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EU co-Founding : RFO INTERREG IIIC Core objective : bring new added-value to existing initiatives concerning economy, governance, territorial identity promotion and interregional cooperation by geographical information tools Main partners :
EU co-Founding : RFO INTERREG IIIC Core objective : bring new added-value to existing initiatives concerning economy, governance, territorial identity promotion and interregional cooperation by geographical information tools Main partners : France : Region Midi-Pyrenees (CCI Gers) coordinator Spain : Gobierno de Navarra Italy : Abruzzo Region Latvia : Latvian Government - Technological Development Foundation Period :July 2005 – June 2008 (36 months) Principal Aim“How geographical information can support regional development and cooperation in Europe” Ispra, 19 mai 2008
The principal aim of GRISI is not SDI GRISI difficulties : Diversity of partners (culture, technology, langage etc) Guarantee of re-use of GRISI products Short duration of subproject GRISI and INSPIRE“GRISI, an interregional INSPIRE-like project” Ispra, 19 mai 2008
GRISI Framework 8 12 26 GRISI4SOHO GEOPOP REGIS GISST AGT 5 4 Ispra, 19 mai 2008
The principal aim of GRISI is not SDI GRISI difficulties : Diversity of partners (culture, technology, langage etc) Guarantee of re-use of GRISI products Short duration of subproject Partners has chosen INSPIRE as a common framework Consensus, common vision Technical interoperability Opportunity for INSPIRE best practices dissemination in regions Four new regional SDIs has been created to organize GRISI spatial data and web services GRISI and INSPIRE“GRISI, an interregional INSPIRE-like project” Ispra, 19 mai 2008
GRISI SDIs Navarre http://ide.pamplona.es Midi-Pyrénées http://sdi.grisi.org/ European GRISI Geoportal http://geoportail.grisi.org Abruzzes www.regione.abruzzo.it/grisi Lettonie http://www.grisi.lv Ispra, 19 mai 2008
Geoportal to get access to SDI services View data Create maps Analyse data GRISI SDIs Viewer / Client WMS IDS GRISI MP Géoportal Import/download data Find spatial data Teleatlas etc + serveur WMS/WFS Accessible avec un client WMS/WFS (ArcGIS, Udig, GVSig, Mapserver, etc) Géo-Catalogue Regional reference data Ispra, 19 mai 2008
Each GRISI regional partner has carried out an interregional call for proposal : Related to existing initiatives on the GRISI thematic areas : economy, governance, territorial identity, interregional cooperation; Hold by an public interregional partnership; Producing thematic Geoportals, useful for public users, focused on demonstration of Geomatics benefits ; Publishing their results on GRISI regional SDI. Five interregional subprojects have been accepted. 26 participants to 5 subprojects One leader partner assisted by the regional GRISI partner Regional and interregional workshops for training and experiences exchange : GRISI Geomatics plateforms Project organisation“Involving local actors through out calls for proposals” Ispra, 19 mai 2008
Five GRISI subprojects have implemented Geoportals for GEOPOP : geolocalizing publics services GISST : offering new geoservices for “green tourism” AGT : tracing, certifying and promoting typical food products GRISI4SOHO : promoting the rural areas appeal to attract new citizens REGIS : finding and knowing new European regional partners Four Geomatics platforms with data, tools and training for subprojects participants An interregional Geoportals to access to 4 regional SDI’s with : Reference data and web services useful for developing subprojects tasks Subproject products catalog Main results“Five thematic Geoportals, based on interregional Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), compliant with geographical information European directive INSPIRE” Ispra, 19 mai 2008
GRISI created or updated spatial data Main results Metadata in GRISI SDIs geo-catalogs Websites with mapping services Dissemination and collaborative websites Presentation, training and dissemination events Ispra, 19 mai 2008
Success factors : Interesting initiative for local and regional organizations Methodology based on INSPIRE recommendations to ensure consensus and interoperability Use of IT tools and facilities to collaborative work : SDI, extranets, Wiki, Geomatics platforms A major effort in best practices dissemination Difficulties encountered : Gap among geographic data and services availability y in each region Integration in GRISI approach of various geographic information regional strategies Success and difficulties“A methodology based on INSPIRE recommendations to overcome regional context differences” Ispra, 19 mai 2008
More details about : Subprojects results : http://www.grisi.org/ Best practices report : http://cap.grisi.org Success and difficulties“A methodology based on INSPIRE recommendations to overcome regional context differences” Ispra, 19 mai 2008
Sustainability at the project Level Large dissemination of GRISI results at regional level (good practices, data and technologies) Take in account GRISI product evolution and interoperability at every project stage Sustainability beyond the project Shared maintenance of GRISI data and tools by the most competent regional and local organisms to assure their durability To extend GRISI initiative to all European regions (GRISI +) Sustainability“Ensuring GRISI results re-use and evolution, extending GRISI initiative to other European regions” Ispra, 19 mai 2008
http://cap.grisi.org 3rd GRISI Capitalization WorkshopJune 24-25th in Toulouse The stakes of Geographical Information for the interregional cooperation in Europe Ispra, 19 mai 2008
More Information about GRISI www.grisi.org cap.grisi.org seminaire.grisi.org geoportail.grisi.org Subproject websites regional SDIs Ispra, 19 mai 2008
Thank you for your attention Rafael MORENO, GRISI Coordination rafael.moreno@rm-consulting.org • www.grisi.org Ispra, 19 mai 2008