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MBA 423: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. Our assignment is from Chapter No. 9 (Human Resource Development). Group Members: S11023616 – Hardik Patel S97007874 – Mukhtar Ahmed. Review Question from Page 370: Explain how you would evaluate a training and development program. . Agenda.

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  1. MBA 423: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Our assignment is from Chapter No. 9 (Human Resource Development) Group Members: • S11023616 – Hardik Patel • S97007874 – Mukhtar Ahmed Review Question from Page 370: Explain how you would evaluate a training and development program.

  2. Agenda • Chapter 9 – Review of the learning objectives (Page 337): • What is Human Resource Development: • Q1. Outline importance of HR development to organizational success • Q2. Explain meaning of strategic HR development • Q3. Explain need for a systematic approach to T&D • Q4. Distinguish between training and development • Q5. Outline major HR development methods • Our additional research: Key Reasons for HRD Failure • Q6. Describe key characteristics of an effective orientation program • Followed by our presentation question: • How you would evaluate a training and development program

  3. What is Human Resource Development (HRD)? It includes: training and development, career planning and, performance appraisal. To facilitate the achievement of employee career goals and organizational strategic business objectives, it focus on the acquisition of the required: attitudes, skill and knowledge

  4. Outline importance of HRD to organizational success? • Human Resources Development has come to prominence because organizations have to improve productivity and international competitiveness. • Employees (and organizations) can compete only if they learn faster than their competition • A well trained, multi-skilled workforce is essential to economic survival • Short and long term challenges: • Business and economic changes • Technological changes • Organizational changes • Social, legal and other changes

  5. Distinguish between training and development • Training • Teaches employees how to better perform their present JOB/TASK • More Focus on Present JOB • Remedy sub standard performance through procurement of specific skills • Development: • Activities that prepare an employee for future responsibilities • By investing in HRD, the company hope to guarantee their employees lifetime employability • Focus in future Job through acquisition if new experience , knowledge, skills and attitude. • HR Planning – examine the organization in terms of capacity to achieve its objectives

  6. Keyreason for HRD failures • Organization lack or have ill-defined strategic objective • Top management views T&D as a necessary EVIL. • something nice to do or an employee benefit • Organization neglect long-term considerations and concentrate on the short term goals • Organization do not analyze T&D needs • Emphasizes employee satisfaction rather than performance improvement.

  7. Q2& Explain the meaning of Strategic HRD • It is essential to measure the adequacy of the return of investment (ROI) for T&D activities • To do T&D cost effectively and to increase the ROI, a systemic approach is needed rather than ad hoc style.

  8. Q3 Need for systematic approach to T&D • To do T&D cost effectively and to increase the ROI, a systemic approach is needed rather than ad hoc style. • Thus, strategic HRD is a 3 step approach to training that involves: • Assessment of training needs • Conduct of the training activities • Evaluation of the training activities (Our actual presentation topic) A Systematic Training and Development Model:

  9. Our key presentation: Question 9: Explain how you would evaluate a training and development program. • T&D - if they are to be justified and effective, must contribute to: • The achievement of the organizations objective. • Improve the employees performance • Have profit impact (Return on Investment) Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model for T&D:

  10. Major Evaluation Methods

  11. Conclusion • Accelerating rates of change and global competition have meant that HRD has become an important organisational and national issue. • Training starts when an employee enters an organisation. • To improve performance and avoid employee obsolescence, the employee should undergo further (and regular) training and development. • Its also important that proper evaluation of T&D is done, to ensure that right results are being achieved through the T&D. • Kirkpatrick 4 step Evaluation is an ideal model to o Evaluate an Training and Development program. Once you have completed your evaluation, distribute it to the people who need to read it. In deciding on your distribution list, refer to your previously stated reasons for conducting the evaluation. And of course, if there were lessons learned from the evaluation on how to make your training more effective, act on them!

  12. Questions?

  13. Bibliography • http://www.businessballs.com/traindev.htm • http://www.businessperform.com/workplace-training/evaluating_training_effectiven.html • http://en.allexperts.com/q/Human-Resources-2866/2009/6/HR-Training-Evaluation.htm

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