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Explore the themes of suppression of women and the symbolic use of the color red in Margaret Atwood's novel. Analyze the ban on reading, gender roles, and the significance of red in relation to the characters. Unpack the quote, "All my life I've been fighting someone else's war," and its implications on Offred's journey.
The Handmaids Tale Lesson Jennifer Saunders
Question 13. “All my life I’ve been fighting someone else’s war.” Use this quote as inspiration for your study of The Handmaid’s Tale.
What aspects of the text could you explore in relation to this question? You have 3 minutes to discuss this in your group.
Themes –The Suppression of Women – Reading • The women in the novel are banned from reading, an aspect which is used to explore the depth of their suppression. • When Offred is out on her daily walk we see her discuss the signs around her in which she comments on the fact that they are in picture form; “they decided that even the names of shops were too much temptation for us.”
Themes –The Suppression of Women - Reading • Attwood then begins to explore the matter of reading to a much greater extent when we see that Offred finds a message in her wardrobe, which she assumes to have been written by the previous Handmaid; “Nolitetebastardescarborundorum” “Don’t let the bastards grind you down” In groups discuss why this quote is effective in the exploration of The Suppression of Women. You have 3 minutes. Points for consideration – Latin is a very old, dead language, what does this mean? - Although this is later explored in detail with the commander, consider the importance of the fact that the previous handmaid has written this message, is it a warning?
Themes –The Suppression of Women • Although The Suppression of Women is not the only theme in the novel, it has an overarching nature, and can therefore be used to explore many different areas of the novel, the theme of Gender Roles is an example of this.
Themes –The Suppression of Women -Gender Roles • Due to Gilead’s strict hierarchy, women often come out on the bottom, an idea which is portrayed through the handmaids themselves. In what areas of the novel can you see examples of Gender Roles being an issue? Take 3 minutes to discuss and come up with examples. Points for consideration – The relationship between Offred and The Commander - The way in which Serena Joy’s place in society differs from that of Offred, what is the significance of this? Does this gap agree with Gilead’s alledged morals?
Themes –The Suppression of Women –The symbolic use of the colour red • The colour red is a constant feature throughout the novel which Attwood uses as a vehicle to explore themes, The Suppression of Desire in particular. • The handmaids wear a red dress on a day to day basis, red being a colour which symbolises a number of things – passion, anger and fertility being a few of them. • It can be seen throughout the novel that red can be seen whenever Offred is suffering from any of the above feelings.
Themes –The Suppression of Women –The symbolic use of the colour red • The dress - • As previously discussed, the dress is worn by the handmaids’ on a daily basis. They have no choice over the matter. With consideration of what red symbolises, why do you think Attwood decided to make the dresses in which the handmaids’ wear red? Take 3 minutes to discuss this within your groups.
Themes –The Suppression of Women –The symbolic use of the colour red • Offred describes red tulips that can be seen from her window in Serena Joy’s garden. What do you think the red tulips represent? Discuss in your groups for 3 minutes. Point for consideration – The gap that can be seen between the two characters as a result of social class and gender roles, why are the tulips red if Serena is of such high class?
Overall Summary • “All my life I’ve been fighting someone else’s war.” • I believe that this quote is a direct link to the overarching theme of The Suppression of Desire. • It can be used to not only describe The Suppression of Desire, but also the different aspects that contribute to Offred coming to this conclusion. For example, the ban on reading, Gender Roles, and the symbolic use of the colour red. • Offred comes to this conclusion as a result of the suppression that she was faced with at the time, she had no choice about whether or not she wished to be a member of this society, yet she still had to fight every day in order to follow the strict rules of society.