy life Being educated Having a decent standard of living
Human Development Index The Human Development Index (HDI) focuses on three measurable dimensions of Human Development: • Living a long and Healthy life • Being educated • Having a decent standard of living It combines measures of life expectancy, school enrolment,literacy and income to allow a broader view of country’s development than does income alone. • HDI is constructed using data from international sources and up-to-date data from national sources
HDI Lebanon Rank • Lebanon is ranked 81st in the 2005 Human Development Report • Lebanon’s development rank is one step lower than its rank in 2004 (80th out of 177 countries) but has been in the medium human development rank all through 2000’s
Human Poverty Index The HDR 1997 introduced the human poverty index (HPI) which focuses on the proportion of people below a threshold level in basic dimensions of Human Development- Living a long and healthy life, having access to education, and a decent standard of living
Building the capabilities of women The Gender Related Development Index (GDI) introduced in HDR 2005 captures inequalities in achievement between women and men
Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) • The Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) reveals whether women take an active part in economic and political life. It focuses on gender inequality in key areas of economic and political participation and decision-making. It tracks the following: • share of seats in the parliament held by women; female legislator, • senior officials and mangers, • female professionals and technical workers, • Gender disparity in earned income, reflecting economical independence, • The GEM value for Lebanon can not be calculated because some data are missing
2005 HDR The HDR 2005: “International Cooperation at Cross Roads” has three objectives: • To outline the state of HD across the world, with a special focus on how far countries are from achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) • To draw attention to inequality as an important barrier to progress. The report argues that millions of people could be lifted out of poverty if steps were taken to income the growth rate of incomes of the poor. • To discuss the three core issues of international cooperation: Aid, Trade and Security where steps are needed
2005 HDR Focuses on what governments in rich countries can do to keep their side at the global partnership bargain. The Report looks at 3 pillars of Cooperation: • Development Assistance which suffers from two problems:chronic under financing and poor quality • International trade which has the potential to increase the share of the world’s poorest countries and people in global prosperity • Security which could create the conditions for accelerated human development. Failure in any one area will underline the foundations for future progress