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SFUSD Knowledge and Innovation Strategy Education Leadership Case Competition. February 18, 2012. Luke Ahn, Mike Ciccarone, Nikita Kiselev, Jerry Lee. Team intros . Agenda . :: Context :: Knowledge and Innovation Strategy :: Implementation Plan. Context .
SFUSD Knowledge and Innovation StrategyEducation Leadership Case Competition February 18, 2012 Luke Ahn, Mike Ciccarone, Nikita Kiselev, Jerry Lee
Agenda :: Context :: Knowledge and Innovation Strategy :: Implementation Plan
Context SFUSD using 3 years and $45M in SIG funding to build and improve: Common Core Curriculum Achievement for all students SFUSD needs a strategy that empowers stakeholders to innovate; sharing lessons learned and learning from each other. Key considerations are: • Who are relevantstakeholdersand what do theyneed to learn to increase student achievement? • What processes will most effectivelycapture, codify, and disseminate knowledgeto spurinnovation? • How to effectively useconstrained resources,including short-termSIG funding? • How toimplement the strategy and ensureaccountability? Staff Development Knowledge and Innovation Strategy
How to capture and spread innovation? • Identify Actors • Define Learning Needs • Identify Knowledge Sources • Design Processes • Estimate Resource Needs • Implement and Evaluate
Three groups of stakeholders are especially important to advancing student achievement • Identify Actors • Define Learning Needs • Identify Knowledge Sources • Design Processes • Estimate Resource Needs • Implement and Evaluate We have designed a dynamic process to address these critical needs
100 km above the earth 26 teams from 7 nations First private spaceship launched
“ makes the impossible possible” Competition
San Francisco Unified School District Teacher Innovation Contest Fall 2012 Issue 2 October Challenge: Common Core Lesson Plans “What is your best lesson plan tied to the common core standards for your grade level and/or subject area?” Requirements: Submit your lesson plan, clearly indicating the standard it targets and the learning activities to address it. (Find your common core standards and CA state standards at bit.ly/SFUSDresources Prize: Win free admission for your class to the San Francisco Exploratorium. Winning teachers will be featured in next month’s newsletter and in-school “Wall of Fame”. Submit your entry at bit.ly/SFUSDoctchall . Last month’s Challenge: The Data Analysis Challenge “How do you use student data from the SFUSD system to inform your instruction?” “The best part about winning is how proud my students are. In our class, I stress the importance of always asking for help and of helping others learn. Now they know that even their teachers help each other. The classroom library we won is also nice!” Mr. Dos Santos, 3rd Grade Special Ed. Winning Entry: “Student goals and standard mastery tracking spreadsheet” View entry at bit.ly/SFUSDwinner0001 .
For any stakeholder and any need, a contest to help them learn and share innovative ideas, tools, and approaches Knowledge Capture District identifies a key learning need for a group of stakeholders District designs contest to solicit content Stakeholders notified of contest and prize with one month to submit content Stakeholders submit content via a revamped SharePoint site Best content highlighted on SFUSD website and in schools Peer review and district determine winners and curate content Stakeholders working towards student achievement surface new needs Stakeholders learn from peers and modify content for their individual needs Winners get rewarded: classroom resources and prestige Content filed in a user-friendly SharePoint repository Continued Innovation Knowledge Dissemination Knowledge Codification District continually refines process based on stakeholder needs
Participation should be simple and enjoyable, knowledge capture can be low cost Low-cost support tools Description • Solicit ideas for contests from stakeholders • Encourage requests for help and create an overall culture of learning and support Needs identification • Encourage codification in various engaging formats in addition to text: • How-to photo guidelines • Video examples • Submit proposals by multiple channels (email, SharePoint, YouTube, etc.) Best practice codification
Revamped support tools make codification and dissemination inexpensive for SFUSD Low-cost support tools Description • 80% ofscore from district based on: • Potential impact on student achievement • Easiness & readiness for implementation at other schools • Creativity, innovation • 20% of score from peers – voting by teachers, principals, and parent coordinators via free webtools Judging • Disseminate best practices through email and redesigned SharePoint site • Publicize best contributions Sharing • Store best-practice solutions on SharePoint, creating a world class content library Storing
Participation incentivized with rewards: prestige and educational resources for winners Description Tool • Winners get appropriate rewards (donated in-kind by partners): resources for classrooms, team-building luncheons for faculty, parent engagement events Education resources • Beautiful “wall of fame” on the first floor in every school showing names and faces of winners from this and other schools “Wall of fame” in every school Publications in electronic & paper newsletter • Paper and E-newsletter showing pictures and stories of each winner and runner-up sent throughout district Promotion in industry publications • Mentioning of winners and runners-up in SFUSD and industry magazines/newspapers where appropriate In-person recognition by SFUSD and city leadership • Meetings with SF mayor • Meetings & certificates of recognition from SFUSD superintendent
Strategy should be affordable Source: Industry estimates; staff time for prizes assumes $50K/year 4 hr/wk 40 wks/yr; management position benchmarked against SFUSD
Even at low participation rates, strategy has potential to reach many students Note: Based on assumptions about average number of students per school and per class
Risk mitigation • Managing processes • Strategy and processes will not be perfect from the start • Focus on user needs • Continually refine with user’s needs at the center; processes need to align with users existing • Building momentum • Early on, stakeholders may not participate in contests or access winning content • Strategic marketing • Be prepared to focus marketing budget at important groups (e.g. SIG schools) to build early adoption and quick content wins • Funding sustainability • Once SIG funds expire, there may not be room in the budget to continue project • Invest in infrastructure now • Use SIG funds to establish systems, then build system upkeep into existing resources (e.g. IT team)
Knowledge and innovation strategy roll-out Spring 2012 Prepare and pilot Summer 2012 Plan Fall 2012 Launch Spring 2013 Refine • Plan contests for Fall 2012 based on stakeholder needs • Build relationships with local and education businesses for prizes • Create marketing plan for schools • Launch marketing plan in partnership with assistant superintendents so that principals are ready to roll out to schools on day 1 of the new school year • Revamp SharePoint site to be user-centric • Deep dive on learning needs of key stakeholder groups • Create plan to market strategy to principals • Pilot contests in May and June at select schools (potentially rolled out in SIG schools or focused on one specific need district-wide) • Launch one contest per month for each stakeholder group • Publicize revamped SharePoint site and new content repository • Launch one contest per month, focused on building content repository • Strategically use marketing budget to build early adopters • Migrate new content to revamped SharePoint site • Heavily publicize contest winners and success of program to build momentum Initiative $ $$ $$ $$$ Cost
Immediate next steps • On Monday • Schedule conversations with appropriate members of leadership team to discuss potential of strategy (Deputy Superintendent Richard Carranza, Deputy Superintendent Myong Leigh, CTI Matthew Kinzie, Supervisor of Professional Learning Eve Arbogast) • Vet cost feasibility with internal figures and budget • Next week • Convene focus group of teachers, principals, and parent coordinators to assess feasibility of strategy: Would they participate? Would they value this?
Teacher’s Lounge Board Everett Middle School Contest Winner: Best Practice of the Week: How to get a meaningful report out of Data Director -Mr. Ciccarone (N/A) 1 2 3 4 5 (Useful) Notices / Reminders: Parent Coordinator Meeting next Friday (2/24), Dinner Provided